This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request '52 Week Income Summary & Overpayments'.

scan, save and link the verification to an ‘Annual income due/paid assessment’ Client Event, and assign this to the ‘Centralised
annual income due/paid assessments Ready for Processing’ queue.
If more information is needed (for example, the client has not provided verification for the entire period that they were earning
income), the client will need to book another appointment. Any verification that the client provides at their first appointment
must be scanned, saved and linked to an ‘Annual income due/paid assessment’ → ‘Additional information required’ Client
Event. Note in the Client Event what further verification the client has been asked to provide, and assign the Client Event to
the ‘Centralised annual income due/paid assessments Work on Hold’ queue.
Note: you may consider an extension if there are no appointments available before the client’s suspension date.
If a client can’t provide verification before their suspension date then they may be granted an extension.
They need to have a good and sufficient reason, for example:
the client has been in hospital
the client was overseas on approved travel when their letter was sent
the client’s employer is not able to provide them with income information within the timeframe.
In general, 10 working days is an appropriate extension. However, there may be some cases when it is reasonable to give the
client more time. If granting more than 25 working days, you must discuss this with your manage .
Note: the new suspension date should be added for the Monday following the extension date
To grant an extension:
Record the reason for the extension in an ‘Annual income due/paid assessment’ C ient Event and assign this to the
‘Centralised annual income due/paid assessments Work on Hold’ queue.
Clear the review in SWIFTT
Add a future suspension using reason code 'lack of representation'
Advise the client of the new suspension date.
Queuing work to Centralised Services
Clients that need to provide verification of their income may bring this into a service centre. You need to:
Check that income information for the entire 52 week period has been provided. If not, advise the client what further
information is required.
If the client has provided all information, scan, save and link the verification to an ‘Annual income due/paid assessment’ Client
Assign the Client Event to the ‘Centralised annual income due/paid assessments Ready for Processing’ queue.
Clear the review in SWIFTT as returned.
If more verification is needed
Scan, save and link the verification that has been provided to a ‘Annual income due/paid assessment’ → ‘Additional
under the Official Information Act (1982)
information required’ Client Event. Note the verification that the client has been asked to provide.
Assign the Client Event to the ‘Centralised annual income due/paid assessments Work on Hold’ queue.
Benefit suspended or expired at the time of review
A client will not be sent letter if their benefit is suspended or expired at the time their letter is due to be sent (10 working days
after their 52 week period ends).
However, an expiry date will still be added onto their record in SWIFTT if they need to provide verification. This means that the
SSTAI screen will display when the client’s Review of Income is due and, if this date has passed, stop you from resuming the
benefit without clearing the review in SWIFTT.
Clients that need to verify their income - process for service centre staff
If the client’s Review of Annual Income was not sent and the client makes contact to resume their benefit, you need to:
Print the letter in the Launch Correspondence tab
Consider whether it is appropriate to grant an extension, depending on their suspension date. If an extension is granted, clear
the review in SWIFTT, add a future suspension date and advise the client of their new suspension date

Note: if the client makes contact to resume their benefit after the date the review of circumstances was due, SWIFTT will
display an error message if you try to resume their benefit.
Clients that confirm their income - process for Centralised Services
Clients who can confirm their income do not have expiries in SWIFTT. Centralised Services will monitor a report to identify
when these clients have their benefit resumed. Centralised Services will send these clients their letter.
Content owner: Work and Income National Office  Last updated: 26 February 2021
under the Official Information Act (1982)