This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'PC50 Rural Information'.

Form 5 
Submission on notified proposal for plan change 
Clause 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991 
To: Upper Hutt City Council 
Name of submitter: Guildford Timber Company Limited, Silverstream Forest Limited and 
the Goodwin Estate Trust 
This is a submission on the following plan change proposed to the Operative District Plan for 
Upper Hutt (the proposal): 
• Proposed Plan Change 50 (PC50)
The submitters could not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission. 
The specific provisions of the proposal that the submission relates to are: 
• The failure to include land owned by the Guildford Timber Company Limited,
Silverstream Forest Limited and the Goodwin Estate Trust in the review of rural 
zones undertaken as part of PC50; 
• The need to rezone parts of the Guildford Timber Company, Silverstream Forrest
Limited and the Goodwin Estate Trust’s land to General Residential or Rural 
Lifestyle (including a new special Precinct for land adjoining Avro Road) to allow the 
planned use and development of the submitter’s land; and 
• The need to include a number of minor amendments to the Rural Lifestyle Zone to
allow for planned use and development in the proposed new Avro Road Precinct. 
The submitters support the rezoning of some of its land to Rural Lifestyle included in PC50. 
We seek the following decision from the Upper Hutt City Council: 
Refer to submission attached. 
As this is a rezone request the submitters requests that the Council take active steps to draw 
this submission to the attention of all persons who may consider themselves adversely 
affected by the relief sought in this submission to ensure that they are aware of the rezoning 
request as part of Plan Change 50 and that they have had sufficient opportunity to file a 
further submission if they so wish. The Submitter is prepared to work with Council Officers 
to ensure this is achieved. 
We wish to be heard in support of our submission. 

Person authorised to sign 
on behalf of Guildford Timber Company Limited, Silverstream Forest Limited and Goodwin 
Estate Trust 
Date: 17 November 2023 
Electronic address for service of submitters: s7(2)(a)
Telephone: s7(2)(a)
Contact person: Chris Hansen, RMA Planning Consultant 


Submission on notified Proposed Plan Change 50 (PC50) 
The following submission is on behalf of the Guildford Timber Company Limited, 
Silverstream Forests Ltd, and the Goodwin Estate Trust (submitters) who own land in 
Pinehaven/Silverstream, Upper Hutt.  The land the subject of this submission is currently 
zoned General Rural in the Operative District Plan and therefore is able to be considered by 
Proposed Plan Change 50 (PC50). 
There are also a small number of lots owned by the submitters that PC50 rezones as Rural 
Residential, as identified on the Map 1 in Appendix A, and the submitters support the 
rezoning of those lots. 
The Guildford Timber Company Limited is a family-owned company that was established in 
1926. It has a 90+ year history and association with Upper Hutt and with Pinehaven and 
Silverstream.  The submitters own approximately 330ha of land in the Silverstream/ 
Pinehaven area that is held in multiple titles (refer to Map 1 in Appendix A). Its land 
comprises the steeper slopes surrounding existing residential areas, and the rolling ridges 
around the southern and eastern sides of the Pinehaven Valley, extending over into Blue 
Since 1928 the land has primarily been used as a commercial pine plantation. The submitters 
have called its forestry operation Silverstream Forest Ltd.  Large areas of this mature 
production forest (pines) is due to be harvested in the short-medium term. 
The submitters intend to develop parts of its land for residential and mixed-use activities as a 
post-harvest use of the land.  The submitters have been working towards the transitioning 
from forestry land to residential and mixed-use development with the Upper Hutt City 
Council (UHCC) for almost two decades (as outlined below in this submission). 
PC50 does not in its current form include provisions that enable parts of the submitter’s land 
to be used for residential and mixed-use activities as planned by the submitters working with 
the UHCC.  The purpose of this submission is to address this lack of provision to develop the 
submitter’s land.  The submitters therefore oppose PC50 in its current form. 
Planning Context 
UHCC initial introduced PC50 in September 2020 and intended to review the residential and 
rural provisions of the Operative District Plan, as part of a rolling plan review process.  
Subsequent to seeking community input on PC50, the Government introduced through the 
National Policy Statement – Urban development (NPS-UD) compulsory rules and standards 
for residential subdivision and development (Medium Density Residential Standards known 
as MDRS) and required Council to incorporate these provisions into the district plan by a set 
timeframe.  As a result, UHCC proceeded with the residential review of provisions through 


an Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) as one part of PC50 (with a Decision on this part 
of PC50 due shortly), and delayed the rural review of provisions part of PC50 until October 
The following other planning instruments are relevant to this submission: 
•  National Policy Statement – Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD) - a key Objective of 
the NPS-UD is to ensure New Zealand has well-functioning urban environments that 
enable all people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural 
wellbeing, and for their health and safety, now and into the future.  Regional and district 
plans are required to implement this objective. 
•  Wellington Regional Growth Framework 2021 and draft Future Development Strategy 
(FDS) 2023 – the submitter’s land was previously included as a Southern Growth Area 
in Wellington Regional Future Growth Framework (2021).  However, the draft FDS1 
(PPC1 to the Natural Resources Plan) does not include the submitter’s land as a Future 
Growth  Area.    The  submitters  have  filed  a  submission2  to  GRWC  seeking  the 
reinstatement of its land as a Future Growth Area as included in the previous Regional 
Growth Strategy, Upper Hutt City Council has supported this submission.   
•  UHCC Land Use Strategy 2016 – 2043 (LUS) - the submitter’s land is identified in the 
Council’s LUS as the Southern Growth Area. 
•  UHCC  Long  Term  Plan  2021  -  2031  (LTP)  (adopted  2022)  the  submitter’s  land  is 
identified in the Council’s LTP as the Southern Growth Area and is recognised and 
accounted for in the planning for public infrastructure upgrades for growth planning 
purposes.  In particular: 
o  Silverstream bridge replacement being required due to growth in central Upper Hutt 
and the southern growth zone. Infrastructure upgrades to the bridge was planned for 
years 4-10. 
o  Pinehaven reservoir upgrades for water supply were required for growth in years 
Both of these investments require significant capital investment but have been planned 
for in the LTP and planned to allow for medium term growth. 
•  UHCC  Plan  Change  43  (stormwater/  flooding)  and  associated  works,  and  Proposed 
Plan Change 49, Variation 1 to provide to infrastructure and services (discussed further 
1 Wairarapa – Wellington – Horowhenua Future Development Strategy; September 2023 
2 Submissions closed Thursday 9 November 


Brief History of Planning for the Use and Development of the Land 
The submitter’s have worked with UHCC to plan for residential and mixed use development 
of  part  of  their  land  known  as  the  Southern  Growth  Area  since  2007  and  this  planning  is 
reflected in the various planning instruments discussed above that anticipate future residential 
and mixed use activities on the land.  The submitter’s have a vision for the development being: 
To  provide  a  quality  residential  development  that  meets  best  practice  urban  design 
standards and delivers on the wider community needs in Pinehaven and Silverstream 
through  provision  of  housing  and  allowing  submarginal  rural  land  to  be  either 
replanted for ecological restoration and improve parks and reserve assets.  

This  vision  is  driven  by  providing  walkable  village  hubs  with  compact  and  well-designed 
housing  and  community  spaces.    Important  ecological  areas  are  identified  and  enhanced, 
infrastructure including roading and 3 waters provided, and stormwater and flooding managed 
to achieve hydraulic neutrality on the land.   
The submitter’s land has been through two masterplan processes first in 2007 and more recently 
in  2021  –  the  Silverstream  Forest  Masterplan.    It  has  also  been  the  subject  of  a  joint 
Infrastructure Accelerator Fund application with UHCC in 2020 which included assessments 
for all required infrastructure and demonstrated that the land could be serviced.  
Planning for infrastructure to support the submitters has been undertaken at a plan level by 
UHCC  via  Plan  Change  43  (stormwater/  flooding)  and  associated  works,  Proposed  Plan 
Change  49,  Variation  1  to  provide  to  infrastructure  and  services  (roading  access,  utilities, 
network utilities and water reservoirs for the Southern Growth Area and provision for growth 
related infrastructure (water reservoir and Silverstream bridge upgrade) including expenditure 
for this infrastructure in the UHCC LTCP 2021-2035 (adopted in 2022).  
It proposed development would provide a significant number of additional dwellings of up to 
1600 households, of varying typologies, and considerable testing has been undertaken in the 
concept  plan  to  confirm  whether  affordable  housing  could  be  provided  within  each  of  the 
village hubs proposed in the growth area which are high quality and meet good urban design 
The land sits between Silverstream and Upper Hutt City’s existing urban areas and is able to 
be  well  connected  with  commuter  cycling  connections,  connections  to  the  Silverstream 
Railway  Station  and  provision  of  recreational  tracks  for  all  residents  through  the  area.  The 
proposed development would focus on urban form and street design around public transport 
nodes and further strength economic activity within the Silverstream Town Centre, meeting 
the FDS prioritised Development Area assessment criteria.  
The submitters cannot understand why their land, which has previously been identified as a 
future growth area and has had significant investigations for its future use and development (as 
outlined above), was not included as part of the current rural zoning review undertaken as part 
of PC50, particularly as the land has been recognised by Council as the Southern Growth Area 


