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13 February 2024 
John Luke 
[FYI request #25374 email] 
REF: DOIA-2324-0497 
Tēnā koe John 
Your Official Information Act 1982 Request 
Thank you for your email of 12 January 2024 to the Ministry for Ethnic Communities (the 
Ministry) requesting the fol owing information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the 
…I know you have a Nominations Service- board nomination database and frequently 

send board appointment positions within your database by way of email. 
May I kindly request the all emails you have send to your nomination service database 

from 1st Jan 2023 to 12 Jan 2024… 

On 23 January 2024, Mr White sent you a request for clarification. You responded on 23 
January 2024, and the refined request is listed as below: 
Q.  Can you please confirm whether you are requesting all emails sent from the 
Nominations service regarding board appointments or, regarding board vacancies. 
A.  What is the difference between board appointments or board vacancies? If not 
too hassle, please supply both. 
Q.  you later request “all emails” sent to the nominations service database from 1st 
Jan 2023 to 12 Jan 2024. Can you please confirm whether you are referring to the 
database as a collective or, if you mean all emails to any individual part of this 
A.  As a collective only. 
Board appointments are defined as people who have been appointed to a public sector 
board/committee, the Ministry sends out emails to acknowledge successful candidates. 
Board vacancies are roles that are vacant on a public sector board/committee. On very rare 
occasions this may include a non-public sector board/committee. 
A search of the Ministry’s database has identified 12 emails within scope of your request, 
and are summarised within the document schedule below. The emails are being released to 
you with some names and contact details within the emails withheld under section 9(2)(a) of 
the Act, to protect the privacy of natural persons. 
Page 1/2 

Please note that item 8, as listed in the document schedule, was sent via Campaign Monitor 
which is an email service provider. While it does not come directly from the Ministry, we 
have included this for your reference as it went to the Nominations database under Ministry 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of our response 
to your request. Information about how to contact the Ombudsman’s office is available at: or freephone: 0800 802 602. 
Please note, due to the public interest in our work, the Ministry may publish responses to 
requests for official information on our website, shortly after the response has been sent. If 
you have any queries about this, please feel free to contact our Ministerial Services team: 
[email address]. 
Ngā mihi 
Edward Firth 
Director of Ministerial Services 
Page 2/2 

Document Name  
Information being withheld/ reason 
for withholding 

1.    Email to database about getting the most out of 
Partial release. Names withheld under 
LinkedIN online learning event and 4 day pilot course 
Section 9(2)(a) 
2.    Nominations Newsletter May 2023 
Partial release. Names withheld under 
Section 9(2)(a) 
3.    Email to database about online learning event: 
Released in ful . 
Introduction to public sector board appointments 
4.    Nominations Newsletter August 2023 
Partial release. Names withheld under 
Section 9(2)(a) 
5.    Email to database - next governance training for 
Partial release. Mobile number 
Crown Entity boards to be run by VUW - 4 day training  withheld under Section 9(2)(a) 
course - EOI sought 
6.    Email to database about online event re: MBIE 
Partial release. Names withheld under 
portfolio of boards and committees 
Section 9(2)(a) 
7.    Email to database about online event: MOH portfolio 
Partial release. Names withheld under 
of boards: 26 Oct 2023 
Section 9(2)(a) 
8.    Nominations Newsletter November 2023 (sent via 
Released in ful . 
Campaign Monitor) 
9.    Email to database about online event: IOD 6 Dec 2023  Released in ful . 
10.   Seasons greetings 2023 
Released in full. 
11.   Pre-email about Push Notification 
Released in ful . 
12.   First Push Notification (inaugural) 
Released in ful . 
Page 3/2 

under the Official Information Act 1982

The course fees are as follows:
Existing directors: $5,000
Aspiring directors:supported by a government organisation/programme (e.g., Future Directors):
Individual aspiring directors: $1,200
If you are interested in attending the inaugural course in July, please email us to let us know. If
you have queries about the course, please contact s9(2)(a)
, Adjunct Professor
Wellington School of Business and Government s9(2)(a)
Ngā mihi
Liz Chin
Nominations Service
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | Facebook | LinkedIn
under the Official Information Act 1982

