2 March 2023
John Luke
By email: [FYI request #21785 email]
Dear Mr Luke
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (“LGOIMA”):
Request for Information
I refer to your email dated 10 February 2023 requesting information on the nomination
of an Independent Member Audit, Finance and Risk Committee. Your request has
been referred to me to reply.
The Audit, Finance and Risk Committee provides oversight of organisational reporting,
performance, systems, risk management, and finances on behalf of council. The
Committee consists of six Council ors and at least one Council appointed independent
member, that is neither a Council or nor a staff member.
Please find below answers to your specific questions:
How did we call for public
The role was advertised online
What platform was used for the
public nominations?
How many applications were
Withheld – see below
How many applications were
received from other nominating
agencies, such as TPK or Ministry of
Women, etc
How many candidates have been
Withheld – see below
Job description
▪ Committee Members do not have job
▪ A list of the expertise/competencies
sought was included in the
advertisement of the role.
▪ Any terms of engagement with the
successful candidate remain
File Number: GOVE/INQU/OMBU/2480C
Pay rate
Withheld – see below
Name of current Independent
▪ Graham Naylor
▪ Graeme McGlinn
Current Independent Members’ term
Graham Naylor
of appointment:
▪ Three years – expiring 31 December
Graeme McGlinn
▪ Two years (following initial 12-month
period) - expiring 31 December 2022
▪ Extended to 31 March 2023 by way
of Council decision on 17 November
The recruitment of an Independent Member for our Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
remains a current and ongoing confidential process. Due to this we are withholding
some of the information you have requested pursuant to sections 7(2)(a) and 7(2)(c)
of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 to maintain
privacy and confidentiality of this process.
The successful candidate will be formally appointed by our Council. After the
appointment is confirmed, membership to the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee will
be made public.
You will be aware that if you are not satisfied with this response you are able to refer
this matter to the Office of the Ombudsman under s27 (3) of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to
contact [ECAN request email] in the first instance.
Yours sincerely
Giles Southwell
Director, Corporate Services
File Number: GOVE/INQU/OMBU/2480C