This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Decisions to use Raised pedestrian crossing'.

Road and Transport Team  
Rona Lemalu, Project Delivery Manager  
Anita Manda, Transport Project Manager  
25 March 2024 
Fairway  Drive  Raised  Pedestrian  Crossing  – 
Consultation Summary and Rationale 

Project Background: 
A resident from Avalon had been requesting a pedestrian crossing on Fairway Drive near 
CNS Science for the past eight years due to high foot traffic in the area. Despite traffic counts 
confirming the need, there had been no action taken. The resident continued to advocate for 
this safety measure, citing the community's ongoing risk without a proper crossing. Her 
efforts aimed to enhance pedestrian safety and mobility in a high-traffic neighborhood. 
Consultation Summary  
Prior to the Traffic Sub-Committee meeting, extensive public consultation was undertaken in 
August 2022 with the residents living around the location, GNS Science, Fire and 
Emergency, Wellington Free Ambulance, Waste Management to secure as much feedback 
as possible. The list of stakeholders to be consulted was approved by C&E team.   
Improved pedestrian safety: Many responses emphasize that the crossing would 
significantly enhance safety for people walking, especially in an area where traffic is heavy 
and drivers often don't prioritize pedestrians.  
Increased traffic awareness: Several people believe a raised crossing would make drivers 
more aware of the speed limit and the need to yield to pedestrians.  
Sensible and necessary solution: Responders find the proposal to be a practical and 
much-needed solution to address the existing safety concerns.  
Good location: Multiple responses consider the placement of the crossing near GNS 
Science to be ideal due to the bus stop and access to Avalon Park.  
Benefits students: Some responses highlight how the crossing would specifically improve 
safety for students going to and from school.  
Benefits cyclists: The crossing is seen as an asset for cyclists, providing a safer point to 
traverse Fairway Drive. 

From my perspective, this would be a welcomed addition to the area.  
Is this letter something you want us to share with our parent community at all? 
All seem to be sensible solutions to mitigating risk to pedestrians. 
Positive + 
I would also like to highlight the recent fatal crash on Eastern Hutt Road, where a 
pedestrian was struck and killed while crossing the road from the Pomare Train Station 
carpark to the Train Station Underpass.   
There are a number of factors that increase risk to pedestrians crossing here, including; 
It is a 70kmh area 
There is a pedestrian refuge midway, but there is no specific lighting or sufficient signage 
to notify drivers of crossing pedestrians. 
I would like to be able to discuss this with your team to determine whether we can 
improve this area and also the safety of pedestrians.  
I would like to support the proposal, traffic on Fairway Drive seems to have significantly 
increased in recent times making getting across the road an often extremely time 
consuming exercise requiring a strong commitment to not taking risks to get across. 
I am emailing to sign my support for a raised pedestrian crossing in Fairway Drive next to 
Avalon Park. 
A raised pedestrian crossing would remove uncertainty from drivers who slow down when 
pedestrians are in the existing traffic islands, even though they are not required to.  
I see on a regular basis a number of pedestrians crossing Fairway Drive to access the 
bus stops or as access to/from Avalon Park. This is definitely a good location for a 
pedestrian crossing.  
A raised pedestrian crossing may also improve the traffic along Fairway Drive which has 
a tendency to be higher volume and higher speed due to motorway traffic using the 
And importantly as a. cyclist, a raised pedestrian crossing provides a safe place for 
cyclists to cross traffic from the bike lanes. 
At the top area near the bridge traffic rarely slows down for cyclists to move safely across 
the road.  
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on this safety improvement.  
Happy with the plan. It will definitely make it safer for pedestrians. Thank for this initiative! 
Good morning, thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed raised 
Positive + 
pedestrian crossing opposite GNS Science on 1 Fairway Drive. These observations are 
my personal ones and do not reflect those of GNS Science. We have advised all our 
Avalon staff of this proposal and how to provide feedback also as individual pedestrians, 
cyclists and drivers using Fairway drive. 
I support the proposed placement of the pedestrian crossing and the general design. As a 
pedestrian I think this would improve safety during the period of the day when traffic is 