This four-day course has been developed to provide, or refresh, competency skills for aspiring or current members of the 
boards of statutory entities operating under the Crown Entities Act 2004. The course is the first of an intended programme of 
initiatives to provide support to board directors of public sector entities in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The course has a specific focus on public sector governance, and the complexities which arise from the political contex , the 
accountabilities within the broader machinery of government, and the specific functions, objectives and status of the broad 
range of crown entities covered by the Crown Entities Act. 
Development of the course has been led by a group of current directors with public sector experience with the intention of 
providing a relevant and practical focus on the specific challenges of public sector governance to a diverse range of people 
who serve, or aspire to serve, on public sector boards. The members of the establishment group are, s9(2)(a)
, s9(2)  

, and 
. The objective is to achieve excellence of governance in the public 
sector with boards reflecting the diversity of society in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This is a practitioners’ course – its emphasis is on good public sector governance (of crown entities) in practice. 
It will draw heavily on case studies of successes, failures, challenges – what has worked well   and not so well - in the real 
Who should undertake this course?
This particular course has been developed specifically for directors appointed to boards of public sector entities covered by 
the Crown Entities Act 2004 (Schedules 1 and 2). The course will assist participants to develop excellence in governance of 
crown entities and, in particular, to address the complexities which arise from the political context, the accountabilities within 
the broader machinery of government, and the particular functions, objectives and status of the broad range of crown entities 
under the Act. 
The course is also suitable for people who aspire to a crown entity governance appointment and wish to build their 
competencies and suitability for appointment to such a role. 
The fee structure for the course is yet to be set but is  ntended to encourage a wider diversity of people to prepare for 
appointment to crown entities. The objective is to achieve excellent public sector governance by boards reflecting the 
diversity of society in Aotearoa New Zealand. 
What will this course provide?
This will be a practical interactive workshop-style course, resourced by online pre-readings and videos, and led by experienced 
governance practitioners. Features of the course will include:
v A four-day training course to be delivered:
m Initially as an in-person workshop over eight consecutive weeks – one day a fortnight
under the Official Information Act 1982
m Subsequently (if there is demand) as an online workshop over eight consecutive weeks – a half-day session a week.
v A reasonable level of pre-reading and preparation will be an important pre-requisite for each session so that participants
begin with the necessary basic factual knowledge. Selected readings and videos for all sessions will be accessible by
participants at any time.
v Each workshop session discussion will be led by two experienced presenters with different backgrounds and
perspec ives.
v The course will include a basic understanding of Te Ao Māori and will normalise Māori tikanga in the boardroom
including use of mihimihi /pepeha and karakia.
v Recognition of the diversity of crown entities in terms of function, status, and objectives. As part of workshop activity
participants will be encouraged to apply what they learn to the specific circumstances faced by the crown entities they
most closely relate to.
The programme will be governed by an independent registered charitable trust with support from the Victoria 
University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka, and to be delivered through Kāpuhipuhi – Wellington Uni-Professional.
The founders’ intention is that the current course will be supplemented over time by a programme of additional 
governance courses for boards of other public sector entities, one day workshops to address particular public sector 
governance issues and challenges, as well as mentoring for new members appointed to public sector boards.