in previous Council documents (as discussed above).  The submitters have invested significant 
time and money on expert assessments to date to support the rezone.  The submitters consider 
this a major oversight that needs to be rectified by Council through this submission.   
The submitters note that PC50 changes the zoning of a number of properties from General 
Rural to General Residential, and from General Rural to Rural Lifestyle.3   
The submitters have demonstrated the suitability of its land for residential and mixed use 
activities through the extensive planning undertaken since 2007, and the significant economic 
and social benefits to the wider community, including affordable housing, recreational 
opportunities, and ecological enhancement of important areas.  The summary of this work 
was provided in the Framework Document for the submitters4 which is publicly available.  
The technical reports that underpinned this work included: 
•  Transport Modelling 
•  Electricity supply 
•  Stormwater 
•  Wastewater and water supply and other services 
•  Reverse sensitivity assessments 
•  Ecology 
•  Feasibility cost estimates 
•  Urban design 
•  RMA planning 
•  Consultation with relevant stakeholders and the wider community 
The submitters consider it is appropriate based on the planning history of its land for the 
following rezoning approach to be incorporated into the District Plan through PC50.  The 
Masterplan identifies four distinct areas that will allow for the future use and development of 
its land as shown on Map 1 included in Appendix A and described further below.  The 
submitters propose the following planning approach to each of these four areas: 
Ridgeline Areas  
Ridgeline Areas have been identified in the submitter’s development planning for ‘village 
hubs’ that provide for residential and mixed use activities linked by road and 3 waters 
infrastructure.  These areas are shown as yellow cross-hatched on Map 1 in Appendix A.  The 
submitters propose the Ridgeline Areas be rezoned from General Rural to General 
Residential and be subject to the MDRS provisions incorporated into the district plan through 
the IPI component of PC50.   
Small Rural Lifestyle Areas adjoining Blue Mountains Road 
There are a number of small lots near to and adjoining Blue Mountains Road and the 
submitters propose these areas be rezoned from General Rural to Rural Lifestyle.  These 
areas are shown as brown cross-hatched on Map 1 in Appendix A and are outside of the area 
3 Appendix 1 to the s.32 Evaluation Report; October 2023 
4 guildford-timber-company-framework-document-2007.pdf ( 


covered by the 2021 Silverstream Forest Masterplan.  Rezoning these lots to Rural Lifestyle 
is consistent with the existing pattern of rural residential land use within the existing General 
Rural Zone along the Blue Mountains Road, and is consistent with the pattern of 
development along Avro Road where PC50 changes the zoning of similar sites from General 
Rural to Residential Lifestyle.   
The submitter’s support the rezoning of the remainder of the small lots adjoining Blue 
Mountains Road (shown on Map 1 in Appendix A) as proposed in PC50. 
Large Lifestyle Area adjoining Avro Road 
A larger area currently zoned General Rural adjoins Avro Road as shown orange cross-
hatched on Map 1 in Appendix A.   The submitters propose this area be rezoned Rural 
Lifestyle and be subject to the provisions of a new Avro Road Precinct.  The purpose of this 
new Precinct is to provide a gateway to the southern end of the new use and development and 
to provide a lower level of residential density than proposed in the General Residential Zone 
in the Ridgeline Areas to transition to the adjoining Rural Lifestyle Zone.  The new Precinct 
also and adjoins land identified as having important ecological values.    
While the detail of the new Avro Road Precinct have yet to be developed, it is proposed the 
residential activity would be a cluster development with a maximum of 12 dwellings per 
hectare.  This housing typology would be planned and designed to fit into the landscape 
surrounding the new Precinct. 
Bespoke provisions will be prepared for this new Avro Road Precinct and provided to the 
hearings, that would include (but not limited to):  
•  A new subdivision objective and policy specific to the Avro Road Precinct;  
•  Inclusion in the subdivision standards for restricted discretionary activities that will 
set minimum allotment sizes and the maximum number of lots for subdivision in the 
Avro Road Precinct;  
•  New rules in the Rural Lifestyle Zone providing for the cluster residential activity 
with a maximum of 12 dwellings per hectare as a restricted discretionary activity;  
•  Exemption from the traffic generation requirements for the Rural Lifestyle Zone 
included in TP-S9; 
•  Other consequential amendments that may be required to enable the proposed use and 
development in the Avro Road Precinct. 
The submitter’s have considered the appropriateness of seeking Avro Street land be rezoned 
Settlement Zone with amendments to allow the cluster housing development proposed.  
However, the submitters consider the purpose or provisions of the Settlement Zone intends 
the residential typology proposed.  Notwithstanding this, the submitter’s are open to 
discussing alternative planning mechanisms for achieving the outcomes sought for the Avro 
Road land if a Precinct approach is not accepted.. 
Remainder of the Site 
The remainder of the submitter’s land is a mix of some production forestry, identified 
important ecological values and areas of high recreational value to the wider community as 


