24 April 2023
[FYI request #22229 email]
Tēnā koe James
Official Information Act request
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 23 March 2023, requesting:
“As per a previous request you said your first recollection and indication that Mr Tukaki was
resigning from his chair role, was following the monthly Ministerial Advisory Board meeting of
15 March 2022.
“We can advise that Minister Davis recal s a discussion with Mr Tukaki fol owing the
monthly Ministerial Advisory Board meeting of 15 March 2022. This discussion was
informal in nature, however during this discussion Mr Tukaki advised the Minister of
his intention to step down as Chair, and noted that Tā Mark Solomon could be a
suitable candidate for the Chair position.”
As such please provide all communications between yourself or your office with Mr Tukaki
concerning his resignation from the Ministerial Advisory Board, including serving out any
notice period, last day in the role, handover, any PR or press required etc.
This includes but is not limited to all texts, emails and phone call logs, and obviously includes
Mr Tukaki’s official letter/email of resignation.”
Your request has been considered by this Office in accordance with the provisions of the OIA.
We have interpreted your request to refer to communications directly between Minister Davis
and/or his office, and Mr Tukaki, relating to his resignation. One text message exchange has
been identified as within scope of your request. Two comments from this exchange are
released to you as
Appendix A. Some comments in this exchange have been withheld under
section 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank
expression of opinions to Ministers, or because they were out of scope.
We have also identified information which, while outside the scope of your request, does relate
to the transition of the Chair of the Minister Advisory Board. Please find a table of
these documents enclosed. The documents have been released to you as
Appendix B.
In addition, one publicly available document has been identified which may be of interest to
• Cabinet Paper - Oranga Tamariki Ministerial Advisory Board: Revocation and
Appointment of Chair
You can access this document by following this link to the Oranga Tamariki Ministerial
Advisory Board webpage:
Should you wish to discuss this response, we encourage you to contact this Office.
Alternatively, you are advised of your right to ask the Office of the Ombudsman to review this
decision. You can do this by writing to [email address] or Office of the
Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Nāku noa, nā
The Office of Hon Kelvin Davis
Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Minister for Children Minister of Corrections Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education)
Appendix A
In scope
1. Text message exchange
Attached. Some comments withheld under
between Hon Kelvin Davis and
Section 9(2)(g)(i), or because they are out
Matt Tukaki
of scope.
Appendix B
1. Aide Memoire - MAB Chair
Released in full
transition event
2. April 2022 emails re Handover
Attached, mobile phone numbers have
of the MAB Chair
been withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the
Act to protect the privacy of individuals in
these communications.
Appendix A
Official Information Act
under the
Appendix B
8 April 2022
Security Level: In Confidence
Hon Kelvin Davis, Minister for Children
File reference: 22/0401
Approved by: Sandra Coleman, Director, Ministerial Advisory Board Secretariat
Ministerial Advisory Board - Transition of Chair and Mihi
Meeting/visit details The mihi whakatau and transition event is to be held on Tuesday 19 April 2022,
from 8:30am – 10:00am at 56 The Terrace, Level 1 Auditorium. You are
speaking around 9:1
Official Information Act
0am (step 13 on the run sheet) and wil be participating by
Zoom. The ZOOM link is in your calendar, and also pasted below:
Expected attendees Invitations have been sent to members of the Ministerial Advisory Board,
Secretariat and Oranga Tamariki Leadership Team members and officials.
under the
Expected attendees at the event will total 37 people in person (this is the room
maximum under current red/orange settings).
The list of confirmed attendees is attached.
Purpose of
The purpose of this Mihi Whakatau is to formally transition the role of Chair of
the Ministerial Advisory Board.
The Minister wil make a short presentation acknowledging both Matthew as
Released current incumbent Chair and his contribution, and welcoming Tā Mark as
incoming Chair. Speaking notes are provided below.
Speech notes
Speech notes are provided as a separate document, alongside this Aide
Memoire in your weekend folder.
The Aurora Centre, 56 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 – Telephone +64 4 916 3300
The Minister established the Ministerial Advisory Board in February 2021 to
provide independent advice and assurance on the work of Oranga Tamariki with
families, whānau, and Māori. At that time, the Ministerial Advisory Board
comprised Matthew Tukaki (Chair), Dame Naida Glavish, Shannon Pakura and
Tā Mark Solomon.
In July 2021, the Ministerial Advisory Board presented their initial report
Hipokingia ki te Kahu Aroha Hipokingia ki te katoa (Te Kahu Aroha). In August
2021, Cabinet accepted the recommendations outlined in Te Kahu Aroha and
agreed to the future direction of Oranga Tamariki to be implemented through the
actions in the Oranga Tamariki Future Direction Plan (the Future Direction Plan).
