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William Taylor
Khylee Quince
Safety Concerns.
Thursday, 9 May 2024 9:01:50 am
Kia Ora Khylee,
I am aware of your current situation and the amount of vitriol that is being aimed at you.
It is also my understanding that you do not feel safe coming into AUT and your workspace.
Are there any measures that I can take to assist you? For example, a security presence when you are
arriving/leaving AUT?
Regarding the emails etc you have received of a threatening nature is it your intention to escalate
these to police? If so, I can also assist.
I can be contacted at any time via phone if you wish to discuss further.
Ngā mihi,
Willie Taylor MNZM
Security & Emergency Management
Auckland University of Technology
 09 921 9999 ext 9912     M 021718745     E [email address]    W