This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'PC50 Rural Information'.
Mat Collins
Phil Peet; Regan Toogood; Dave Smith; Suzanne Rushmere
Alan Kerr
RE: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Wednesday, 7 February 2024 1:51:33 pm
Hi Phil, I think it would be best for the three parties to meet up so we can have a shared
understanding on this.
Suze is available next week
Tuesday between 11 and 1,
Wednesday before 11 and
Thursday between 11 and 1.
For the Abley team, Suze’s Thursday spot would suit us best but we can potentially make Tues or
Weds work if you’re not free Thurs.
Mat Collins BEng (Hons)
Associate Transportation Planner, Abley
From: Phil Peet s7(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 8:31 AM
To: Mat Collins s7(2)(a)
>; Regan Toogood s7(2)(a)
; Dave
Smith s7(2)(a)
Cc: Alan Kerr s7(2)(a)
Subject: Re: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Thanks Mat,
I think Council and GTC are a bit confused about the status and work that has been done on the
model in relation to land use changes.
Seems like there are a few aspects here:
Medium Density Residential Development – UHCC have said to us that you have modelled
changes in this space – can you advise what they are?
Plan Change 49 Open Spaces – Is this included in the current model baseline?
Plan Change 49 Variation 1 Silverstream Spur – What does the baseline model assume in
relation to any future development off Kiln Street? This plan change could reduce this
Plan Change 50 – I thought this was mostly the same as the Medium Density Residential
Zone which I refer to in the first bullet – or is it different?

will be Guildford Timber Company, contact Michael Hall at Awa (cc’d).  I should note that
GTC are hoping to have some of the costs paid for by UHCC so if you have particular rates
you use for UHCC, it would be great to see those reflected in the OOS.
The runs that we would like to have undertaken initially, in addition to the PC 50 Baseline
·  Option 1a – Through Route from Kiln to Avro
Based on Do Min
Add 1,500 houses in SGA. Distribution TBC by GTC so the model zone structure can
be developed.
Removal of 1,500 houses from elsewhere in UHCC. Locations TBC with UHCC
Add Mixed Use Development in SGA. Quantum and location TBC by GTC
Road design and design speed TBC by GTC

·  Option 1b – Through Route with additional southern connection
As per 1a but additional southern connection into Blue Mountains Road from approx.
60 Avro Road. 
Speed reduction on Avro Road East to deter through traffic (although this could be a
mitigation tested later)
·  Option 1c – Through Route with additional northern connection
As per 1a but additional northern connection into Fergusson Drive at Eastern Hutt
Road intersection to tie into future replacement of Silverstream Bridge. Will need
initial concept design of intersection from UHCC.

·  Option 2a – Single Entry Community 1
As per 1a but no through route.
Avro Lifestyle area connects into Avro (200 houses)
All Ridgeline hamlets connect into Kiln (1300 houses)
·  Option 2b – Single Entry Community 2
As per 1b but:
Avro Lifestyle area plus southern hamlet connects into Avro (400 houses)
All other ridgeline hamlets connect into Kiln (1100 houses)
For each of the runs we would request outputs for the AM Peak, Inter Peak and PM Peak for the
years 2022 and 2052 (unless you think that 2042 is a better year for the model). 
Are there any other model variables that we need to consider?
I’d be happy to have another meeting to discuss the above in more detail if needed.
Phil Peet

From: Mat Collins s7(2)(a)
Date: Monday, 29 January 2024 at 13:26
To: Alan Kerr s7(2)(a)
, Phil Peet
Cc: Chris Blackmore s7(2)(a)
, Regan Toogood
Subject: RE: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Hi Alan, Council has indicated that they’re happy for you or your client to engage us directly, as a
modelling resource (i.e. cranking the handle only, you’ll do the interpretation/effects
assessment). We are seeking confirmation from Council about the PC49/PC50 baseline landuse
that they want us to use, I’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, I can get an offer of service together. For this could you confirm
Who we will be invoicing (you or your client), with their contact details
Scope of scenarios that you’d like us to run.
Mat Collins BEng (Hons)
Associate Transportation Planner, Abley
From: Alan Kerr s7(2)(a)

Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 9:45 AM
To: Mat Collins s7(2)(a)
; Phil Peets7(2)(a)
Cc: Chris Blackmore s7(2)(a)
>; Regan Toogood
Subject: Re: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Great – thanks Mat. We’re pulling together a list of model runs which we hope to share with our
client today. Will hope to be able to share this with you shortly
Alan Kerr

From: Mat Collins s7(2)(a)
Date: Friday, 26 January 2024 at 09:22
To: Alan Kerr s7(2)(a)
, Phil Peet
Cc: Chris Blackmore s7(2)(a)
>, Regan Toogood
Subject: RE: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Thanks Alan, good to meet you both this morning. I’ve flicked an email through to  Suze and
Emily at UHCC to see if we can get an engagement sorted. Will keep you posted.
Mat Collins BEng (Hons)
Associate Transportation Planner, Abley
From: Alan Kerr s7(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 9:10 AM
To: Mat Collins s7(2)(a)
>; Phil Peet s7(2)(a)
Cc: Chris Blackmore s7(2)(a)
>; Regan Toogood
Subject: Re: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
Hi Mat,
Good to catch up with you and the team just now
Just chatting with our client – we understand that it might be worth you having a brief chat with
Emily in the UHCC planning team re budget to undertake a PC50 base model. While Patrick might
not have any budget this side of the end of the Financial Year, apparently the planning team
Either way, we’d be quite keen to get going quite quickly so let us know how you get on
Alan Kerr

From: s7(2)(a)
When: 08:30 - 09:30 26 January 2024 
Subject: Upper Hutt TRACKS Model and PC50 Discussion
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