In December 2021, the Minister appointed Ruth Jones, Mana Williams-Eade
and Alfred Filipaina as three new members to the Ministerial Advisory Board.
They provide representation for the disability, youth, and Pasifika communities,
and were appointed to provide support to the Board in the second phase of its
work programme, and as the Board moved into its assurance reporting phase.
The move to assurance reporting marks a new phase of the Ministerial Advisory
Board’s work. In paral el, that the Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki Chappie
Te Kani has appointed his leadership team (Te Riu), and change momentum is
As the Board moves int Official Information Act
o a more ‘Business as Usual’ mode, Matthew Tukaki has
signal ed a desire to step down from his role as Chair and move to other
challenges. His last day as chair wil be 24 April 2022. Tā Mark Solomon wil
assume the role as Chair, commencing 25 April 2022.
Brief Biographies Brief Biographies for Matthew and Tā Mark
for Matthew and Tā
under the
Matthew Tukaki (Chair)
Matthew has an extensive career in government and the NGO sector in a large
number of public, social and economic policy areas across the Māori world. He
has been appointed to the role of executive chairman of the National Māori
Authority, Ngā Ngaru Rautahi O Aotearoa; became the Chair of the Auckland
District Māori Council; and was previously the National Executive of the New
Zealand Māori Council.
Tā Mark Solomon
Released Tā Mark is a Tribal leader and has contributed to his community in many
capacities, ranging from numerous board positions to trustees and directorships.
He was instrumental in establishing the Te Pūtahitanga O Te Waipounamu,
Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency of the South Island and is currently its
Report Number
RUNSHEET: Ministerial Advisory Board transition of chair Mihi Whakatau
Internal viewing only
Tuesday 19 April 2022
MAB: Matthew Tukaki, Taa Mark Solomon, Dame Naida Glavish, Shannon Pakura, Alf Filipaina,
Mana Wil iams Eade, Ruth Jones, Ruth Jones
MAB Secretariat: Sandra Coleman, Henare Mason, Te Wetini Amaru-Tibble, Laura Caney, Rachel
OT: Chappie Te Kani, Chief Executive, Te Riu - Peter Whitcombe, Darrin Haimona, Nicolette Dickson,
Anita Easton, Jane Fletcher, Hannah Scherwitzel, Doug Hauraki
Wal y Haumaha – Deputy Commissioner New Zealand Police
Trevor Moeke Director - Te Ao Māori The Treasury
Geoff Short - Deputy Chief Executive, Te Puni Kōkiri
Donovan Clarke - Chief Executive, Toitū te Waiora
Topia Rameka - Deputy Chief Executive, Department of Corrections
Piri Rurawhe - Executive Director, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Alistair Ferris - Senior Advisor, Ministry of For Official Information Act
eign Affairs & Trade
Ihorangi Reweti - Representative, Te Rōpū Pūmanawa
Nova Branaghan - Chief Monitor, Independant Childrens Monitor
Mohi Apou - Chief Advisor Māori, Worksafe NZ
Kura Moeahu, Kaumatua
Alishia Moeahu, Engagement Lead, Oranga Tamariki
Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi, Kaumatua
Jury Teniteni Smeaton - Advisor, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Michael Tukaki - Whānau
Online: Hon. Kelvin
under the
Davis, Ministers Officials, Tukaki Whānau, Solomon Whānau
Zoom link for whānau -
MAB Secretariat arrive to set up the room.
Oranga Tamariki National
Office, Level 1, Reception area
Events team wil produce sign-in labels in advance
and wil support the MAB Secretariat to welcome
manuhiri and provide labels.
Manuhiri arrive at level 1 reception
Oranga Tamariki National
Te Wetini to greet guests and explain tikanga.
Office, Level 1, 1.1 Auditorium
8.30am –
Mihi Whakatau commences
Oranga Tamariki National
Kawa – Pāeke
Office, Level 1, 1.1 Auditorium
Hosts speak first and then visitors reply.
9:30am –
Kai and whakawhanaungatanga.
