This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Acceptance into Second Year Law'.

13 June 2023 
By email: [FYI request #22890 email] 
Tēnā koe G 
I refer to your information request dated 23 May 2023 made under the Official Information Act 
1982. You have requested mark and grade distributions for the 2017 – 2022 LAWS101 papers for 
students who were successful in entering Second Year Law the following year. 
Subject to the following comments, please see attached the information you have requested. 
•  students are included if their LAWS101 mark is in the year immediately prior to their 
admission to Second Year Law. We are unable to provide the information if a students’ 
LAWS101 mark was more than one year prior to enrolment in Second Year Law. For 
example, if a student was enrolled in LAWS101 in 2019, but was not enrolled in LAWS101 in 
2020, and enters Second Year Law in 2021, they are not included in the data. 
•  in the attached mark and grade distributions, we note that students are only included if they 
were successful in entering Second Year Law after taking LAWS101. Students who were not 
successful in entering Second Year Law after taking LAWS101 are excluded from the data. 
I trust that this information will be helpful. 
Yours sincerely 
Kelsey Kennard 
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator 
Office of the Registrar