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Home » Resources & Tools » Helping Clients » Procedures and Manuals » Work and Income » Core Procedures » Annual Reviews » Review of
Annual Income client groups
Review of Annual Income client groups
This page describes the different client groups for the Review of Annual Income process.
Clients who will not need a due-paid assessment
No income recorded in the past 52 week period
Income recorded but benefit rate not abated at any point in the past 52 week period.
Clients who must provide verification of their income
Income has been recorded and benefit has been abated during past 52 week period, and
Deliberate or doubtful debt established at any point in time, or
Debt level about $10,000 at any point in time, or  
Outgoings are greater than 70% of income (including benefit and supps) 
Benefit has been suspended due to excess income during past 52 week period 
Income not updated in past two years 
All clients receiving Emergency Benefit or Emergency Maintenance Allowance 
Low Trust Client Management clients – Low Trust clients will also need to book an appointment
Clients who can confirm their income
Income recorded and benefit has been abated (but not suspended due to excess income) during past 52 week period 
Any other client not defined in the other two groups.
Content owner: Work and Income National Office  Last updated: 29 November 2020