This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Tertiary Education Comissions health and c19 policies'.

9(2)(a); Out of Scope
Universities - vaccine requirements and COVID case reporting changes
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:03:21 am
Kia ora koutou

Vaccine requirements
As set out in the 24 March Tertiary and International COVID-19 Bulletin (link), from 11.59pm on
Monday 4 April 2022, the Government no longer requires staff, students, or visitors who are
onsite at a tertiary premises to hold a My Vaccine Pass (MVP) at any setting of the Framework.
The removal of MVPs means that tertiary providers need to look at whether their own
vaccination policies are still appropriate, based on a workplace health and safety risk
We are interested in getting a sense of where tertiary providers are at in their process of
reviewing their own risk assessments/vaccine policies, and were hoping you could provide a brief
(e.g. 1-sentence) response to the below:
Have you reviewed, or are you in the process of reviewing, any internal vaccine policies
you might have?
If this process has been completed, are you intending to continue requiring vaccinations in
some situations (if so, please provide a brief description of the type of situation)?
COVID case reporting changes
From today Tuesday 12 April tertiary providers are no longer required to report weekly case
numbers to the TEC. We will keep the sector updated should this change in the future.
Due to this change to case reporting, and a continued reduction in enquiries from the sector, we
are scaling back the Single Point of Contact role. The 0800 number will no longer be active, and
the inbox will only be monitored on business days.
More information on these changes will be included in this week’s Tertiary Education Bulletin.
Thank you for all your diligent reporting over the past few months.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Kia pai te rā
PO Box 27-048, Wellington, New Zealand

Hours of operation: 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week