Oranga Tamariki National
Office, Level 1, 1.1 Auditorium
Step 1
Dame Naida Glavish to begin with Karanga
2 Mins
Step 2
Harirū – Manuhiri to be welcomed into the room and begin with a Harirū in
2 Mins
accordance with Taranaki Tikanga (Harirū optional and wil be upon
consultation with manuhiri)
Step 3
Doug Hauraki to open with Karakia (Speaker 1)
5 Mins
Step 4
Oranga Tamariki, MAB to sing Waiata lead by Dame Naida Glavish (Waiata 1)
2 Mins
Step 5
Kura Moeahu to deliver whaikorero on behalf of Matthew Tukaki Chair
5 Mins
(Speaker 2)
Step 6
Secretariat to sing Waiata lead by Dame Naida Glavish (Waiata 2)
2 Mins
Step 7
Henare Mason to deliver whaikorero on behalf of Matthew Tukaki Chair
5 Mins
(Speaker 3)
Step 8
Secretariat to sing Waiata lead by Dame Naida Glavish (Waiata 3)
2 Mins
Step 9
Trevor Moeke to deliver whaikorero on behalf of Taa Mark Solomon (Speaker
5 Mins
Official Information Act
Step 10
Secretariat to sing Waiata lead by Dame Naida Glavish (Waiata 4)
2 Mins
Step 11
Delivery of Taonga from the MAB presented by Matthew Tukaki to Taa Mark
5 Mins
Step 12
Henare Mason to close the formalities with a Karakia
5 Mins
Step 13
Hon Kelvin Davis to speak
5 Mins
under the
Step 14
Chappie Te Kani to speak
5 Mins
Step 15
Matthew Tukaki to speak
5 Mins
Step 16
Taa Mark Solomon to speak
5 Mins
Step 17
Speeches end
Step 18
Karakia Kai
1 Mins
Step 19
Hakari and whakawhanaungatanga
45 Mins
Appendix seating chart
Official Information Act
under the
Waiata list to be confirmed
Waiata 1 - Ma Wai Ra
Ma wai ra e taurima
Te marae i waho nei?
Ma te tika, ma te pono
Me te aroha e
Waiata 2 - Ma te Kahukura
Mā te kahukura ka rere te manu
Mā ngā huruhuru nei
Ka rere koe
Rere runga rawa e
Ka tae atu koe ki te taumata
Whakatau mai rā e
Mau ana taku aroha
Whai ake i ngā whetu
Rere tōtika rere pai
Rere runga rawa rā e
Rere totika rere pai
Official Information Act
Rere runga rawa ra e
Waiata 3
Waiata 4
under the
From: Uarnie More
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2022 3:34 PM
To: Shane Cowlishaw <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>; Simon Harding <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Fabs, thanks Shane
From: Shane Cowlishaw
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2022 3:31 PM
To: Uarnie More <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Yeah this is fine, I’ll get a draft done before I go on leave next Wednesday.
From: Uarnie More
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2022 3:15 PM
To: Shane Cowlishaw <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>; Kurt McL Official Information Act
auchlan <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Kia ora Shane
Here’s a few bullet points on Sir Mark Solomon for the press release as per below. Can you let
Simon know if you need more under the
information please?
• Sir Mark Solomon has been part of the Board since it was established in February 2021.
• In the development of
Te Kahu Aroha, Sir Mark lead the Board’s investigations into data,
operations, systems inside Oranga Tamariki, and providers.
• Sir Mark served as kaiwhakahaere of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu from 1998 to 2016 and was
made a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2013 for services to Māori
and business.
• In 2012, Sir Mark was named as the Visionary Leader in the NZ Management Magazine
National Business Awards
• The appointment of Sir Mark Solomon to the position of Chair of the Ministerial Advisory
Board brings vast governance experience across government panels, non-government
organisations, iwi and Māori entities and private businesses including Te Kāhui (joint
venture), Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa,
Ngāti Ruanui Holdings and Te Ohu Kaimoana
• Sir Mark is a respected leader, particularly within te ao Māori contributing to iwi and
community development, fostering educational opportunities for young Māori, and taking a
strong stance against whānau violence and sexual abuse.
As an FYI, Matthew Tukaki would like to see the press release before its released. Simon will liaise
with the MAB Secretariat once you’re ready.
From: Uarnie More
Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:46 PM
To: Shane Cowlishaw <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Grand, will do.
From: Shane Cowlishaw
Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:42 PM
To: Uarnie More <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Thanks Uarnie,
Official Information Act
Yes, please get some brief bullet points and I can draft a PR, it should come from the Minister
obviously. Please include some background on Ta Mark’s history etc that can be used.
From: Uarnie More
Sent: Thursday, 24 M under the
arch 2022 12:40 PM
To: Helen Lahtinen <[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan
<[email address]>; Shane Cowlishaw <[email address]>
Cc: George Greig <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Kia ora team
I’ve spoken with Sandra, key points below:
It will be hosted and coordinated by the MAB
Tentative venue is level 1 at OT, 56 The Terrace
The Minister will be asked to say a few words
Members of the OT Leadership Team will be invited to attend (to enable new leadership
team members to establish/renew relationships with board members for the purpose of
delivering on the MOU)
A press release has been suggested to help keep comms to a minimum prior to the event.
