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; s9(2)(g)(ii)
RE: X/17/00676 Returned briefing and follow up questions for answer by COP 27/7 - Waikato medical school
proposal briefing
Thursday, 27 July 2017 2:32:04 pm
Thanks s9(2)(a)
From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2017 2:30 p.m.
To: s9(2)(a)
; Ministerial Requests
Subject: RE: X/17/00676 Returned briefing and follow up questions for answer by COP 27/7 - Waikato
medical school proposal briefing
Sorry - please see below.
Kind regards
P4, para 4 – please can you take a look at the Minister’s question ‘Is 200 of that extra?’
The $102 million is the establishment cost to 2020 and includes funding for facilities development,
programme establishment/development and other capital charges.  This is included in the total
capital cost of $111.7 million, which the Crown would need to establish as new funding.
The establishment costs also include some operational costs (see graph below) that will probably be
met through existing DHB sources.
P8, para 30 – ‘How many not working as opposed to going offshore?’
Health Workforce New Zealand has indicated that it is currently preparing a briefing for the
Minister of Health on this topic with a particular focus on retention of IMG’s. You could request a

copy from the Minister of Health.
Minister commented re: pages 9 – 10 – ‘Very strong [something] just training more doctors
not solution

Noted.  It is likely that a bundle of recruitment and retention initiatives would be required to result
in significantly more rural doctors. 
Note comments on pages 6 and 12
Noted page 6 that greater Auckland and Waikato have similar numbers of general doctors. Health
Workforce New Zealand has commented that:

The Waikato is similar to the greater Auckland region in relation to the ratio of general
practitioners per 100,000 population.
The reason that it combines the three Auckland DHBs as one for this data is that the
geographical location data in the Auckland region is unreliable because of the way doctors
have reported their location (numbers in South Auckland are probably artificially low whilst
those in Auckland are artificially high).
We can confidently say that the ratio of GPs per 100,000 is only slightly less than in the
Waikato than in the greater Auckland region.
Even within district health board boundaries the ratio of general practitioners per 100,000
population varies. For example within the Waikato there will be more general practitioners in
Hamilton per 100,000 population than in many of the more rural areas
It is noted that for more rural DHB’s, Tarawhiti has the same number of general practitioners per
100,000 population as greater Auckland (70), whilst Lakes DHB has more (82).  Taranaki has fewer
Noted page 12:
Graduate medical students are likely to attract more SAC 3+ funding than those that take the direct
entry option due to the student completing a prior degree (although this would depend on the
nature of the first degree).  Some examples are as follows:
3-years Arts/social science - $18,588 (based on 2018 funding rates)
3-year Science - $40,626 (based on 2018 funding rates)
Indirect costs will be still higher if the student has completed honours or post-graduate
qualifications. There is also the possibility that students will have undertaken more costly prior
qualifications such as pharmacy, medical radiation therapy, or dentistry.
However, approximately 30% of Otago/Auckland medical students go through the graduate entry
pathway (approximately 160 students).  If these students went through a programme similar to that
in the Waikato proposal, there would be a one year saving in medical school SAC3+ funding of
$43,048 per student based on 2018 SAC-funding rates (approximately $6.7 million).
From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2017 1:28 p.m.
To: s9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: X/17/00676 Returned briefing and follow up questions for answer by COP 27/7 - Waikato
medical school proposal briefing

Out of scope
From: s9(2)(a)
Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 11:06 a.m.
Cc: Ministerial Requests; Tim Fowler
Subject: X/17/00676 Returned briefing and follow up questions for answer by COP 27/7 - Waikato
medical school proposal briefing
Hi s9(2)(a)
Please find attached the returned briefing Joint Tertiary Education, Health and Treasury Report:
University of Waikato/Waikato DHB proposal to establish a third medical school in New Zealand
The Minister has scribbled some comments and questions, and I’d like the TEC to 1) note these in
case they come up in discussion with the Minister e.g. at officials meetings, and 2) provide answers
to some of the questions.
Questions/comments for response by COP this Thursday please – by email to me is fine:
-          P4, para 4 – please can you take a look at the Minister’s question ‘Is 200 of that extra?’
-          P8, para 30 – ‘How many not working as opposed to going offshore?’
-          Minister commented re: pages 9 – 10 – ‘Very strong [something] just training more doctors
not solution
-          Note comments on pages 6 and 12

Let me know if you’d like clarification for any of these.
As you know, the Minister is meeting with Hons Joyce and Coleman next Monday afternoon to
discuss this. I’m still waiting to confirm whether Ministers would like officials in attendance. Jen has
put a hold in Tim’s diary for the time being.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith  |  Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment
4.5R Beehive, Parliament Buildings, Private Bag 18041, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
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