This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Internal policies list'.

Tuesday, 9 January 2023  
John Luke  
By email: [FYI request #25046 email]  
Tēnā koe John,  
Information request – JL231206  
Thank you for your email dated 6 December 2024. In your email, you asked for the names of all 
our internal policies. We have now prepared our response to your request. The names of our 
internal policies are:  
•  Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)   
•  Annual Leave   
•  Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination   
•  Conduct and Performance Issues   
•  Conflict of Interest  
•  Credit Card Use  
•  Debt Management  
•  Delegations   
•  Employment Relationship Problems   
•  Flexible Working   
•  Health and Safety  
•  Hybrid Working   
•  Information Management   
•  Information Requests   
•  Leave Policy  
•  Other Holiday and Leave Provisions   
•  Performance Framework  
•  Privacy  
•  Professional Development   
•  Protected Disclosures   
•  Receipt of Gifts   
•  Remuneration  
•  Reserves   
•  Sensitive Expenditure   
•  Sick Leave  
•  Social Media   
•  Standards of Integrity and Conduct   
•  Travel and Accommodation  

Further information  
If you have any questions, or wish to discuss the matter further, please contact SWRB’s legal 
team by email at [email address], or by post at Social Workers Registration Board, PO Box 
3452, Wellington 6140 (attention Legal Team).  
You have the right to seek a review of our response by the Ombudsman. Information about the 
Ombudsman can be found at .  
Ngā mihi nui  
Becca Boles  
Legal Advisor  
Social Workers Registration Board