13 October 2023
John Luke
[FYI request #24253 email]
Tēnā koe John Luke
On 26 September 2023, you emailed the Ministry of Social Development (the
Ministry) requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), the
following information:
I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only,
e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination
period has been closed but still under consideration by the MSD or
relevant Minister.
In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been
advertised, what method you have used to publicly advertise the
position, how many application you have received and when the vacancy
been closed as well.
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2024. e.g.
the position that will call for nomination in the year of 2024.
For the sake of clarity, we have responded to each of your requests in turn.
I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment
only, e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the
nomination period has been closed but still under consideration by
the MSD or relevant Minister.
As at 3 October 2023, there are no appointment processes under active
consideration for the Crown Entities and Tribunals that the Ministry has
appointment responsibilities for. These include:
• The Children and Young People’s Commission
• Social Workers Registration Board
• Peke Waihanga – Artificial Limb Service
• Social Security Appeals Authority
• Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal
• South Auckland Social Wellbeing Board
• Student Allowance Appeal Authority.
In your list, can you please include the date that vacancy been
advertised, what method you have used to publicly advertise the
position, how many application you have received and when the
vacancy been closed as well.
You may be interested in the following website page where the Ministry
publishes vacancies for Ministerial appointments, position descriptions, and
details of how to apply:
You may also be interested in this Department of Internal Affairs website page
which has detailed information on appointments to statutory bodies, including
a table listing calls for nomination, and dates nominations opened and closed:
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2024.
e.g. the position that will call for nomination in the year of 2024.
In 2024 there are appointments that can be made to the following entities, for
which no appointment process decisions have yet been made:
Peke Waihanga – Artificial Limb Service: 4 appointments
Social Workers Registration Board: 1 appointment
Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal: 7 appointments
Student Allowance Appeal Authority: 1 appointment
South Auckland Social Wellbeing Board: 1 appointment
The principles and purposes of the Official Information Act 1982 under which
you made your request are:
• to create greater openness and transparency about the plans, work and
activities of the Government,
• to increase the ability of the public to participate in the making and
administration of our laws and policies and
• to lead to greater accountability in the conduct of public affairs.
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This Ministry fully supports those principles and purposes. The Ministry
therefore intends to make the information contained in this letter and any
attached documents available to the wider public. The Ministry will do this by
publishing this letter
on the Ministry’s website. Your personal details will be
deleted, and the Ministry will not publish any information that would identify
you as the person who requested the information.
If you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact
[MSD request email].
If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to seek an
investigation and review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make
a complaint is available
at or 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi nui
Sarah Quigan
Official Information Team
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