1 March 2023
Felix Lee
fyi-reg uest-21505-e980c667@reg .org. nz
Ref: DOIA 2223-1421
Dear Felix,
Thank you for your email of 2 January 2023 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act),
the following information:
This is an OJA request to /NZ regarding eVisa transfer to a new passport. I would like information
on e-Visa only and not cases where visa labels are required on the new passport.
1. For each of the last 3 months, please provide the processing time for when 50% and 90% of
applications were completed
2. Are there any plans to use an electronic method of applying for e-Visa transfer, for example using
the passport scanning technology used in NZeTA app. If so, please provide any documents that
discuss these plans.
Our Response
Question 1: The information you have requested in part one of your request is presented below:
Table One: Processing timeframe of eVisa transfer applications from 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022
Month completed
Number of days to complete eVisa transfer
Number of applications
50% of applications
90% of applications
October 2022
2 days
7 days
November 2022
2 days
10 days
December 2022
2 days
15 days
Question 2: Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is working on making the application for a transfer or
confirmation of a visa available online in the first half of 2023. This will allow applicants to submit their
applications through the INZ website. Further details can be found in the memo, attached as
Appendix A.
Please note that some information contained in the document has been withheld under sections 9(2)(h) of
the Act, as the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege; and
9(2)(g)(i) of the Act, as the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of
public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions.
In accordance with section 9 (1) of the OIA, I have considered whether there are any factors that make it
desirable, in the public interest, to release information to which section 9 of the OIA applied. I do not
consider that any public interest considerations outweigh the need to withhold this information.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of the Ministry's response to
your request, in accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. Information about how to make a complaint is
available at or free phone 0800 802 602.