Outline of the Course Modules:
THEME: Public Sector Governance - Context and Challenges
   9:00am - 9:30am
Mihi, karakia, and 
Setting our collective intent. Building connections and relationships. 
whakawhanaungatanga Acknowledging mana whenua and tangata whenua.   
9:30am -10:45am
Setting the Scene 
Basics of good governance and why good public governance is critical, what 
is distinctive about it, what are we trying to achieve in this course and why is it 
important, context (including political and Māori-Crown relationships), critical 
challenges and issues facing public governance.
11:15am -12:30pm
Machinery of 
Structure of the broader public sector: the role of Ministers and their departments, 
crown entities, Parliament, the Opposition, and select committees, the judiciary.
1:30pm -2:45pm
Public Sector 
Distinctiveness and principles of public sector governance, authorising 
Governance (PSG)
environment and social licence, key stakeholders, Te Kāhui Hīkina (Māori Crown 
relations) Engagement Framework and Guidelines, practical challenges.
3:15pm - 4:30pm
Crown Entities 
Crown Entities Act (and other relevant legislation), governance implications of the 
legislation, code of conduct for crown entity boards, monitoring, reporting, and 
associated challenges (supported with case studies).
Karakia whakakapi
Closing karakia
THEME: Crown Entity Governance in Practice - the Board at work
9:00am - 9:30am
Mihi, karakia, and 
9:30am – 10:45am
Working as a Board
Board culture: values, ethics, code of conduct, meeting behaviour. Board practice: 
charter, role, agenda, board papers, work plans, use of committees and advisory 
groups, relationship with the chief executive and senior managers, reviewing 
board performance.
Strategic Leadership
Strategic planning: setting strategic direction and policies, social license and 
authorising environment including (depending upon CE status) Ministerial 
expectations/ directions, CE’s own legislative mandate, CE Act (e.g , financial) and 
HSWA (health and safety).
Building strong 
Building key relationships: Ministers and their departments, iwi, and other key 
stakeholders (business, unions, community). 
Te Ao Māori and Māori-
Te Kāhui Hīkina (Māori Crown relations) Engagement Framework and Guidelines, 
Crown Relationships
and Te Arawhiti Organisational Capability building in practice.  
Karakia whakakapi
C osing karakia
THEME: Public Sector Governance in Practice - the Board at work
9:00am - 9:30am
Mihi, ka akia, and 
9:30am -10:45am
Good information, 
Ensuring availability of good information as evidence to inform decision-making: 
systems, and controls
IT systems and digital opportunities. Statutory compliance obligations: e.g., Public 
under the Official Information Act 1982
Records Act, Official Information Act, Privacy Act.  
11:15am -12:30pm
Monitoring Risks and 
Strategic risk management, dynamic assurance, and control processes.
1:30pm -2:45pm
Driving organisational performance against the accountabilities and outcomes 
identified in SOIs and SPEs, developing effective measures and indicators of 
performance. Values  and people culture. Understanding the organisational 
operating model and capability.
3:15pm -4:30pm
External Compliance, 
Relationships and processes with monitoring agencies and ministers, preparing 
Transparency, and 
accountability documents incl. SOI, SPE and Annual Report; reporting to select 
Released  Reporting committees. 
Karakia whakakapi
Closing karakia
THEME: Looking to the Future
This final day will focus on major challenges facing the public sector, such as climate change and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  It will also 
include sessions co-designed with course participants to focus further in depth on issues they have prioritised.   
Feedback and Further Information
Feedback on this draft is very welcome and should be directed to s9(2)(a)
, Adjunct Professor Wellington School of 
Business and Government: s9(2)(a)

under the Official Information Act 1982

under the Official Information Act 1982

under the Official Information Act 1982

Ngā mihi
Liz Chin
Talent and Governance Lead
under the Official Information Act 1982

Liz Chin
[email address]
Invitation to a Webinar - Learn how the public sector recruits board members - 29 June 2923, 12.30pm-
[email address][email address]
Friday, 16 June 2023 5:35:10 pm
Tēnā koe,
Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Manatū Wāhine, Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry for Pacific
Peoples, Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People invite you to a webinar to learn about how
the public sector recruits board members.
Online webinar: Introduction to public sector board appointments
When: 12.30 – 1.30pm, Thursday, 29 June 2023.
Location: Microsoft Teams – a link will be sent to those who register. 
Details: In this online webinar, you will hear from experienced board appointing experts
about their work to promote public sector board roles to diverse communities, and learn
about what appointing agencies look for when recruiting for these roles.
Who is this webinar for? This webinar is targeted to people who are beginning their
governance journey, who want to find out more about the process, and what to expect
along the way. If this webinar isn’t for you, we encourage you to share it with those in
your network, or any mentees you have.
To register, please complete this short form – please ensure you click “submit” on the
second page.
If you have any accessibility requirements to access this online Teams session, please contact us
directly, or you can include details in the registration form.
If you are unable to attend, don’t’ worry, we plan to run more workshops throughout the year,
and look forward to seeing you another time. Please note, the webinar will not be recorded.
Ngā mihi
Nominations Service 
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
under the Official Information Act 1982
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | Facebook | LinkedIn

