4 April 2023
Ref: DOIA 2223-2063
Liam Hehir
[FYI request #22029 email] Tēnā koe Liam
Thank you for your email of 8 March 2023 to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC),
which was subsequently transferred to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for a
response. In your email you requested, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following
I understand that the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet was responsible for overseeing
the activities of the Prime Minister's Business Advisory Council while Christopher Luxon was the
chairperson of that body.
The prime minister has recently said "I'm aware the chair of the Prime Minister's Business Advisory
Council spent money employing consultants to write the one substantive report the council
managed to come up with," I would like to request the following information:
First, please confirm which report was written by consultants.
Second, please disclose which consultancy firm was used to write the report.
Third, please disclose how much the consultancy firm was paid to write the report.
If the Department does not have this information, please disclose the basis of the Prime Minister's
statements regarding the claimed report and its authorship.
Please find the following information relevant to your request.
First, please confirm which
• McKinsey & Company prepared two reports:
report was written by
A Future That Works Report: Harnessing Automation for a
More Productive and Thriving New Zealand
Future of Work – Implications for Māori
Second, please disclose
which consultancy firm was
• Perceptive prepared one report:
used to write the report.
New Zealand Business Compliance Research
Third, please disclose how
• MBIE made a financial contribution of $200,000 (excluding GST) to
much the consultancy firm
McKinsey & Company, for the development of the following report:
was paid to write the report.
Future of Work – Implications for Māori.
• MBIE does not hold information about the cost of reports 1 and 3,
and we are therefore refusing this aspect of your request under
section 18(g) of the Act:
that the information requested is not held by the department or
venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation and the person
dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is either —
(i) held by another department (for itself and for a
departmental agency hosted by it or an interdepartmental
executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental
venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a
local authority; or
(ii) connected more closely with the functions of another
department (for itself and for a departmental agency
hosted by it or an interdepartmental executive board
serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or Minister of
the Crown or organisation or of a local authority.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, or if you require any further assistance,
please contact
[email address]. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Nāku noa, nā
Lesley McConnell
Head of the Office of the Deputy Secretary
Building, Resources and Markets