Code of conduct
January 2024
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Welcome to Wellington Water .................................................................................. 3
Our values .................................................................................................................. 3
Who does this Code cover? ....................................................................................... 4
Expectations ............................................................................................................... 5
Your obligations ......................................................................................................... 6
Your performance ......................................................................................................... 6
Safety at work ................................................................................................................ 7
Secondary employment ................................................................................................ 7
Conflicts of interest and compromising of integrity ..................................................... 7
Participation in public bodies or voluntary associations ............................................... 7
Media and public comment .......................................................................................... 8
Communications ............................................................................................................ 8
Social Media .................................................................................................................. 8
Information Management ............................................................................................. 9
5.10 Using Wellington Water’s technology, systems and software ...................................... 9
5.11 Personal Relationships in the Workplace ...................................................................... 9
5.12 Personal Behaviour...................................................................................................... 10
5.13 Breaches of the Code of Conduct ................................................................................ 10
5.14 Examples of misconduct .............................................................................................. 10
5.15 Examples of serious misconduct ................................................................................. 11
Acknowledgement of receipt ................................................................................... 14
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1 Welcome to Wellington Water
This is your personal copy of Wellington Water Limited’s (‘Wellington Water’) Code of Conduct.
Wellington Water’s purpose is “Creating excellence in regional water services for healthy
communities”. As a member of our team, you will help to provide an essential service that contributes
to the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve.
Our reputation is reflected in every customer interaction. That’s why living our values every day is so
Our Code of Conduct is based on our values, common sense and the law. In all circumstances,
Wellington Water staff must obey the law. You should be familiar with the Acts and Regulations that
directly affect your own work and be aware of and respect the processes of the law.
This Code describes the standards of behaviour that are expected as you go about your work. It gives
examples of what is, and what’s not, acceptable.
2 Our values
Te mauri o te wai
Water has mauri (a life force) the actions we take can enhance the mauri or they can diminish mauri.
It is also about the deep connection between water, the environment and people.
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Tangata Tiaki
Together we protect our most precious taonga.
We are responsible for looking after our
water, our
environment, our
community, and the future of
mokopuna through the work we do.
United we support, connect and respect each other.
The key to the
wellbeing of any whānau is
collaboration and
sharing knowledge. We
acknowledge, accept each other all the same - no matter how closely we work. We treat each other
how we want to be treated.
We recognise, respect, and value the mana of others and seek to build mana-enhancing
honour our plans, commitments and duties with
pride, integrity and
transparency. We accept
that our
performance is judged by the communities
we serve, so we bring our best selves to work,
remove our egos and
seek feedback and
Please read the Code, familiarise yourself with it, and use it as a reference document.
If you have any questions, feel free to talk to your manager or me.
Chief Executive
3 Who does this Code cover?
This Code applies to anyone who is employed or engaged by Wellington Water. This includes
employees who are permanent, temporary, or casual; and contractors and consultants.
Some of the obligations and processes in this Code, however, only relate to employees. Nothing in
this Code should be taken or construed as creating an employment relationship between Wellington
Water and contractors or consultants.
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4 Expectations
The relationship between yourself and Wellington Water is mutually beneficial. The principal
expectations of this relationship are set out below.
Wellington Water expects you to:
➢ Maintain the values within your work.
➢ Act in good faith.
➢ Show commitment to Wellington Water’s strategic direction.
➢ Be active in your self-development and open to learning.
➢ Be present at work as required.
➢ Maintain the required standards of performance.
➢ Adhere to Wellington Water’s policies, standards and this Code of Conduct.
➢ Comply with all lawful and reasonable instructions.
You can expect Wellington Water to:
➢ Act in good faith.
➢ Take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure healthy and safe working conditions, including
appropriate equipment to do your job.
➢ Demonstrate active commitment to equal employment opportunities including an
environment free from harassment and/or discrimination.
➢ Give clear guidelines of duties and expectations.
➢ Recognise the status of Māori as Tangata Whenua.
As an employee, you can expect Wellington Water to:
➢ Recognise and reward dedication, hard work and extra effort.
➢ Ensure fair rates of remuneration for competence, responsibilities and performance.
➢ Adapt to meet your career needs and aspirations wherever possible and appropriate.
➢ Provide appropriate training and opportunities for development.