under the Official Information Act 1982

Wednesday, 2 August 2023 3:56:39 pm
Kia ora
We hope you are well, and for those interested in sport, we hope you are enjoying the FIFA
World Cup. The participation of 32 nations is a remarkable display of diversity through a single
sport in an international event.  
This update covers: 
Keeping your details on our nominations database current
Recruiting new talent for our database
New resources available
Opportunities coming up
Congratulations to recent appointees
Nominations for New Zealand Royal Honours
Keeping your details up current
We are updating our Nominations Service Database to ensure registration forms, governance
CVs, and contact details are current. Keeping your details current shows you are active and
interested in governance roles, so please update us promptly if your details change. Thank you!
Recruiting new talent for our database
We are growing our nominations service database. We’re particularly looking for people who:
have held senior corporate roles in the private sector
may have governance experience
are located outside of Wellington and Auckland
have qualifications in association with architecture, surveying, valuation, climate science,
sustainability, health-related professions, primary industries, conservation, infrastructure
projects, resource management, plumbing or drainlaying
are of Middle Eastern, Latin American, African, or Continental European ethnicity.
Please do refer people who you think could be interested in serving on a public sector board
under the Official Information Act 1982
to the Nominations Service | Ministry for Ethnic Communities for more information and the
registration form, or ask them to email us at [email address].
New resources available
In May, we ran a session on serving on public sector boards at the Ministry’s Ethnic Advantage
Conference in Auckland. You can view the recording and powerpoint slides on our
website. Included is a handout that you might like to use to identify gaps in your governance
knowledge or areas where you might like to do some further learning.
The Ministry for Women has launched an online Leadership Learning Hub, where you can view
resources and register for courses that grow both leadership and governance skills in Aotearoa
New Zealand.   
Slides from the Introduction to Public Sector Boards webinar held in June 2023 are also available

on the Leadership Learning Hub. Speakers were from the Public Service Commission,
Department of Internal Affairs, and Ministry of Transport.
The Ministry for Ethnic Communities recently published a new resource: Unlocking Language
Barriers. This guide provides practical advice and information on about translations to better
communicate with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Opportunities coming up
Here are few opportunities that may be of interest:
IOD Emerging Director Awards - If you are an emerging director at the early stages of your
governance career, you may be interested in applying for this award offered by six IOD
branches throughout New Zealand. The awards are only open to IoD members and
applications close on 14 August.
Women on Boards 2023 Summit in Auckland on 17 August, “Wāhine in Governance –
Embedding Equity”. Tickets are available to attend in person or online. The Ministry is a
sponsor for the Summit and, following a request for expressions of interest, have selected
eight women from our nominations database to attend. We look forward to sharing their
insights with you after the Summit.
Future Directors Diversity Programme (Pilot) – The Public Service Commission is leading
an 18 month pilot programme to promote greater diversity on public sector boards. The
programme is for those working towards a director opportunity in the future. Once host
boards with future director opportunities are confirmed, we will identify potential
candidates from our nominations database. We will then contact potential candidates to
provide further details about the pilot opportunity.
Congratulations to recent appointees
The Ministry congratulates the following people from our database who have recently been
appointed to public sector governance roles:
Ms Ming Lim-Pollard, Member, Fonterra Milk Price Panel
Dr Daniel Tulloch –Member, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Board
Dr Lifeng Zhou – Member, Health Research Council
under the Official Information Act 1982
Ms Prabha Ravi – Member, Regional Skills Leadership Group for Wellington.
Nominations for New Zealand Royal Honours
Congratulations to the many ethnic people from our communities who received a New Zealand
Royal Honour that was announced on 6 June. The full King’s Birthday and Coronation Honours
List can be found here. 
The Ministry encourages people to nominate worthy individuals from the community who have
provided services and made a positive impact and impressive contribution at a local, regional, or
national level. Nominations may be submitted by an individual or on behalf of a group.
Listen to a Radio New Zealand interview to hear more about the Honours System and how to
make a nomination. 

