This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'OIAD-662 - Follow up request for information on consultant spend on ETS-related projects'.

Elliot Dunn
Kevin Brown
Scott Gulliver
RE: [COMMERCIAL]RE: Emissions Trading Scheme - Regulations for 2023
Friday, 30 September 2022 11:56:20 am
MfE Lite Contract #25678 geothermal regs-1-[Signed].pdf
Kia ora Kevin,
Thank you for completing the documents.
Attached is a copy of the signed contract for your records. The contract number is #25678.
Please reference the contract number clearly on any invoice you send to us.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Kind regards,
Elliot Dunn
Analyst - Climate |Emissions Trading Scheme
Ministry for the Environment | Manatu Mo Te Taiao
[email address]
From: Kevin Brown s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2022 11:22 am
To: Elliot Dunn <[email address]>
Subject: Re: [COMMERCIAL]RE: Emissions Trading Scheme - Regulations for 2023
Hi Elliot,
Attached please find the signed contract and conflict of interest documents. 
I don't see a conflict of interest myself, but it could possible be seen as such?  However, anybody
who is au fait with the geothermal industry ETS requirements will be likewise involved with the
industry, so I don't see a way around that.
I have an initial zoom meeting with the industry ETS group this afternoon.
Kevin Brown. 
On 28/09/2022 1:47 pm, Elliot Dunn wrote:
Kia Ora Kevin,

We are reviewing the Emissions Trading Scheme
regulations for 2023 and we are looking for someone
with relevant expertise to assist us with identifying which
ETS regulations need updating (if any) for geothermal
More specifically, we are interested in the following:
1.  Do the current default emissions factors need
updating, given most geothermal plants have
unique emissions factors? What would the new
default emission factors be? Tables 6A and 6B of
these regulations set out the current default
emission factors. Those tables may also need
updating to add or remove geothermal plants.
2.  Do the unique emissions factor regulations
require an update? We note the expansion of NCG
reinjection, for example, and have been made
aware the regulations could be improved for this
activity. If updates are recommended, what would
these be? The current regulation are c14 to 17
We will need a report to be completed detailing what
changes to the current regulations are recommended.
If you are interested in working with us, please let us
know your current availability and provide us with a
quote. Please note that this work needs to be completed
with some urgency as we are running on a short
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Kind regards,
Elliot Dunn
Analyst - Climate |Emissions Trading Scheme
Ministry for the Environment | Manatu Mo Te Taiao
[email address]