shown green on Map 1 in Appendix A.  The submitters propose to retained this area in the 
General Rural Zone. 
The submitters will provide the following information to the hearing to support the above 
-  Technical Reports assessing the effects associated with the rezoning and the new 
Avro Road Precinct proposed above: 
o  Traffic and Transportation.  
o  Landscape/visual effects. 
o  Ecological effects. 
o  Archaeological effects. 
o  Stormwater and flood hazard. 
o  Geological. 
o  Infrastructure – servicing/earthworks.  
o  Economic. 
o  Urban design. 
o  Reverse sensitivity effects from the landfill. 
o  Cultural effects.  
o  S32A Evaluation.  
-  Detail regarding the residential and mixed use development proposed in the Ridgeline 
Areas to be rezoned General Residential; 
-  Detail regarding the type of residential development proposed in the small Rural 
Lifestyle Zone with access to Blue Mountains Road; 
-  Detail regarding the bespoke provisions to be included in the Avro Road Precinct in 
the larger Rural Lifestyle Zone adjoining Avro Road. 
Decision Sought 
The submitters seek Council to incorporate the following approach to rezone its land at 
Pinehaven/Silverstream in PC50: 
1.  The Ridgeline Areas of the submitter’s land identified on Map 1 in Appendix A 
suitable for residential and mixed use activities be rezoned General Residential: 
2.  The Small Rural Lifestyle Areas of the submitter’s land near and adjoining Blue 
Mountains Road identified on Map 1 in Appendix A be rezoned from Rural Lifestyle; 
3.  The rezoning of the remainder of small lots adjoining the Blue Mountains Road to 
Rural Lifestyle proposed in PC50 be adopted; 
4.  The larger Rural Lifestyle Area adjoining Avro Road identified on Map 1 in 
Appendix A be rezoned Rural Lifestyle and be subject to the provisions of a new 
Avro Road Precinct as outlined above;  
5.  Consequential amendments to the relevant District Planning Maps to include the 
above rezoning and precinct requests; 
6.  Any further consequential amendments or other amendments to the Operative District 
Plan considered necessary to achieve the intention of this submission request to better 
provide for residential and mixed use activities on the submitter’s land.  


APPENDIX A – Map 1 – Proposed rezoning of submitter’s land  



Lot 27A DP 8777 
139 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 27 DP 8777 
141 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 28 DP 8777 
143 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 470 DP 9755 
169 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 471 DP 9755 
171 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 472 DP 9755 
173 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 473 DP 9755 
175 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 474 DP 9755 
177 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 475 DP 9755 
179 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 476 DP 9755 
181 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 478 DP 9755 
185 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 477 DP 9755 
183 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 269 DP 9629 
222 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 268 DP 9629 
224 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 267 DP 9629 
226 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 266 DP 9629 
228 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 265 DP 9629 
230 Blue Mountains Road 
Lot 32 DP 8777 
151 Blue Mountains Road 

Form 5 
Submission on notified proposal for plan change 
Clause 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991 
To: Upper Hutt City Council   
Name of submitter: Guildford Timber Company Limited, Silverstream Forest Limited and 
the Goodwin Estate Trust 
This is a (late) submission on the following plan change proposed to the Operative District 
Plan for Upper Hutt (the proposal):  
  •  Proposed Plan Change 50 (PC50) 
The submitters could not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission. 
The specific provisions of the proposal that the submission relates to are: 
  •  The submitters provided a detailed submission on PC50 that requested the rezoning of 
parts of its land in Pinehaven from Rural to General Residential; 
•  The original submission included in APPENDIX A – Map 1 - Proposed zoning of 
submitter’s land a map showing the proposed rezoning of the submitter’s land, 
including the area requested to be rezoned from Rural to General Residential; 
•  Map 1 requires a minor correction as it inadvertently left off a small area of land east 
of the main hilltop area the submitter’s are seeking to be rezoned from Rural to 
General Residential; 
•  Attached is a REVISED APPENDIX A – Map 1 - Proposed zoning of submitter’s 
land map that correctly shows the area to be rezoned – the additional area is coloured 
We seek the following decision from the Upper Hutt City Council: 
Replacement of APPENDIX A – Map 1 - Proposed zoning of submitter’s land included in 
the submitter’s original submission with the Revised Attachment A – Map 1 - Proposed 
zoning of submitter’s land attached to this late submission 
We wish to be heard in support of our submission. 
Person authorised to sign 
on behalf of Guildford Timber Company Limited, Silverstream Forest Limited and Goodwin 
Estate Trust 


Date: 26 January 2024 
Electronic address for service of submitters: s7(2)(a)
Telephone: s7(2)(a)
Contact person: Chris Hansen, RMA Planning Consultant 


REVISED APPENDIX A – Map 1 – Proposed rezoning of submitter’s land