moving at the posted limit. During rush hour drivers are mostly permissive and stop to 
allow people to cross. However: 
•  The refuge in the middle is possibly not wide enough for cyclists whose wheels 
may extend outside the safe margins.  
•  I have concerns about the impact a raised crossing may have on emergency 
vehicle transit given this is a main route for FENZ from Avalon station to the 
highway and also for ambulances and police many times a day. 
•  Heavy vehicle traffic is also likely to make a raised crossing in this location a very 
high maintenance item. Large trucks regularly traverse this route. I cannot think 
of any main arterial road with similar traffic profiles in the Hutt Valley where a 
raised crossing is in use.  
•  We have over the last few years seen a number of vehicles ride up over the 
existing buildouts damaging signage. Hutt City would need to be very responsive 
to damage to the crossing. 
•  Its unclear if consideration has been given towards lighting to increase visibility 
of this crossing during hours of darkness. This is a time of increased risk to 
pedestrians and lighting would be a key factor in ensuring a safe crossing. I 
understand this would add significant cost and complexity.  
I am writing to fully support the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Fairway Drive, as 
proposed. Many people (not just from GNS) have to cross that road to get to or from the 
park every day and no one ever slows down to let people cross. It really feels dangerous 
trying to cross there. 
Fairway Drive is also treated like a motorway by drivers and a crossing might help them 
remember that the speed limit is 50km maximum and that they need to be aware of 
I work at GNS Science, but in this response I’m speaking as an individual, not on behalf 
of GNS Science.  
The drawing in the notification of the proposed crossing we see fails to show how it’s 
sited in relation to the exit/entrance to the GNS Science campus; this is some pretty 
crucial information.  
Can you please provide a ‘zoomed out’ drawing which includes this information? 
I LOVE THIS IDEA. I work in GNS and cross that road regularly to go for lunch time 
exercise and it is a weird mishmash of people that sometimes stop and others that do 
Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback on this proposed raised crossing on 
Fairway Drive. 
I just want to say that such a crossing would be very welcomed, and what is proposed 
seems sensible. Thanks!  
I believe this would be a very useful crossing, as I often see pedestrians and cyclists 
struggling to find gaps in the traffic to cross here. I'm all for it. 
I would like to respond by saying this would be a great idea for students going to school 
as well as students that live around this area will have a safe way of getting to Avalon 
from school with this crossing. 
I do hope this goes ahead. 

from the information provided by the council to Belmont school I cannot tell where "across 
from GNS" the proposed crossing is. A zoomed-out map would be useful for people like 
me who have terrible navigational skills and also have opinions.  
In this case, the description is sufficient - I am very supportive of a raised pedestrian 
crossing (as will my mechanic be) and hope you will include the lights; I think they are 
As an area runner I'm keen on the crossing, but unsure what the sidewalk options are on 
the GNS side of the road. I'm not keen on a "sidewalk to nowhere" but as long as we're 
not *creating* one that's a moot point. 
I look forward to my kids being able to use this crossing, which, depending where they go 
for years 7 and up, could be very beneficial to them and their safety. 
I am very pleased to hear about the proposal of a pedestrian crossing on Fairway Dr.  We 
have dogs and walk across that road multiple times each week while accessing the 
riverbank.  The placement outside GNS makes sense as there is the bus stop there and 
sidewalk on both sides of the road. 
I am concerned about the proposal to make it a raised crossing.  As you know, this is one 
of 4 river crossings in Lower Hutt so that makes it a very busy road.  This includes 
emergency services.  A raised crossing will slow the flow of traffic on this necessary 
arterial road.   
From a community perspective, the times people are using the crossing is not constant 
(more centred around the beginning of the day and school and work exit times).  However 
a raised crossing will constrict the flow of traffic and, more importantly to me, the speed 
emergency services can respond as traffic will be impeded 24/7.   
From a personal selfish reason, the sound of brakes as drivers slow to cross it will 
increase what is already a very noisy road. 
Instead I proposed a flat crossing with good entry / exit ramps to ensure people with 
mobility issues can use it easily when required, but when no one is using it, emergency 
services are not impeded.   
There are already a lot of (good) traffic management solutions (e.g. roundabouts, 
crossings with traffic lights) in the vicinity which alters traffic flow - let's not add another 
which is unnecessarily up-specced, if there are other options which would also solve the 