Shane, let me know if you’re happy for us to commission brief talking points and information to
support a press release from the office.
Sing out if you think we’ve missed anything or whether anything needs to be reconsidered.
From: Helen Lahtinen
Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:34 AM
To: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>; Keitiria McCaughey
<[email address]>; Uarnie More <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Handover of the MAB Chair
So I read it as they wish us to organise the event? KT or Uarnie, could one of you chat to Sandra what
they are thinking? I would have assumed it would take place over at MAB, and hence arranged by
From: Sandra Coleman [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:28 AM
To: Helen Lahtinen <Helen.Lahtinen@parliam
Official Information Act
Cc: Michelle Kuzmich <[email address]>; Kurt McLauchlan
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Morena Helen
We have now heard frounder the
m Chappie’s office and would like to confirm a time for the Chair handover
event for 8.30-9.30 on Tuesday 19 April.
Oranga Tamariki have suggested that this is really the Minister’s event rather than the Board’s
event. We are more than happy to work with that but I was just keen to test that assumption with
I wondered if it would be useful for us to have a brief phone conversation to ensure we move
forward with planning with agreed understanding. Would it be you Helen that I should work with on
I look forward t hearing from you so we can confirm further details.
Ngā mihi
Sandra Coleman
Director, Secretariat to Ministerial Advisory Board
E: [email address]
From: Helen Lahtinen <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 5:11 PM
To: Sandra Coleman <[email address]>
Cc: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>; Michelle Kuzmich
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Yes all good, Ill block out times and will wait to hear from you.
Thank you
From: Sandra Coleman [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 4:52 PM
To: Helen Lahtinen <[email address]>
Cc: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>; Michelle Kuzmich
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
IN-CO Official Information Act
Thanks Helen. I think that time first thing in the morning could work well and we could then follow
on with the April Board meeting.
Although Chappie might be tied up in OTLT in the morning so it may need to be after 2.30.
Can you please pencil in both times and I will liaise with Matthew and with Chappie’s office and
come back to you as so under the
on as possible within the next few days with a definite time on 19 April.
I appreciate your extremely prompt response. Thanks.
Ngā mihi
Sandra Coleman
Director, Secretariat to Ministerial Advisory Board
T: 64 4 s9(2)(a)
E: [email address]
From: Helen Lahtinen <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 4:46 PM
To: Sandra Coleman <[email address]>
Cc: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
HI Sandra
The Minister is only in Wellington on Tuesday 19 April, if this would work. I can make him available in
the morning between 8am -10am. If this doesn’t work I could try to do some magic for a time after
2.30pm in the afternoon......
Grateful for advise
Thank you
From: Sandra Coleman [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 4:37 PM
To: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Perfect thanks
From: Kurt McLauchlan <Kurt.McLauchlan@parl Official Information Act
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 4:36 PM
To: Sandra Coleman <[email address]>; Helen Lahtinen
<[email address]>
Cc: Jane Fletcher <[email address]>; Kate Riddell <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Handover of the MAB Chair
Brining in Helen who is in charge of the diary.
Kurt McLauchlan |
under the
ior Ministerial Advisor
| Landline +6
4 4 817 8327 | Email [email address]
From: Sandra Coleman [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, 21 March 2022 4:34 PM
To: Kurt McLauchlan <[email address]>
Cc: Jane Fletcher <[email address]>; Kate Riddell <[email address]>
Subject: Handover of the MAB Chair
Kia ora Kurt,
Matthew has asked me to contact you regarding the formal handing over of his role as Chair of the
MAB to Ta Mark Solomon in April.
Matthew is keen to have a small formal event to mark the handover of this important role. He is
suggesting that Thursday 21 April would be his preferred date for this to occur and we were
wondering if the Minister had any availability to attend at any time on this day? If this date was not
suitable for the Minister, Matthew has indicated either Tuesday 19 April or Wed 20 April would also
be options for the Board.
To be fiscally prudent we would schedule the April Board meeting around whatever date could be
agreed to ensure travel costs for the Board are minimised.
Naturally we will also need to check in with Chappie regarding his availability but Matthew was keen
to test dates with the Minister in the first instance.
I look forward to hearing from you with the Minister’s views.
Ngā mihi
Sandra Coleman
Director, Secretariat to Ministerial Advisory Board
E: [email address]
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under the
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