This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'High School for Kumeu Area, Auckland'.

Kirsten Hartley  
[FYI request #26912 email]  
Tēnā koe Kirsten 
OIA: 1330754 – Massey High School classrooms 
Thank you for your email of 12 June 2024 to the Ministry of Education (the Ministry) requesting the 
following information:  
My daughter currently attends Massey High, she has advised that ALL classrooms in D 
block are still being used, the school has no option but to use these classrooms as there 
simply isn’t enough classrooms for everyone.  
[1It will be wonderful to have D block 
renovated please advise timeline for this to happen? 

Classroom numbers, I am hearing that some classes now have 35-40 students in certain 
classes.  I believe this number is far to high and does not allow either staff or students to be 
taught effectively.  You say that Massey High is only temporarily at capacity, however when 
I Hear classroom numbers of this size I believe this is a bigger problem which needs to be 
address.  Please advise what is being done to give the school 
[2additional teaching staff 
[3] classrooms to allow our children to get a really good education? 
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Please note 
that we have numbered your questions for ease of reference, as noted above.  
In response to part one of your request, no firm timeline is yet set, and in consideration of likely 
design and construction activities it is unlikely that D block will be back in operation for at least 
another 18 months. We note that some of the work related to the refurbishment will need to occur 
outside of school terms to mitigate risk and disruption to students and staff.  
In response to part two of your request, regarding classroom sizes, it is important to note that 
schools are responsible for managing the number of students in a classroom. Schools can choose 
how they utilise available space to deliver the curriculum, such as by combining smaller classes 
into a larger class. Where this occurs on a long-term basis sufficient teacher resource to cater to 
the size of the classroom should be maintained. Further information on teaching entitlement ratios 
can be found on our website here:
Massey High School (MHS) is currently being staffed on its confirmed roll of 1555 students. If a 
school’s roll has continued to increase, then the school can submit a Staffing Roll Change Request 
Auckland Office, Level 3, 12-18 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024 
Private Bag 92644, Symonds Street, Auckland 1149 Phone: +64 9 632 9400  

application to the Ministry to receive additional staffing. We have not received any application from 
MHS (as of 25 June 2024) to provide additional resourcing. 
In response to part three of your request, the Ministry can confirm that we have funded four short-
term classrooms to assist with in-zone roll growth pressures at MHS. The Ministry met with MHS in 
June 2024 to discuss potential locations, which are to be finalised and progressed. We intend to 
have the four classrooms delivered and operational by the beginning of term one, 2025. Future 
growth is planned for the school and will be prioritised alongside other investments for schools 
across the country. 
Please note, we may publish this response on our website after five working days. Your name and 
contact details will be removed. 
Thank you again for your email.  
Nāku noa, nā 
Sam Fowler 
Head of Property 
Te Pou Hanganga, Matihiko | Infrastructure and Digital 
OIA: 1330754