John Luke
[FYI request #21649 email]
Dear John Luke
Thank you for your email of 28 January 2023 to the Ministry for the Environment (the
Ministry) requesting the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial appointment only, e.g. board
member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination period has been closed but
stil under consideration by the Ministry or relevant Minister. If there is any, please
indicate what stage they are currently at and when you are expected to have a final
outcome. In your list, can you please include the date that vacancy been advertised,
what method you have used to publicly advertise the position, how many applications
you have received and when the vacancy been closed as well.
Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2023. e.g. the position
that wil call for nomination in the year of 2023.
The table below provides an overview of positions that are currently under consideration and
indicates the positions that will be considered later in the year. It has not been decided
whether there wil be a call for nominations for the positions under consideration later in
2023. Further changes and additions might be possible following Ministerial decisions.
Positions currently under
Positions under
consideration / vacancies
consideration later in 2023
Central Government members -
Up to 3 positions
of regional planning
Climate Change Commission
2 positions
Environmental Protection
2 positions
Freshwater Planning Process
1 position
Nominating Committee for the
1 position
Climate Change Commission
Waikato River Authority
5 positions
Waste Advisory Board
3 positions
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Of ice of the Ombudsman of
my decision to withhold information relating to this request, in accordance with section 28(3)
of the Act. The relevant details can be found on their website at:
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz. Please note that due to the public interest in our work the Ministry for the Environment
publishes responses to requests for official information on our
OIA responses page shortly
after the response has been sent. If you have any queries about this, please feel free to
contact our Ministerial Services team:
[email address]. Yours sincerely
Chloe Groser
Director – Partnerships and Public Affairs