15 January 2024
By email
: [FYI request #25212 email]
Tēnā koe Xintong
I refer to your information request dated 17 December 2023 made under the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act). You have requested information in relation to University of Otago and University of
Otago Prestige Scholarships awarded by the University of Otago from 2021 – 2023 in Medical
Laboratory Science.
Please see below our response to your request.
1. Number of students who received a University of Otago Scholarship in Medical Laboratory
Science and University of Otago Prestige Scholarship in Medical Laboratory Science in 2021,
2022 and 2023.
Please see the below table which shows the number of students who received a University of Otago
Scholarship in Medical Laboratory Science and University of Otago Prestige Scholarship in Medical
Laboratory Science in 2021, 2022 and 2023:
Number of students who received a University of Otago Scholarship
Scholarship in Medical Laboratory Science
Prestige Scholarship in Medical Laboratory Science
2. The cut-off GPA for each award in each year.
The GPA cut-off for University of Otago Scholarships is GPA 7.5 at 300-level. The GPA cut-off for
University of Otago Prestige Scholarships is GPA 8.5 at 300-level.
I trust that this information will be helpful.
Ngā mihi
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator
Office of the Registrar