11 October 2023
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011
PO Box 805, Wellington 6140
[FYI request #24160 email]
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Fax +64 4 382 35
il [email address]
Tēnā koe Bruce,
Your Official Information Act request [OIA2324-0195]
I am writing in regards to your Official Information Act (Act) request, which was received by the
Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) on 15 September 2023.
You have requested:
Dear National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, I want to find out whether
the National Library of New Zealand gathered any video and audio footage from its security
Cameras of events near its building during the Wellington Protests of February and March 2022.
If the answer is yes, could you also determine whether the footage was gathered purely for security
reasons, or was there also a desire to gather information for the Library’s collection.
Please find my response to your questions below.
Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) did not archive or export any security footage, related or
unrelated to the Wellington Protests during February and March 2022. This includes external and
internal requests.
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public, the Department has
decided to proactively release a copy of this response on the DIA website. All requester data,
including your name and contact details, will be removed prior to release. The released response
will be made available here:
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
Freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any feedback or questions about the Department’s response, please let us know at
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Karlene Symonds General Manager, Workplace Services Group