This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Accessing Alternative Dispute Resolution Services and related documents'.

22 July 2024 
[FYI request #26953 email]  
Kia ora Anon 
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-032589 
Thank you for your request of 23 May 2024, asking for information under the Official Information Act 1982 
(the Act): 
1.  Request 1: Please provide the internal rules, policies, guidelines, or other documents which include 
ACC's definition of mediation, conciliation, or facilitation. My preference would be for ACC to add 
those definitions to ACC's ADR web-page, with a link to the document; however, if ACC is unwilling, 
then please provide them through
2.  Request 2: Please provide copies of agreement contracts provided to claimants prior to engaging in 
mediation, conciliation, or facilitation. 
3.  Request 3. Please provide a list of ACC contracted mediators, facilitators, and conciliators that 
Claimant's may contact directly to start the ADR process. 
4.  Request 4. Please provide copies of the contracts with ACC contracted mediators, conciliators, and 
5.  Request 5. Are there restrictions to who may provide mediation, conciliation, or facilitation? For 
instance, must the mediator, conciliator or facilitator be contracted to ACC? If so, please provide the 
internal rules, policies, processes, guidelines, or other documents, which detail the restrictions on 
who may provide ADR for claimants.
6.  Request 6. Are there any restrictions as to how a Claimant may start the ADR process (mediation, 
conciliation, or facilitation), and obtain information from the mediator, conciliator, or facilitator 
about the process, which ACC describes as "Step 1" of the ADR process?
7.  Request 7. If there are restrictions as to how a Claimant starts the ADR process (mediation, 
conciliation, or facilitation), please provide policies, rules, processes, guidelines and other 
documents about how and when a Claimant may start step 1 of the ADR process, to have a 
discussion with the mediator, conciliator, or facilitator, who is (a) contracted to ACC, and (b) not 
contracted with ACC.
8.  Request 8: If Claimant's who have a dispute with ACC are not permitted to start the ADR process by 
contacting the mediator, conciliator or facilitator directly - as indicated in Step 1 of the ADR process 
- then please provide the steps ACC employees must take after receiving a request from a Claimant 
for mediation, conciliation, or facilitation. This would include all rules, guidelines, processes and 
policies, which must be consistent with the Code (taking into consideration the Claimant's views, 
treating them fairly, and with respect, rights 1-2), for the access to ADR.
9.  Request 9: Please provide the internal rules, policies, processes, guidelines and other documents, 
pertaining to the definition of "party" or "parties", and who Claimant's should expect to be present 
during Steps 2 and 3 of ADR.
10. Request 10: If a Claimant seeks ADR, who should the claimant expect to be present as the 
representative of ACC in mediation, conciliation or facilitation? Would this be the decision maker 
that made the decision that is in dispute, or some other person who was unrelated to the decision 
making, such as a resolution specialist, or someone who is not a party in the matter, such as 
external legal counsel?
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Our response 
I refer to ACC’s letter to you dated 2 July 2024 asking for your full name, confirmation of your identity and 
the reasons for your request. To date, we have not received a response to our letter. 
You had declined to provide the further information ACC requested because you did not consider ACC was 
entitled to ask for it. Since 5 July you have still not provided the information sought. 
For the reasons set out below, ACC is declining your request: 
•  ACC has recently received a large number of apparently closely related official information requests 
that also appear to be made by or on behalf of the same person. At least 20 requests were made 
from your account on to ACC in a short timeframe (between May and July 2024). Many 
of these were about the same topics. Other requests written in the same way, about the same 
topics as your requests, and sent around the same time, have been made from other anonymous 
FYI accounts. In total, there were at least 40 requests made to ACC in a short timeframe.   
•  These information requests require considerable expense and effort for ACC to respond to. ACC 
estimates that it is currently allocating more than the equivalent of one full time employee to 
respond to each of these requests separately, despite the fact that they seem closely related. It 
would likely require even more expense and effort to produce all of the information sought in each 
of these requests.  
•  This request seems to be one of these 40 related requests. Because you have not provided ACC 
with information asked for to confirm whether your request is one of many related requests, ACC 
has decided that your request is probably one of these many related requests. 
•  The way that you, or people acting for you, appear to have asked for a wide range of information in 
many separate requests rather than include all questions in one request, interferes with ACC’s 
ability to determine whether and how it might be able to apply various provisions of the Official 
information Act to deal with your requests. Those provisions relate to whether the requests taken 
as a whole require substantial collation or research so as to:  
o  allow ACC to decline some or all of the requests under s18(f) of the Act;  
o  consider combining your request with any other requests made by you under s18A(2) of 
the Act; 
o  fully to consider fixing a charge for providing the documents concerned under s15 and 
s18A(1) of the Act.  
•  Because your request appears to be part of a wider course of conduct making numerous official 
information requests in a way that prevents ACC from applying the parts of the Official Information 
Act that protect agencies from being put to unreasonable effort and expense in responding to 
official information requests, ACC considers that your request is frivolous or vexatious in terms of 
s18(h) of the Act. 
•  Your entire request is therefore refused. 
ACC sought the same information from each of the requestors in as many of the related requests as it has 
been able to identify and has not received information from any of them to allow it to work out how to 
consider and respond to the requests in the way required by the Act. 
If ACC is wrong and your request is not one among many related requests then please let me know 
urgently, or if you prefer, take the issue to the Ombudsman via [email address] or by 
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phoning 0800 802 602. Information about how to make a complaint is available at 
Ngā mihi 
Christopher Johnston 
Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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