This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request '2023 Board appointment OIA'.

Reference: 20230048 
2 March 2023 
John Luke 
[FYI request #21706 email] 
Dear John 
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act request, received on 2 February 2023. You 
I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board 
member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has been closed but stil  
under consideration by the Treasury or relevant Minister. 
In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been advertised, what 

method you have used to publicly advertise the position, how many application you 
have received and when the vacancy been closed as well. 
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2023. e.g. the position that 

wil  call for nomination in the year of 2023. 
Part 1 
I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board member, 
Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has been closed but stil  under 
consideration by the Treasury or relevant Minister. 
There are currently 19 positions we are in the process of appointing to across our 42 entities. 
10 of these positions are currently vacant while the remaining 9 are replacing members 
whose terms end in later months of 2023.  
When calling for nominations the methods we use to advertise are:  
Ministerial nominations 
Caucus colleague nominations 
Public via Treasury’s online candidate database (  
Superdiversity Institute 
Community Governance Website 
Nominating Agencies; 

Of ice of Ethnic Communities (Te Tari Matawaka) 

Ministry for Women (Manatū Wāhine) 

Ministry for Pacific Peoples 

Of ice for Disability Issues 

Te Puni Kōkiri 
1 The Terrace 
PO Box 3724  
Wellington 6140 
New Zealand  
tel.  +64-4-472-2733 

Part 2 
In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been advertised, what method you 
have used to publicly advertise the position, how many application you have received and 
when the vacancy been closed as well. 
In addition to the information you have requested above we are also providing you with 
information on where we are at in the appointment process for each position.  Please refer to 
the attached table. 
Part 3 
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2023. e.g. the position that wil  
call for nomination in the year of 2023. 
At the date of your request, of the 57 directors with term ends this year, we were yet to 
provide advice on 27 positions with term ends in 2023.  
Due to the government period of restraint for 3 months prior to the general election in 
October, our appointment processes need to be complete before 1 July 2023. 
Remaining entities we are yet to confirm Ministers decisions on are: 
Te Waihanga (New Zealand Infrastructure Commission) 
Nominating Commit ee for the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation 
Independent Oversight Commit ee for Southern Response Earthquake Services 
Accident Compensation Corporation 
We expect to provide our remaining recommendations to the relevant Ministers by the end of 
Dependent on Ministers’ decisions, remaining calls for nominations for vacant positions wil  
likely go up in early April to have all positions confirmed by 1 July.  
A full list of our current directors with term end dates is available here: Current Directors 
If you are interested in board appointments across the entities we appoint to please contact 
us at [email address].  We encourage you to set up your profile on the 
board appointments website so you can be notified when nominations are opened in future. 
Please note that this let er (with your personal details removed) and enclosed documents 
may be published on the Treasury website. 

This reply addresses the information you requested. You have the right to ask the 
Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision.  
Yours sincerely 
Stella Kotrotsos 
Manager, Governance & Appointments 

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