Click here for more information and to obtain the nomination form. If you have any questions,
please do contact the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, who are happy to help. 
If you have any questions about anything in this update or no longer wish to receive these
updates, please contact us by emailing [email address].
Ngā mihi nui
Liz Chin
Talent and Governance Lead
Te Pūnaha Āheinga me ngā Hōtaka | System Capability and Programmes
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
M: s9(2)(a) | Facebook | LinkedIn
under the Official Information Act 1982

Liz Chin
MEC Nominations
Next Governance training for Crown entity boards to be run by VUW - 4 day training course - expressions of
interest sought
Wednesday, 9 August 2023 3:24:13 pm
Mā te kahukura ka rere te manu flyer_Sept_Oct.pdf
Kia ora
I hope you are well.
Earlier this year, the Ministry promoted the four-day training course about Crown entity boards
(Iti Kōpara – Public Governance Aotearoa). The second four-day pilot is about to be run on 25-
26 September 2023 and 9-10 October 2023.
This programme may be of interest. The programme is tailored for board members that are
on, or aspire to be on, Crown entity boards. The programme aims to ensure participants have
the skills to effectively govern Crown entity boards. The programme is delivered by senior
governance practitioners and public service leaders. The first two days of the new training
course for Crown Entity Board members was piloted last week and was highly rated by all
Some of the key focus areas for programme include:
Crown entity governance context and challenges
Machinery of Government
Board meetings: Culture and focus
Strategic leadership, including social licence
Working with Stakeholders
Māori-Crown relationships
Crown entity monitoring
Organisational performance
Issues and challenges facing Crown entities now and in the future.
Further information on the programme is contained in the attachment plus the fees. See the
names of the guest speakers/participants – all of whom would be very useful to connect with.
The attachment includes a link to register your interest for the next cohort.
If you are keen to participate, please do register and let me know if you do. We would be
pleased to endorse you registration.
Thank you.
Ngā mihi
Liz Chin
Talent and Governance Lead
under the Official Information Act 1982
Te Pūnaha Āheinga me ngā Hōtaka | System Capability and Programmes
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
M: s9(2)(a) | Facebook | LinkedIn

under the Official Information Act 1982

Wednesday, 6 September 2023 2:26:25 pm
Kia ora
We are pleased to invite you to the next free online learning event to hear from Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) staff about the Crown boards and Committees that
they administer on behalf of responsible ministers.
This event is being jointly run by the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Ministry for Pacific People,
Manatu Wāhine Ministry for Women, Te Puni Kokiri and Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People
for people on our Nominations databases.
 and s9(2)(a)
 from the MBIE Governance and Appointments team will inform us
about the diverse portfolio of Crown boards and Committees that they administer and will share
information about the appointments process, the different boards and committees, and the
skills and experiences that they are particularly seeking for their boards/committees. There will
also be some time for a few questions and answers.
Register for the online event now! 
Scroll to the bottom of the listing for the registration form - Learning about the Crown boards
that MBIE administer | Ministry for Women A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants closer to
the time. Registrations close on 19 September 2023, 12 noon.  The event will be recorded and
available on the Manatu Wāhine Ministry for Women’s Learning Hub afterwards.  
Did you miss the last event? Powerpoint slides available.
In June 2023, we ran, Introduction to public sector boards appointments. If you missed it and
would like to see the powerpoint slides, please click on the event title.
Ngā mihi
Nominations Teamunder the Official Information Act 1982
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | Facebook | LinkedIn

under the Official Information Act 1982

Tuesday, 10 October 2023 10:57:05 am
Kia ora,
We are pleased to invite you to a free online learning event on to hear from Manatū Hauora
Ministry of Health officials about the Crown boards and Committees that they administer on
behalf of responsible ministers. This event will be held from 12-1pm on Thursday, 26 October
2023. It is jointly run by the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Ministry for Pacific People, Manatū
Wāhine Ministry for Women, Te Puni Kokiri and Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People for people
on our Nominations databases.
 and s9(2)(a)
 from the Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health Statutory
Appointments and Integrity Services team will inform us about the diverse portfolio of Crown
boards, entities, and committees that they administer and the specific skills and experiences
they require for each. There will also be some time for a few questions and answers. Please
submit your questions at the time you register for the event.
Register for the online event now! 
Click here to register.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants closer to the time  Registrations close on 24 October
2023, 12 noon.  The event will be recorded and available on the Manatū Wāhine Ministry for
Women’s Learning Hub afterwards.  
Did you miss the last event? Powerpoint slides and video recording available.
In September 2023, we ran an online learning event about the Crown boards and committees
that the Ministry for Business  Innovation and Employment administer. If you missed it, or would
like to watch the webinar recording and see the PowerPoint slides, visit the Learning Leadership
See you online on 26 October!
under the Official Information Act 1982
Ngā mihi
Nominations Service 
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | Facebook | LinkedIn

