27 April 2023
Ref: DOIA 2223-2407
[FYI request #22515 email]
Tēnā koe Bruce
Thank you for your email of 20 April 2023 to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following information:
I would like to receive a list of all possible BIC Codes and related attributes.
I do NOT require any specific companies or similar: JUST the BIC Codes, ideally with:
a) BIC Industry
b) BIC Sector
c) BIC Category
d) BIC Code
e) BIC Descriptor
A list of Business Industry Classification (BIC) codes is available on the Stats NZ website at
: Ariā -
Concordances (stats.govt.nz). The list can be downloaded in various formats.
MBIE is therefore refusing your request under section 18(d) of the Act, as the information requested is
publicly available.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, or if you require any further assistance,
please contact
[email address].
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available
at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Nāku noa, nā
Bolen Ng
National Manager, Business Registries
Market Integrity