This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Emergency mobile alert Jan 2023'.

      20 April 2023 
Official information request 8140011477 
 (Please quote this in any correspondence) 
Felix Lee 
By email: [FYI request #21911 email] 
Tēnā koe Felix  
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 
Re: Emergency mobile alert 
Thank you for your email dated 24 February 2023, in which you requested information about 
the emergency response for the Auckland Floods. The specific details of your request and our 
response are below. 
“I would like to make a LGOIMA request regarding the emergency mobile alert sent on 
29 January and 31 January. 
1. Who gave the order to sent the alert 
2. Can you please share the documents used to make the decision to send the alerts” 
In recognition of the public interest in the information regarding the emergency response for 
the Auckland Floodings, we collated a pack of information, which includes information within 
the scope of the related LGOIMA requests we have received. 
Due to the size of the material contained in the pack, it can be accessed at the following 
OneDrive link -   Flood response pack 
This Flood Information Pack includes: 
  •  A covering memorandum providing an overview of Auckland Emergency 
Management in the context of an emergency response. 
•  A summary of all of the requests for information relating to the response to the 
Auckland Anniversary weekend flooding received, that this response pertains to.  
•  A copy of the signed declaration of emergency, which we can confirm was signed by 
the Mayor in his office at 9.27 pm on Friday 27 January 2023. 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

•  An email from the General Manager of Auckland Emergency Management to the 
Mayor containing the template document of the declaration.  This was the email 
under the Mayor’s right hand in the photograph taken of the declaration being signed. 
  •  Information relating to the whereabouts of the Mayor between 4 pm Friday 27 
January 2023 and 10 am Saturday 28 January 2023.  
  •  A copy of the Mayor’s calendar for the 26th – 29th of January inclusive. 
  •  A copy of the Mayor’s call logs, both outgoing and incoming for the 26th – 28th of 
January inclusive.  These are from his work phone and his personal phone where 
some of his work calls were made and taken. 
•  Mayoral office correspondence between 26 and 28 January 2023 that relates to: 
  o  the flooding on Anniversary weekend, calling the state of emergency, official 
responses to flooding, and any Auckland Council or AEM decisions relating to 
the flooding. 
o  communication with the public about the flooding and communication about 
flood-related media requests. 
•  Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) correspondence on 27-29 January 2023 
relating to the flooding response, declaration of the state of emergency and 
communication of the emergency to the public.  
•  Minutes and notes from key AEM meetings on 27-29 January 2023 relating to the 
flooding events and declaration of emergency.  We note that there were three key 
IMT meetings held on 27 January, and two held each on 28 and 29 January 2023 
which were recorded.  These recordings are being withheld under 7(2)(f)(i) of the 
LGOIMA to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank 
expression of opinions by or between or to members or officers or employees of any 
local authority, or any persons to whom section 2(5) applies, in the course of their 
•  Copies of key documents provided to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) between 
27-29 January 2023 which relate to the Council's response to the flooding during that 
time period. 
•  Correspondence with ELT relating to the declaration of emergency, and the 
communication with the public about the unfolding events. 
  •  Council documentation/policy information on declaring a state of emergency. 
As noted above, this information pack contains information which we have collated to date 
that is within the scope of the various and related LGOIMA requests we have received.  
However, the pack does not contain all information that the Council holds relating to the 
Auckland Anniversary flood response, as collating all of this information would require 
substantial collation.  Council wil  consider further requests for specific information as 
Please note some information has been withheld in reliance on LGOIMA sections: 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

•  In relation to names and contact details of Auckland Council (including Mayoral 
office) staff members and external organisation personnel: 
o  7(2)(f)(ii) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the 
protection of members or officers or employees of any local authority, or any 
persons to whom section 2(5) applies from improper pressure or harassment  
•  In relation to the content of correspondence: 
o  7(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons. 
o  7(2)(f)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free 
and frank expression of opinions by or between or to members or officers or 
employees of any local authority, or any persons to whom section 
2(5) applies, in the course of their duty. 
o  7(2)(c)(i)  to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence 
or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the 
authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information 
would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information 
from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information 
should continue to be supplied. 
Acronyms have been used in the overlay text of some of the name redactions, please see 
list below. 
•  Auckland Emergency Management department of Auckland Council = AEM  
•  Resilient Land & Coast department of Auckland Council = RLC  
•  Parks & Community Facilities department of Auckland Council = PCF  
•  Digital & Customer Services department of Auckland Council = DCF  
•  Regional Services & Strategy department of Auckland Council = RSS  
•  General Manager = GM 
Some correspondence contains attachments that have been sent to council by National 
Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), including their situation reports.  We have been 
advised by NEMA that these attachments are soon to be made publicly available and therefore 
we are not providing these under section 17(d) of the LGOIMA: that the information requested 
is or wil  soon be publicly available. 
These attachments are: 
•  NEMA NCC Situation Report 001 Auckland Severe 
•  NEMA NCC Situation Report 002 Auckland Severe 
•  NEMA NCC Situation Report 003 Auckland Severe 
•  NEMA NCC Action Plan 002 Auckland Flooding Eve 
•  27 Jan Daily Intelligence Briefing (MAR DIB) 
•  28 Jan Daily Intelligence Briefing (MAR DIB) 
•  29 Jan Daily Intelligence Briefing (MAR DIB) 
Thank you for your patience while we worked through these requests. 
The decision by Auckland Council to release the information contained in this response was 
made by Rose Leonard, Manager - Governance Services. 
You have the right to complain to the Ombudsman if you believe we have not responded 
appropriately to your request. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602. 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101 

If you have any further queries, please contact me on 09 301 0101 quoting official information 
request number 8140011477. 
Ngā mihi  
Amanda Pil ay 
Privacy and Official Information Business Partner 
Governance Services 
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142  |  |  Ph 09 301 0101