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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Information Technology and
Services Acceptable Use Policy
On this page
Last reviewed: October 2019
Next review: October 2021
Owner: Manager Customer Services, FPT
The purpose of this policy is to ensure all Department of Corrections’ data, information,
systems and technology, is obtained, purchased and used in the correct way and for the
appropriate reason. This Policy merges, and replaces, both the former IT Acceptable
Use Policy and the Mobile Phone Policy.
This policy aligns with the Department’s values and guiding principles of:
Rangatira – Leadership; Manaaki – Respect; Wairua – Spirituality; Kaitiaki –
Guardianship; and Whānāu – Relationships
Complying with the law and legislation
Ensuring a healthy, safe and secure environment
Being a good employer, and
Acting in the Spirit of Service.
This policy applies to all users of Information Technology Services at Corrections.
This policy applies to all Information Technology Services irrespective of whether they
are free or paid for. Information Technology Services include:
So ware
So ware as a Service
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Hosting Services
Key Principles
1. All Staff must use information technology services assigned or allocated to them
for work related activities following the Department’s Employment Code of
Conduct at all times.
2. Department of Corrections information technology services are available to
approved users only. Some Department of Corrections’ information technology
services are licence-based and may only be available in limited numbers or at an
extra cost. All users must gain approval from their direct manager before
requesting or use of any information technology services. Requests for
provisioning of technology should be directed to the IT Service Desk clearly stating
the work needs.
3. All information technology services, websites, all hosting services including all
cloud as-a-service technology must be purchased via IT to ensure;
a. Appropriate approval,
b. The technology meets both Government Chief Digital Officer and Corrections
c. The information technology service is maintained and supported adequately.
4. Storing of Departmental information on external websites, all hosting services and
cloud as-a-service technology is not allowed without the Department’s Chief
Digital Officer’s approval.
5. Use of non-Department managed devices or unauthorised so ware (including
cloud services) for storing Department information is not allowed without the
Department’s Chief Digital Officer’s approval.
6. Specialist staff may be granted permission to utilise specialised so ware
(including cloud services) and gain access to social media and social networking
sites for their specialist job roles using a secure and approved technical
environment. These people should be formally granted permission in writing and
adhere to the specific so ware operational guidelines at all times.
7. All staff are permitted to access approved cloud services. Accessing publicly
available services for work purposes should be done only from a Departm
managed device for that purpose. A list of IT Security approved so ware an
directions for use can be found at IT Security Guidelines on Tātou.
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
8. Staff are given the system access required to do their jobs when operating
Department provided equipment. Administrator rights are granted only to
authorised support personnel. Users should seek IT assistance for installing new
applications following the standard approval process.
9. All staff are responsible for user accounts assigned to them. Staff must use only
their own unique ID and password to access the Department provided technology.
Staff must never share their login details with others.
10. Only authorised IT technology is permitted to be connected to the Department’s
network(s) and systems.
11. All departmental data, irrespective of type or format remains the property of the
Department and as such will be available for scrutiny at any time. In addition,
Department data is subject to this and other departmental policies, regardless of
the ownership of the device. Departmental data should be protected at all times.
All staff should take reasonable measures both collectively and individually to
make sure adequate controls to maintain confidentiality are in place and all
breaches are reported.
12. Corrections business systems or business related information the Department
owns or has access to e.g. IOMS, COBRA, and SAP may only be accessed for
appropriate business purposes that relates to a user’s role. Accessing information
or systems without good reason is prohibited.
13. Reasonable personal access to non-Corrections systems (e.g. Internet browsing
and email) using a Corrections network or a Corrections device is permitted.
However, it should be kept to a minimum and mus
Official t not impact the Department’s
normal business operations, incur any extra cost to the Department, put any
Departmental data at risk of unauthorised access, or damage organisational
reputation. The Department reserves the right to recover any mobility costs from
staff who have incurred costs of a personal nature that are considered excessive,
(more than incidental to business use), refer to Sensitive Expenditure Policy.
