This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Reflexology information'.

22 May 2023  
Fiona Goldingham 
[FYI request #22698 email] 
Kia ora Fiona 
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-024901 
Thank you for your email through FYI on 6 May 2023 asking for the following information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
I would like to know if you have information of reflexology being used as a therapy for recuperation 
for ACC. 

ACC does not have specific guidelines for when ACC may consider covering massage therapy or 
However, treatment or rehabilitation can be recommended by a treating provider and considered on a 
case-by-case basis if the treatment is appropriate for the level of injury.  
Number of claims where costs related to reflexology have been paid 
Between 1 January 2016 and 18 May 2023, we have found that there were 28 paid invoice lines, related to 
5 claims, which mentioned ‘reflexology’. This data was extracted on 18 May 2023, and may differ if 
extracted again at a later date. 
Data limitations 
The invoices captured in this data may also include costs related to transport to and from reflexology, and 
those where the employer name includes the word 'reflexology'. Further, reflexology can be paid under 
other services and not specifically stated. As such, the data provided should be considered indicative only.  
If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch 
You can email me at [email address].  
Ngā mihi 
Sara Freitag 
Acting Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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