No images? Click here
Nomina ons Service
Newsle er
Kia ora
We hope you have been keeping well as the end of this year is
quickly racing towards us. In this newsle er, we’d like to share
updates about the following:
Congratula ons
Two online governance learning sessions held
Next free online learning event with speakers from
Ins tute of Directors – November
Women in Governance Summit held in Auckland
I  Kopara Crown En ty Governance Training – four-day
Discount available for governance CV wri ng/review
2024 Pilot - Regular email no fica ons to you about
governance vacancies.
Congratula ons
under the Official Information Act 1982
The Ministry congratulates the following people from our
database on their success:
Ministerial appointments
Anushiya Pooniah - Te Pori Whakaora Ngangahau o
Released  Aotearoa Occupa onal Therapy Board of New Zealand
Anthony Bow –New Zealand Medical Radia on
Technologists Board, Lay member (Reappointed)
Sundeep Dagguba  - Cadastral Surveyors Licensing Board
of New Zealand
Pengbo Jiang - Cadastral Surveyors Licensing Board of New
Zealand (Reappointed)Pengbo Jiang - Cadastral Surveyors
Licensing Board of New Zealand

Ins tute of Directors Mentoring for Diversity
Karun Shenoy – Mentee, 2023 Ins tute of Directors
Mentoring for Diversity Programme
Applica ons for 2024 are expected to open in April 2024.
Two online governance learning
sessions held
We were pleased to see many people from our database
a end the two free online governance learning sessions
recently held. The first session explained the por olio of Crown
boards and Commi ees that are administered by the Minis ry
of Business, Innova on and Employment (MBIE). The second
one focused on the statutory boards administered by Manatū
Hauora Ministry of Health (MoH). We heard directly from the
officials who manage the board vacancie  about the process
they follow. The skills and experiences that they seek for their
respec ve boards/commi ees.
If you missed the sessions, the recordings and power point
slides are available on the  eadership Learning Hub  The
Learning Leadership Hub includes resources for anyone
interested in governance. We thank Manatū Wāhine Ministry
for Women, Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry for Pacific Peoples and
Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People for collabora ng with us
to deliver these valuable learning sessions.
under the Official Information Act 1982

Next free online learning event with
speakers from Ins tute of Directors –
Join us in November for a free online learning event with
speakers from the Ins tute of Directors. They will explain what
governance is and discuss the pathways to governance roles
Details are being finalised. Look out for our email with event
registra on informa on.
Women in Governance Summit held in
In August, the Ministry was pleased to sponsor the Women in
Governance Summit 2023 in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Chief
Execu ve, Mervin Singham and Talent and Governance Lead,
Liz Chin, a ended along with eight women who were selected
from our database a er an expression of interest process. Our
group of women enjoyed the opportunity to hear from the
range of speakers to build their governance knowledge and
have now established a peer support network for themselves.
To read more about the event, see the LinkedIn post or the
October Ethnic Voices Newsle er.
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Released  Cap on: Some of the a endees at the Women in Governance Summit
2023 held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
I  Kopara Crown En ty Governance
Training - four-day course

Three people from the Ministry’s database applied and were
selected to a end the four-day Mā te kahukura ka rere te
manu course focused on Crown en ty governance. They
appreciated the prac cal advice and learning they received
from those that delivered the course.
This is the second  me the course has been delivered by I
Kopara, a charitable trust established by a group of
experienced public sector directors, with support from Te Kawa
Mataaho Public Service Commission, government
agencies,  and Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of
The Ministry supports Ipi Kopara’s commitment for greater
diversity on public sector boards. Another four-day course will
run in early 2024 and we will share the details of the course,
including the cost, when this is available.
Discount offered for governance CV
Your governance CV is the first opportunity to make an
impression on an appoin ng agency and board chair. A succinct
and current CV that c early highlights your relevant skills and
experience will give you the best chance of being considered
for a role.
Please keep your governance CV updated and include new
governance appointments, new employment posi ons,
professional memberships, completed training programmes,
and changes to your personal details – email, phone, loca on.
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A er you make updates to your governance CV, please email a
copy to nomina ons@ethniccommuni 
If you would like to have an expert review your current
governance CV, the Ins tute of Directors (IOD) has a CV review
service and has offered a discount for people on our database
at the Membership rate of $195 instead of $350. Please use
Released  the code CV23GSMEC at checkout.
2024 Pilot - Regular email no fica ons
about governance vacancies

