This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'ref:OIAD-535- follow up'.

John Luke 
[FYI request #21905 email] 
Dear John Luke 
Thank you for your email of 24 February 2023 requesting the following under the Of icial 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
Central Government members of regional planning committees 
Can you please provide term of reference and job description of this committee. Also 

current member and their current term of appointment.  
Currently there are no terms of reference, job descriptions, or current members. The Natural 
and Built Environment Bil  (Bill) requires each appointing body (including the Minister who 
appoints the central government member) to prepare an appointment policy that may cover 
things like skil s requirements or role, but this has not been prepared yet. 
The Ministry for the Environment is refusing your request under section 18(e) of the Act; the 
document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist or cannot be found. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Of ice of the Ombudsman of 
my decision in response relating to this request, in accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. 
The relevant details can be found on their website at:   
Please note that due to the public interest in our work the Ministry for the Environment 
publishes responses to requests for official information on our OIA responses page shortly 
after the response has been sent.  If you have any queries about this, please feel free to 
contact our Ministerial Services team: [email address]. 
Yours sincerely 
Electronically approved by Jane White 
Jane White 
Deputy Executive Director – Natural and Built System