➢ Give regular and constructive communication and feedback about your performance.
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5 Your obligations
Your performance
You should carry out your duties to the best of your ability in an efficient and competent manner and
comply with the policies and operating standards and guidelines of Wellington Water.
In your role, you are expected to:
➢ Obey the law.
➢ Treat your colleagues, customers, and any people with whom you have dealings with courtesy
and respect. Don’t unlawfully discriminate and/or harass others for any reason.
➢ Work positively with the public and external agencies or individuals concerned with Wellington
Water and Wellington Water’s clients.
➢ Show reasonable care for Wellington Water’s property, resources, and funds, and neither use
nor approve them to be used for anything other than authorised purposes.
➢ Maintain any requirements for your role such as driver’s licence, health and safety certificates
and vaccinations.
➢ Comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions.
➢ Stay within the limits of your delegated authority. Get approval from your manager for any
expenditure over your financial authority limit before entering into a contract or agreement.
➢ Use any power or authority given to you in a non-exploitative and non-abusive way.
➢ Always tell the truth and give accurate information.
➢ Consistently follow workplace policies and procedures.
➢ Manage information used or created by you, in accordance with all legislative and Wellington
Water requirements.
➢ Proactively disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest and follow instructions to mitigate
or resolve them.
➢ Get permission from your manager if you need to be absent from work during work hours.
➢ Maintain a good standard of dress and general appearance.
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Safety at work
Wellington Water and all of its staff and contractors have an obligation to keep themselves safe at
work. This means that you must take reasonable care of your own health and safety and the health
and safety of others.
You need to know and understand your health and safety responsibilities under the current Health and
Safety legislation and Wellington Water standards and procedures and you need to comply with them.
This includes identifying any risks or potential risks to yourself and others, using the protective and
safety equipment provided to you and acting responsibly, with due attention to the safety of others,
Secondary employment
You are required to get written permission from your manager before accepting or undertaking
secondary employment, or engaging in any external business activity which could conflict with
Wellington Water’s interests or interfere in the performance of your duties. Your manager will
consider any request, considering such factors as potential conflicts of interest, health and safety
obligations and Wellington Water’s reputation. If Wellington Water declines your request, you will be
given reasons for this.
Conflicts of interest and compromising of integrity
The integrity of Wellington Water employees is critical to maintaining public confidence in Wellington
To maintain and build Wellington Water’s reputation, you should:
➢ Act with integrity at all times.
➢ Carry out your duties honestly and impartially.
➢ Avoid any personal, financial, or professional situations that could compromise your integrity
or otherwise lead to an actual or potential conflict of interest.
➢ Not take advantage of your position for personal gain.
➢ Not to accept gifts, rewards or benefits which might compromise, (or give the appearance of
compromising) your integrity.
➢ If such an offer is made, discuss this with your manager.
If you identify an actual or potential conflict of interest or a situation that others could perceive as a
conflict of interest, you must declare this in accordance with Wellington Water’s Conflict of Interest
policy and procedures, and follow any instructions given by Wellington Water.
Participation in public bodies or voluntary associations
You are free to stand for, or serve in, any office or position on any public or voluntary body. Let your
manager know of your intentions and/or your level of involvement, to make sure that no actual or
potential conflict exists between your participation, your official duties and Wellington Water’s
contractual relationship with councils and other parties.
If your manager considers there is a conflict of interest, it will need to be avoided or resolved. You
may be asked to not stand for office, or to resign your position with Wellington Water.
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Media and public comment
Familiarise yourself with Wellington Water’s Media Policy to know what we are trying to achieve and
what we try to avoid. Only speak to the media or make public comment if you are a designated
spokesperson. Check your employment agreement or contract with Wellington Water as these set out
your obligations regarding confidentiality.
Let the Chief Executive or Head of Communications and Engagement know whenever you are
contacted by the media.
If you are a delegated spokesperson:
➢ Undergo media training provided by Wellington Water.
➢ Only comment on issues relating directly to your area of responsibility.
➢ Ensure you understand and put forward Wellington Water’s position on the issue being
➢ Avoid your own personal views, comments, or observations.
➢ For areas outside of your responsibility, say you are not the right person to respond, but you
will find someone who is.
➢ As a general rule, if you are not sure about something, get back to them later.
