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Damon Salesa
Amy Malcolm; Khylee Quince
Follow ups with Khylee
Wednesday, 8 May 2024 4:16:13 pm
Kia ora Amy:
Had a quick catchup with Khylee. It’s a difficult situation, and she has had a large volume
of emails, alongside those we’ve received. As a first step could we follow up on a few
things please?
1.  Look into what IT support is available, if it is possible to control her inbox and
otherwise offer some protection. Apparently something has been done in the past.
2.  Let Willie Taylor know that right now Khylee is feeling okay should she come to
campus, but I’ve said if things change, she should be in touch with him. Can you
connect Willie and Khylee? She has a carpark in WY. While she’s planning to wfh, I
also mentioned that Willie’s team have done safety walks and observations. Please
chime in if there is anything else.
3.  I’ve shared our statement with Khylee, and it is okay.
4.  Khylee will stay in touch if there is anything else, but is planning a rest from socials
for a while, and may reconsider the Wellington event.
5.  I will touch base with Khylee tomorrow.
I didn’t raise this with Khylee but it just struck me that her room is still listed on the system
as I looked. Could we please address that if at all possible, as quickly as possible. It could
just be that I can see it and not others.