This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Kiri Allan testing times'.

2 June 2024 
[FYI request #26946 email] 
Dear James 
Request for information 
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request received by Police on 22 May 2024, in 
which you asked for information about the incident police attended in Evans Bay Parade, Wel ington 
on 23 July 2023.  
Please find below a response to each part of your request. 
The exact time of the initial breath test being administered to Kiri Al an at the scene where 
she was found by Police officers on July 23rd, 2023, resulting in a recording of 400mcg. 
The initial breath screen test was administered at 9.32pm. 
The exact time the patrol car with Kiri Al an inside left the scene. 
The patrol car with Ms Al an inside left the scene at 10.03pm. 
The exact time the officers notified control they were returning to base.  
The patrol officers notified the Police Communications Centre they were returning at 10.03pm. 
Please provide the route the patrol car took to return to base. 
The patrol car travelled along Oriental Parade to Wakefield Street, onto Jervois Quay and into Harris 
Street.  The exact time the patrol car with Kiri Alan arrived back at base. 
The patrol car arrived back at base at 10.15pm. 
The exact time Kiri Al an was evidentially breath-tested resulting in a reading of 335mcg. 
The evidential breath test was recorded at 11.43pm. 
I trust this response satisfies your request. 
Yours sincerely, 
Nicholas Thom 
Relieving District Commander: Wellington