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Nomina ons Service
Ministry for Ethnic Communi es
Te Tari Mātāwaka
PO Box 805
215 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
Email: Nominate@ethniccommuni
You are receiving this email as you are on our
Nomina on Service database.
Preferences  |  Unsubscribe
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MEC Nominations
MEC Nominations
Free online event - Introduction to Governance - 6 December 2023, 1pm-2pm REGISTER NOW!
Tuesday, 14 November 2023 2:54:15 pm
Kia ora,
We are pleased to invite you to a free Introduction to Governance online learning event. A great
opportunity to learn about governance and get information on pathways and how to better
equip yourself to apply for public sector board roles. You will hear from the Institute of Directors’
Chief Executive Kirsten (KP) Patterson, and Network Manager - Branches, Jill Steffert.
This event will be held at 1-2pm on Wednesday, 6 December 2023 and is brought to you by the
Institute of Directors in partnership with the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Ministry for Pacific
People, Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women, Te Puni Kokiri and Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled
Register for the online event now!
Click here to register. The Institute of Directors will send a Zoom link to all registrants closer to
the time.
The event will be recorded and available on the Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women’s
Leadership Learning Hub afterwards.
Have a question for our speakers?
There will be time for questions, please submit your questions prior to the event here.
Did you miss the last event? Powerpoint slides and video recording available.
In October 2023, we ran an online learning event about the Crown boards and committees that
the Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health administer  If you missed it, or would like to watch the
webinar recording and see the PowerPoint slides, visit the Learning Leadership Hub.
If you have any questions in relation to the Institute of Directors Introduction to Governance
event, please contact Litia Brighouse-Fuavao.
See you online on 6 December!
Ngā mihi
Nominations Service
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | Facebook | LinkedIn
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Board name:
Conservation Boards in the following geographic
· Te Hiku o Te Ika
· Northland
· Auckland
· Waikato
· Bay of Plenty
· East Coast Hawke’s Bay
· Tongariro Taupō
· Taranaki Whanganui
· Wellington
· Chatham Islands
· Nelson/Marlborough
· West Coast Tai Poutini
· Canterbury Aoraki
· Otago
· Southland
31 January 2024, 5pm
How to apply:
Self-nominate using the online or Word form
More information: See website and the
See attachment or
Administering Agency and Contact:
Department of Conservation
[email address]
Advance notice - Auckland Branch - Institute of Directors Event – 13 February – Register
The Auckland Branch of the Institute of Directors will be running an in-person learning event on 13
February. The aim of the panel discussion is to introduce governance approaches and opportunities in
New Zealand to Asian directors, to support them to become better at setting the future direction of
their businesses and organisations, to achieve sustainable, social and financial outcomes. There will be
an outstanding panel of Directors - Carol Cheng CMInstD, Franky Wang MInstD, Kenneth Leong MInstD
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and Ziena Jalil MInstD, moderated by Simon Bridges, CEO of the Auckland Business Chamber. See the
link below to find out more details about the time, location and cost. Bridging the gap for New
Zealand's Asian community, into governance | IoD NZ
Finally, best wishes for a safe and happy time with family and friends this holiday season. See you all in
the new year.
Kind regards,
Liz Chin
Talent and Governance Lead | Facebook | LinkedIn

Tertiary Education Vacancies – Further Information 
The Tertiary Education Commission is seeking candidates with strong governance 
experience and who are able to demonstrate experience in either of the fol owing: 
• business transformation
• Information management and technology, including digital transformation and cyber
It would also be preferable for candidates to have the following skil s and/or experience: 
• long-term strategic planning, including long-term financial planning
• risk and assurance and/or audit and assurance
• investment planning
• leadership and organisational development
• commercialisation
• capital asset management
• experience of effectively monitoring individual and organisational performance in a
governance or senior management role.
• senior management experience that includes leading large-scale transformation,
either expansion or downsizing
• experience in managing or governing digital transformation, and managing
cybersecurity risks
• encompasses both business improvement and concern for staf  and student welfare
and wellbeing
• commitment to quality in education provision and the institutions that provide it
• regional and community links
Conservation Board Vacancies – Further Information 
Conservation Board functions 
Conservation Boards (Boards) are independent bodies that empower local communities and 
tangata whenua to contribute to the management of conservation areas through their 
functions as set out in section 6M of the Act and in the National Parks and Reserves Acts.  
The Boards’ focus is on planning and strategic direction through their involvement in the 
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review and monitoring of statutory plans in their rohe. The Boards are serviced by the 
Department of Conservation (DOC).  
A major responsibility for each Board is overseeing the Conservation Management Strategy 
(CMS) for its region. A CMS is a 10-year statutory plan that sets out how DOC and Treaty 
partners manage natural and historic heritage. The Boards work with DOC to prepare the 
CMS to ensure local communities are reflected in these plans. Once a CMS  has been 
approved by the New Zealand Conservation Authority, Boards then advise on their 
Other Conservation Board work can include: 

developing and reviewing national park and other management plans for lands
administered by the Department

advising on proposals for marine reserves

considering the impact of concessions for tourism and other activities on conservation
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looking at the range of recreational opportunities in the region, and

advising on proposals to change the protective status or classification of areas of
national or international importance.
Skil s and attribute requirements 
Members are appointed as individuals for their experience, expertise, and links with the local 
community. Nominees may have knowledge of nature conservation, kaitiakitanga, natural 
earth and marine sciences, mātauranga  Māori,  cultural  heritage,  tikanga,  te  ao  Māori, 
recreation, tourism, the interests of the local community, and features of conservation land in 
the area. 
Nominees should have a well-developed interest in the work of DOC generally, and in the 
rohe of the Board they seek appointment to. They wil  need to be wil ing and able to keep 
abreast with policy and other developments impacting on DOC’s work and relevant to the 
Board’s functions.  
They wil  also need the ability to take a strategic view, work with others, read and analyse 
draft material for clarity, participate in hearings, and weigh up differing perspectives, within a 
conservation framework. 
Member time commitment 
Each Board meets six times a year, usually for one day, with venues rotating around their 
rohe. One or two field trips of one day’s duration may also be undertaken to increase 
understanding of management considerations, particularly to sites where there are conflicting 
values or high visitor pressure. Additional duties may be required between meetings, 
especially associated with work on the CMS or a conservation management plan.  
The total time commitment is approximately 15 days per annum. Chairpersons, elected by 
each conservation board, can expect a higher time commitment. The term of appointment is 
usually for three years.   
Fees and al owances 
A daily meeting fee of $250 is paid. Direct expenses incurred to attend meetings or to 
represent the Conservation Board, such as travel costs, are met directly by DOC or 
reimbursed on an actual and reasonable basis. 
How to apply and closing date 
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Further information and an online nomination form can be found at  
Please note - People can self-nominate, so the nominator section can be left blank. 
Nominations closes at 5pm on Wednesday 31 January 2024. Nominees can expect to hear 
the outcome of thei
Released  r nomination in June 2024. 
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MEC Nominations
MEC Nominations
New regular email about Public Sector Board/Committee vacancies starting soon
Wednesday, 10 January 2024 11:58:49 am
Happy new year!
As mentioned last year, we are excited to let you know about a new initiative that we are
trailing, with the aim of improving the service we provide to people registered on the
Ministry’s Nominations database. We believe this change will give you more awareness of
public sector board/committee vacancies and empower you to be more proactive with your
governance career.
Starting this week, we will introduce a fortnightly notification email with current public
sector board/committee vacancies, and how to apply. Please review the details about the
vacancies and determine if you would like to apply. If you do apply for a public sector
board/committee vacancy, please email us to let us know. We could provide an
endorsement for your application.
The Ministry will also conduct our own database searches for suitable candidates for
public sector board/committee vacancies.
Please watch for our notification emails and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any
feedback about it, improvement ideas, or queries. If you do not wish to receive the fortnightly
email notifications, you can click on the link to unsubscribe (which will be at the bottom of the
email) that you will receive.
Ngā mihi
Nominations Team
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commmunities
Level 5, 215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
www.ethniccommunities.govt nz | Facebook | LinkedIn
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Document Outline