15 August 2024
File Ref: IRC-6530
Chris McCashin
[FYI request #26960 email]
Tēnā koe Mr McCashin
Thank you for your email of 23 May 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wel ington City Council (the
Council) requesting information and for your response to my follow up email dated 14 June 2024.
After refinement, you have requested the fol owing information:
1. Please provide the total number of speedhumps (road hump) installed across Wel ington
2. For the year 2023, include:
Type - watts, flat top, temporary etc etc - just all of the types Number instal ed, cost of
each individual installation Location / street instal ed on Is there also a GIS mapping
system that wil show al of the locations of these?
3. Can you also outline what policy directive this is associated with Can you outline the process
to have these installed - eg consultation steps, resource consent?, consultation with
ratepayers, consultation with emergency services
4. I also understand to instal a speedhump 75% of the residents impacted are required to
support these. Please provide al of the evidence for all of the individual speedhumps showing
that 75% of the people impacted support these.
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act
1987 (LGOIMA). Please see our response below.
Question One
The total number of road humps instal ed across Wel ington we have a record of is 485. The details
we hold have been provided in an Excel spreadsheet attached to this response and covers the time
frame of 1980 to April 2024.
Question Two
The council instal ed 17 road humps in 2023, the details we hold have also been provided in the Excel
spreadsheet attached to this response. The GIS data has been attached as a zip file in shapefile
format in WGS 84, which is compatible with Google Maps.
We do not hold data on the type of road hump installed or the cost of each location as many are
installed as a part of a larger project. Therefore, this portion of your request has been refused under
section 17(e) of the Act, as the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist
or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it, cannot be found.
We record costs where road humps have been installed as a stand-alone piece. These are done
under the minor works programme. Please see the costs for the below locations:
Wright Street Traffic
Dec 2023
Outside House No-
Kenya Street at Crofton
April 2023
Speed Hump
Near Ngaio Union
Question Three
The purpose of road humps is generally to improve pedestrian safety, reduce vehicle speeds to
increase safety for al users, and create a safer environment for people in cars and bikes to share the
lane, where bike lanes aren’t provided on the bike network. This aligns with NZTA Waka Kotahi
guidance on pedestrian facilities.
An example is through town centres, where we have chosen to retain parking for businesses in a
30kph area, but we need to bring vehicle speeds down to the legal speed limit for it to be safe for
sharing the lane.
Often road humps are consulted on as a part of a wider project, sometimes through the traffic
resolution process or targeted engagement with the impacted residents. Our City Design team
regularly meets with emergency services representatives to discuss projects and receive feedback.
A resource consent is not required to install road humps.
Question Four
The Council does not have a policy that requires 75% of the residents impacted to support the
installation of speed bumps. Therefore, this section of the request is refused under section 17(g)(i) of
the Act, that the information requested is not held by the local authority and the person dealing with
the request has no grounds for believing that the information is held by another local authority or a
department or Minister of the Crown or organisation.
You have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(1) of the LGOIMA, to request an
investigation and review of the Council’s decision to withhold information by the Ombudsman.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you require further information, please contact
[email address].
Nāku noa, nā
Chelsea McHugh
Senior Advisor Of icial Information
Complaints & Information Assurance
Wellington City Council
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