Wellington Water’s communication tools – email, meetings, intranet, website, and social media
accounts are covered by this code of conduct. Use them as a business tool, while respecting others.
You can have no expectation of privacy when using Wellington Water’s communication tools, as
Wellington Water owns all data and communications sent, stored and/or received using those tools.
Wellington Water reserves the right to monitor all usage of its communication tools where it deems it
Social Media
All actions on the internet are captured for a long time, so be careful and consider how your actions
may impact Wellington Water’s public profile when using social media - both your personal accounts
and Wellington Water’s, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any sites and services that permit
users to comment or share information with others.
The media can be quick to pick up on tweets and posts; if there are enquiries into anything you have
published, talk to the Communications and Engagement team, your manager, or the Chief Executive.
Do not publish, post, or release any information that is considered confidential, not for public
consumption or could have the potential to bring Wellington Water into disrepute. Check with the
Communications and Engagement team or your manager if you are unsure.
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If you have administrative access to any Wellington Water social media accounts and/or the external
website, you may only post if you are designated to do so, with the permission of the Head of
Communications and Engagement. Any posts should follow these guidelines.
You must not allow administrative access to any of these accounts or the external website to anyone
without the permission of Head of Communications and Engagement.
In any responses on social media, you should identify yourself by signing off “[your name], Wellington
If you are unsure of any of the above, please contact Head of Communications and Engagement.
Information Management
Records created by Wellington Water staff during the course of business are owned by Wellington
Water. All staff are responsible for making sure that the information recorded is complete and
accurate and that our records are maintained and used in accordance with the Information
Management Policy. Any disposal of records may only be done with proper authorisation in line with
the policy and the Public Records Act 2005.
All material developed information created or used in the course of business (electronic or hard copy)
is the intellectual property of, and belongs to, Wellington Water. If you use or share this knowledge
or information outside of Wellington Water, having obtained our permission first, it must be
acknowledged that it remains the intellectual property of Wellington Water.
5.10 Using Wellington Water’s technology, systems, and software
Wellington Water information technology is provided to you to undertake your duties. You need to
ensure that you use it appropriately and do not do anything that may compromise its security or
You are accountable for any technology used under your username and password so it is important
that you don’t disclose your password to anyone and that you change it periodically.
You must not install any hardware or software without proper authority.
You also need to be aware of Wellington Water’s standard for access and use of technology including
phones, tablets, email and the internet. You must not use Wellington Water systems or equipment
for access to, download or send any offensive material. Further detail is outlined in the Information
and Communications Technology Policy.
5.11 Personal Relationships in the Workplace
You shouldn’t have a management or supervisory role over someone with whom you are in an
intimate relationship, a partner or family member. This can amount to an actual or potential conflict
of interest.
Any such personal relationships you have in the workplace shouldn’t affect your work or that of
others. Disclose to your manager or People & Capability about any relationship that has the
potential to do this.
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5.12 Personal Behaviour
You should avoid any activity (work related or private) which could reflect badly on Wellington Water
or jeopardise its relationship with stakeholders or the general public. This includes behaviour outside
work hours.
Whether any such activity constitutes misconduct or serious misconduct, will depend on the
circumstances of the case and may vary according to:
➢ The nature of your role and whether the activity is incompatible with it.
➢ It's likely impact on you being able to carry out your job.
➢ The nature and overall consequences of the activity.
➢ The effect or consequences of the activity on Wellington Water’s relationships with customers
or clients.
➢ Whether it causes Wellington Water to lose trust and confidence in you.
You must inform your manager right away if you have any criminal charges laid against you and the
outcome of any criminal process. Your manager will consider if there is a potential impact on your
role at Wellington Water, considering matters including the nature of the charges.
5.13 Breaches of the Code of Conduct
Any alleged behaviour in breach of this Code will be given full and impartial consideration. If a breach
is identified, disciplinary action may be taken in respect of employees; contractors or consultants and
may have their engagement terminated in accordance with their contract.
Discuss with your manager if you:
➢ Are unsure of the proper conduct for any situation.
➢ Are unsure of the standards of performance expected of you.
➢ Think you may be at risk of breaching the Code.
The following are some specific examples of the types of unsatisfactory behaviours which may
constitute misconduct or serious misconduct and may lead to disciplinary action being taken in respect
to employees.
