This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Release of communications regarding LGOIA request dated 15th November'.

17 February 2023 
Rod Badcock 
[email address] 
Tēnā koe Rod 
Requests for Information pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and 
Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) 

Thank you for your correspondence of 20 December 2022, in which you have requested the 
following official information: 
1. Copies of email correspondence relating to this request (of 15 November 2022).
2. Minutes of any meeting where my LGOIA request was discussed.
3. Copies of entries into notebooks, and dates, used by any council staff or contractors
that make reference to my request
4. If there have been oral discussions (related to this LGOIA)  that have not been
documented, please briefly summarise what was said, on what date and by whom.
This includes telephone conversations.
I also refer to your request of 25 January 2023 in which you ask that Hutt City Council 
5. That the GIS map referred to in Hutt City Council’s correspondence of 20 December
2022 does not represent the current bylaw and needs updating
6. When will the GIS map referred to above be updated?
7. That HCC recognise that there is confusion caused through this and more, clearer,
signage is needed?
The  emails  that  you  requested  on  20  December  2022  are attached. Please note that some 
material has been withheld under section 7(2)(a) of the LGOIMA, to protect the privacy of 
other individuals. 
All communications relating to your request of 20 December 2022 were undertaken by email. 
Your request was not discussed in any meetings, conversations, nor included in staff 
notebooks. Accordingly, your request for this information is refused under section 17(g) of the 
Act, on the grounds that the information requested is not held by Hutt City Council and we 
have no reason to believe that it is held by any other party. 
With regards to points 5 and 7, relating to your correspondence of 25 January 2023, we 
cannot provide confirmation of such matters.  With regards to point 6, we have no information 
about when the GIS maps will be updated.  We are therefore unable to supply additional 
information to that already provided to you.  

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602. 
Please note that this letter may be published on the Council’s website. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Susan Sales 
Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy