30 May 2024
By email:
[FYI request #26607 email]
Dear Jane
Official Information Act Request 24.42 – Committee Minutes
I refer to the Official Information Act (the Act) request dated 2 May 2024 for information relating to Committee
Meeting Minutes. You have specifical y requested:
For the fol owing committees, could you please provide the meeting minutes from all meetings held
from August to December 2023:
Academic Administration
Learning and Teaching
As noted in my email of 6 May 2024, this request is resource intensive. Therefore, we asked for proof of your
eligibility to make a request under s 12 of the Act. No confirmation of your eligibility has been received.
Therefore, no further action wil be taken on this request and it wil now be closed in our records.
Yours sincerely
Claire O'Connell
Information Compliance Officer
Classification: Public
Document Outline