Received via SMS Message. 
Whilst not against the proposed raised pedestrian crossing on Fairway Drive, as a parent 
Positive + 
of a child attending Belmont School I would prefer to see the money spent remediating 
the crossing of the access road to Harcourt Werry Drive at the eastern end of the 
Kennedy Good Bridge.  
We live within the Ministry of Education defined school zone and a journey on foot to 
school requires the crossing of both Fairway Drive and the Harcourt Werry Access Road. 
We have found crossing Fairway Drive to be acceptable as the existing traffic islands 
allows this road to be crossed in two parts (i.e. cross traffic coming from a single direction 
with the possibility of waiting in the middle of the road).  As parking at Belmont School 
can be difficult, many school families drop / collect students at Avalon Park either at the 
car park off Fairway drive, or by the golf course entrance (accessed from Taita Drive). 
Crossing Harcourt Werry Access Road is difficult for pedestrians as cars funnel off the 
Kennedy Good Bridge at speed to turn left onto Harcourt Werry Access Road and also 
turn right from Fairway Drive.  Visibility of car indicators (if used) is difficult as is visibility 
of pedestrians for drivers. For this reason, we don't allow our 10 year old child to cross 
the Harcourt Werry Access Road without an adult. I think many more car free journeys to 
school would be made if crossing the Harcourt Werry Access Road was made safer.  
Big support and big thanks, but suggests raised crossings are not too high for ease of 
crossing for buses and trucks. She is going to come along to the Traffic SC to say thank 
you in person. (Phone Call) 
Rationale behind a Raised Crossing: 
Enhanced Safety for Vulnerable Users: 
Raised pedestrian crossings provide a level surface for crossing, reducing obstacles like 
camber or bumps that can pose challenges to vulnerable individuals, including those in 
wheelchairs or with mobility issues. 
A raised crossing near Avalon Park would facilitate safer access to the park and associated 
recreational facilities for all users. 

Traffic Calming and Speed Reduction: 
The proximity of Fairway Drive to recreational areas poses a significant risk due to the 
tendency of drivers to exceed the 50km/h speed limit. This behavior endangers pedestrians 
and other road users. 
Implementing a raised pedestrian crossing can serve as a physical reminder for drivers to 
slow down, promoting a safer environment around recreational areas. 
Addressing High Traffic Volume and Speed: 
Fairway Drive experiences high traffic volumes and speeds, primarily due to its use as an 
alternative to motorway routes. This situation creates hazardous conditions for pedestrians 
attempting to cross. 
A raised crossing would act as a traffic-calming measure, reducing the likelihood of accidents 
and encouraging drivers to adhere to speed limits. 
Community Support and Pedestrian Demand: 
The proposal has garnered overwhelming support from community consultation responses, 
indicating strong public demand for improved pedestrian safety measures. 
The high foot traffic in the area justifies the need for a safe and accessible crossing, 
reflecting the community's preference for a pedestrian-friendly environment. 
Lack of Safe Crossing Areas: 
Currently, there is no designated safe crossing area in the vicinity of Avalon Park and 
adjacent recreational facilities. This gap in infrastructure compromises the safety and 
accessibility of the area for all users. 
Introducing a raised pedestrian crossing would address this critical need, ensuring safer 
access for everyone, including families, children, and individuals with disabilities.