The list is not exhaustive - there may be other matters not listed that may breach this Code and lead
to disciplinary action and/or the termination of a contractor or consultant’s contract.
5.14 Examples of misconduct
➢ Repeated failure to report to work on time.
➢ Failure, without reasonable excuse, to report absence due to sickness or emergency to
your manager as soon as possible before you are due to commence work on the first day
of absence.
➢ Interfering with, obstructing, or otherwise hindering the work performance of another
➢ Unauthorised absence from the workplace during work hours.
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➢ Failure, without good reason, to attend scheduled training.
➢ Unsatisfactory work performance.
➢ Unsuitable dress or presentation for the work to be carried out.
➢ Failure to comply with any of Wellington Water’s health and safety rules or procedures
where this action does not increase the level of danger in the workplace.
➢ Potentially unsafe actions that do not meet the threshold for serious misconduct.
➢ Failure to keep to your delegated authority.
➢ Any other failure to maintain the expected standards of performance that does not reach
the threshold for serious misconduct.
5.15 Examples of serious misconduct
For example:
• Theft,
• Falsification of timesheets,
• Abuse of wellness sick or other leave provisions,
• Creating a false record relating to any material or work,
• Lying, giving false information or making false declarations,
• Fraudulent or unethical actions.
Violence or threatening or abusive behaviour towards others
This includes:
• Violence or threats of violence to any person while on duty or wearing Wellington
Water clothing.
• Abusive or insulting behaviour to any person while on duty or wearing Wellington
water clothing or using a Wellington Water vehicle.
• Harassment or bullying or discrimination of Wellington Water employees, customers
or others in the workplace.
Failure to undertake duties or to act responsibly
For example:
• Refusal, without reasonable excuse, to carry out your work, or to follow a lawful and
reasonable instruction.
• Gambling or trading on Wellington Water premises during work hours.
• Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Failure to comply with legal or other duties
This includes:
• Failure to comply with relevant regulations or statutes.
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• Failure to comply with workplace policies or other workplace standards or rules.
• Consumption or supplying or possession of illegal drugs on Wellington Water property
or on Wellington Water worksites.
• Any other illegal activity that can be associated with your employment at Wellington
Misuse of property or resources
For example:
• Defacing, damaging, or destroying property of Wellington Water or others.
• Theft, or unauthorised removal of Wellington Water, or others’ property.
• Unauthorised use of Wellington Water facilities after normal working hours.
• Assisting any person to gain unauthorised entrance to any part of Wellington Water’s
• Unauthorised use of and/or possession of any Wellington Water equipment or
• Misuse of Wellington Water property or funds.
Failure to ensure the wellbeing of self and others at work
This includes:
• Any act of negligence or unsafe practice which seriously affects security or health and
safety in the workplace or has the potential to do so.
Failure to report a work-related accident or potential hazard.
• Making malicious or unfounded allegations against other employees, customers or
others in the workplace.
• Any deliberate acts affecting the health and safety of the workplace.
Inappropriate use of Wellington Water information and information systems
For example:
• Disclosing restricted information without authority.
• Introducing unauthorised hardware or software to Wellington Water’s computer
• Looking at inappropriate websites at work.
• Inappropriate use of email including sharing or receiving images or text that are
offensive or inappropriate.
Conduct outside work that impacts on the workplace
This includes:
• Any act that brings the employer into disrepute.
• Any act that calls into question the suitability of the employee for continued
employment such as criminal offending.
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Failure to notify employer as required
This includes:
• Failure to notify any actual or potential conflict of interest that you may have or that
others may perceive you may potentially have.
• Failure to notify any criminal charges or criminal convictions that you incur while
employed at Wellington Water.
• Any other act or omission that fundamentally undermines the trust and confidence
Wellington Water is able to have in the employee.
The above list is not exhaustive. Wellington Water reserves the right to determine whether a case is
serious misconduct depending on the nature of the conduct.
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Acknowledgement of receipt
Code of Conduct
It is important that you read and understand this Code of Conduct so that you know what your
obligations are.
Accepts the contents of Wellington Water’s Code of Conduct
I understand that if I am unclear at any time about any requirement of the Code or consider that I may
be at risk of breaching it, I will discuss the matter with my manager.
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