14. Departmental equipment or services must never be used to threaten or harass
other users, conduct unsolicited mass e-mail promotional campaigns (spam) for
commercial or profit-making, or viewing objectionable or illegal material as
mandated by the Department of Internal Affairs guidelines
15. Staff must avoid unauthorised modifications to technology (such as installing
so ware or changing critical settings) that would potentially compromise the
security of data or bring the Department into disrepute. Network scans, attacks
and deliberate compromises of Department systems and information are st
16. Department managed devices may require IT to wipe the device to ensure the
security of Department information. Limited storing of personal information is
allowed on non-critical devices (such as desktops, laptops and mobile phones)
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
however staff may lose their personal data when a Corrections device is wiped or
replaced as part of a Corrections management of that device.
17. Technology issued to individuals by the Department remains the property of the
Department and must be returned when requested. All technology should be
brought on site for relocation or secure disposal when no longer required.
18. IT equipment is generally assigned to a staff member or contractor while working
with the Department. It is the prime user’s responsibility to ensure that the device
is connected regularly (at least monthly) to the Department’s networks to allow for
regular so ware and firmware updates.
19. Only approved personnel are authorised to publish Department information in
online communication channels (such as social media sites and blogs). No
Departmental information should be published online from any device without
written authorisation. Departmental staff should not respond to, or become
involved in social media exchanges with people in our care or their friends and
associates without approval and the use of appropriate equipment.
20. All staff who remotely access Department information from outside their work
place must take reasonable steps to protect the information including checking
the environment and using up-to-date systems. Viewing or working with
information on Corrections systems, outside Corrections sites (e.g., using mobile
device on a train or in a café) carries risks of that information being viewed by non-
corrections staff. Take reasonable steps to keep that information safe. This could
include placing yourself to avoid someone looking over your shoulder, and
ensuring your assigned devices is kept up to date.
21. All parties operating mobile devices with Department data must take all
reasonable steps to prevent the or unauthorised access to the equipment. Lost or
stolen devices should be reported immediately to the IT Service Desk.
22. All users must report activities that violate this policy immediately to the IT Service
Related Departmental Policies and
Policy / Procedur
e Relevance
Code of Conduct
Describes the principles we operate by – the principles
enable us to make a positive difference.
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
IT Security Policy
Defines the IT security requirements that will allow us to
prevent, to the best of our ability, threats to the security of
our IT assets from being realised, and mitigate as many risks
and areas of vulnerability as possible and practicable
Information Security
Captures the high level information security requirements
that will allow us to protect our information assets and
capture the responsibilities of the different roles involved in1982
information security
Certification &
Defines the security risk management requirements that will
Accreditation Policy
allow us to effectively certify and accredit the initial use of IT
systems and services, and periodically reassess these IT
systems and services to ensure they continue to meet the
Department’s standards and Government’s expectations
Social Media Policy
Provides guidance for, and sets out the obligations of, users
using social media both as a representative of the
organisation and in a personal capacity.
Creating Good
Provides guidance to ensure security access to technology is
Passwords &
by authorised users only
Safe Driving and Use
Provides guidance for the use of mobile devices in vehicles
of Departmental
Vehicles Policy
IT Mobile Plans and
Provides information and costs for approved technology
Price List
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Mobile International
Provides guidance, and options for staff to enable, on mobile
Travel Bundles
devices before travelling overseas on business.
Guide PDF, 545.7 KB
Provides guidance on departmental expenditure that may be
Expenditure Policy
for personal use that may be considered more than
incidental to business use.
Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities
Person /
Ensure they receive and complete training as required on
how to use technology safely and securely
Carry out requests from the Departmental IT team. This may
include but is not limited to, stopping streaming audio or
video, downloading of data or logging off the network
Take care to protect the Department’s technology systems
and devices fr
the om misuse, loss, the , other security breach or
Immediately report any breach of this Policy to your Manager
such as, inappropriate use of technology systems, misuse of
Department’s information or inappropriate material found or
Accept that use of the department’s devices may incur usage
costs, (e.g. Mobile Devices); these costs are the responsibility
of the Cost Centre Manager. However usage and resulting
Released costs considered excessive may be recovered from the staff
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Person /
Managers of
Promote compliant use of technology,
Accountable for devices allocated to users – this includes
being able to locate devices.
Ensure timely return of any Department technology from 1982
users where the device is no longer required.
Ensure staff are provided appropriate training and support as
required on how to use technology safely and securely
Cost Centre managers review usage costs and where
excessive take appropriate action.
ensure appropriate disciplinary action for reported breaches
Manager IT
Accountable for:
Security &
Setting technology security standards to reduce exposing the
Department to any unauthorised access, data loss and/or
disclosure of technology
Reviewing and ensuring new and current Technology meets
security standards
Monitoring and A
This policy will be monitored by the Chief Digital Officer for effectiveness and for
Measures o
f Success
Measure of success will be measured by the number connections where
1. inappropriate or unacceptable content has been accessed, or,
2. Individual usage is higher than normal without reasonable justification.
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Compliance Management
The following compliance management tools and processes will be used to help ensure
compliance with this policy and related procedures, minimise the risk of breaches and
identify trends and risks so that they can be managed appropriately:
Managers are responsible for the appropriate use of technology by their staff and
will receive reports from IT to help ensure that appropriate technology is allocated,
use of technology is appropriate and costs incurred are correct
Blocking access to websites, whitelisting applications, forcing document
classification and compliance to password rules, and removing access to, or
applications on, devices which result in a breach of this policy
Providing information and reminders to staff about this policy, and their
obligations, in order to deter inappropriate use of IT exposing security risks or
compromising the Department’s data and systems
Tools such as checklists or online modules to help inform staff and managers of
their obligations
Reporting is provided on the following basis:
A standard (existing) report of usage is sent to cost centre managers.
Exceptional report of atypical use is sent on a case by case basis.
Related Legislation and Regulations
The following legislation creates or contains legal obligations applying to the
Department, relating to using, retaining and disposing of information lawfully and
Privacy Act 1993
Official Information Act 1982
Copyright Act 1994
Public Records Act 2005
Health Practitioners Assurance Act – (regulations re the security of clinical
information within the Department)
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Department of Corrections Code of Conduct
All individuals granted access to Department of Corrections
technology, including, but not limited to, employees (permanent,
fixed-term and casual), secondees, consultants, contractors,
service providers and volunteers
For the purposes of this policy ‘technology’ refers to any device,
so ware application or system, which includes departmental
networks, wireless, cellular and cloud services, used to produce,
access, process, store or communicate data and information. This
includes mobile phones and other devices such as tablets.
All Department owned information that is stored on Department of
Corrections’ or privately owned hardware, including mobile
devices, so ware and systems regardless of ownership.
Information, Communications and T
Official echnology
Information Technology Services include, but may not be limited
So ware
Hardware, mobile and fixed
So ware as a Service
Hosting Services
Any use for a business purpose.
Non business use (private use has to be reasonable and
responsible use which;
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Information Technology and Services Acceptable Use Policy
Is consistent with the Department’s values, integrity
principles and Code of Conduct
Does not impact on technology performance, speed or
availability of systems and data
Does not involve media streaming unless it is work related
Does not result in unnecessary costs to the Department
Does not involve excessive storage of personal material
Does not include objectionable or offensive material.Act
In appropriate
Inappropriate material is strictly prohibited.
Examples of inappropriate material (unsuitable or improper)
personal material include but are not limited to:
Comments that are pejorative, knowingly inaccurate,
unsubstantiated, discriminatory or defamatory.
Copyright breaches
Material that is sexually explicit, racist, offensive or abusive
Last Published: 18.10.2019 | By: Chaitali Patel | Content owner: -
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