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Council member and meetings 
His Worship the Mayor, Hon John
Banks, QSO
 Deputy Mayor
Hay, JP
Armstrong, QSO
Northey, ONZM
His Worship the Mayor moved: 
Councillor Armstrong seconded: 
That the meeting adjourn until 1:30pm. 
Deputy Mayor David Mayor moved: 
Councillor Christian seconded: 
That the meeting adjourn until 1:45pm. 
The meeting reconvened at 1:45pm. 
His Worship the Mayor moved: 
Councillor Moyle seconded: 
That the apologies from Councillors Boyle, Fryer, Mulholland and Roche for non-
attendance be accepted.
There were no deputations. 
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There was no extraordinary business. 
The Combined Committees Report No. 02-2010 was tabled with the attachments. 
Councillor Armstrong moved: 
Councillor Goldsmith seconded: 
That the Combined Committees report no. 02-2010 be adopted, i.e.: 
PLAN 2010/2011 
A. That the summary public feedback and research results for the draft Annual Plan 
2010/2011 be received.  
B. That the following points made in the submissions on the draft Annual Plan be noted:  
Greater protection of volcanic cones was a key theme 
(five submissions)
supported by five submissions suggesting more money needs 
to be spent on Maungawhau-Mt Eden, Owairaka- Mt Albert, 
Maungarei-Mt Wellington and Maungakiekie-One Tree Hill 
Council should fund a new swimming pool in Otahuhu 
(five submissions)
There should be more money spent on footpaths 
(five submissions)
The purchase of Monte Cecilia School was not supported 
(four submissions)
with four submissions suggesting the funding could be better 
spent elsewhere e.g. Liston Park 
Council spending on RWC2011 is too high or being spent on  (three submissions)
the wrong things 
Pollution in local streams e.g. Meola, Motions Creek needs 
(two submissions)
Council attention
Pedestrianisation of Queen Street should be considered 
(two submissions)
The Tepid Baths should stay open as long as possible 
(two submissions)
There were negative comments about the general direction of  (three submissions)
the city 
A. That the following Mainstreet and business improvement district (BID) budgets be 
approved for inclusion in the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and Budget, in order to continue 
supporting the improvement and success of Auckland city's business and town centres 
through the Mainstreet and BID programmes:  
Mainstreet / BID Programme
2010/11 Budgets (excl GST)
Blockhouse Bay
Eden Valley
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Glen Innes
Heart of the City
Karangahape Road
Mt Eden
St Heliers
B. That the boundaries of all Mainstreet and business improvement district (BID) 
programmes remain the same as those for the 2009/2010 financial year.  
C. That the establishment of the Kingsland business improvement district (BID) be 
endorsed, following on from the Kingsland poll which was concluded successfully in 
March 2010 with a 42.4 per cent voter turnout and 72.55 per cent in favour of the BID 
D. That the boundary map for Kingsland be approved for the 2010-2011 financial year that 
covers the New North Road area west of Morningside Drive to Dominion Road and side 
roads, including Eden Park.  
A. That the changes to regulatory fees for the 2010/2011 year as set out in the report 
entitled "Regulatory Fees and Charges Report" dated 8 April 2010 be approved.  
B. That it be noted that from 1 July 2010 regulatory fees and charges will be published 
showing their GST exclusive amount with the addition of "plus GST" in order to allow 
for any future increase in the GST rate.  
C. That Council supports the notion of user pays and recommends that when regulatory 
fees and charges are set under the Auckland Council that the true cost recovery model 
be used.  
A. That it be noted that the council has used development contributions since 2005 to fund 
growth-related capital costs, and that this is considered to appropriately reflect the way 
that benefits are expected to accrue from, and the reasons for, the underlying capital 
programme, and to be consistent with the well-being of the community over time and 
the views of the community.  
B. That it be noted that the final 2010 development contributions policy recommended for 
adoption has had the following updates since the draft in February 2010: 
i. the per-unit transport charge applying to Wynyard Point has reduced from $9279 
to $5688, and the per-unit transport charge applying in the rest of the city has 
reduced from $2596 to $2232 (in both cases largely arising from changes to the 
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planned capital expenditure related to Wynyard Point) 
ii. an increase in the uniform component of the per-unit charge for public space land 
acquisition from $4762 to $5162, largely arising from the inclusion of additional 
expenditure on the waterfront  
iii. a decrease in the per-unit charge for public space infrastructure from $7004 to 
$6657, largely arising from the removal of previously planned capital expenditure 
iv. a reduction in the overall increase for the 2010/2011 charges, which previously 
represented an increase of 2.9 per cent and now represents an overall increase of 
1.4 per cent  
v. the inclusion of a reference to Business 8 zoning as part of the apartment 
vi. minor wording changes to further clarify the policy and its treatment of GST.  
C. That the 2010 Development Contributions Policy as set out in the report entitled 
"Development Contributions Policy 2010: Submissions and Policy for Adoption" dated 
12 April 2010 be adopted to form part of the council's 10-year plan 2009-2019, and be 
in force from 1 July 2010, subject to any amendments from recommendation (D).  
D. That to the Chairperson of Combined Committees, the General Manager Finance and 
the General Manager City Development be granted delegated authority to make any 
minor amendments to the policy arising from the meeting, including consequential 
changes required because of other decisions made at the 28 April 2010 Combined 
Committees meeting and any slightly higher per cent increase as may be generated by 
the other decisions made at that meeting.  
That it be noted that the revised capital expenditure (capex) programme for the final Annual 
Plan 2010/2011 is $445 million before making any changes from item 9 at the 28 April 2010 
Combined Committees meeting.  
6. ANNUAL PLAN 2010/2011 
A. That the operating expenditure and capital expenditure budget changes made to the 
2010/2011 draft Annual Plan be approved as reflected in the revised Annual Plan 
B. That the further changes endorsed by officers to the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and 
projections for other years in the Ten Year Plan be approved, these being: 
i. Bringing forward $1.564 million of capex for the Mt Roskill Library 
redevelopment to 2011/2012 to align with the timing for the Fickling Centre 
ii. Approving up to an additional $3.8 million of capex for the ASB Theatre 
Auditorium renewal subject to the majority of the works being delayed for one 
year and no increase in the overall ten-year capex budget for THE EDGE.  
iii. Spreading the Organisational Development capex budget more evenly across the 
ten-year plan period.  
iv. Cost savings of between $3.3 and $3.5 million per annum for footpath renewals 
for the three years from 2011/2012 to 2013/2014  
v. Further cost savings, increased revenues, and adjustments identified as part of the 
council's ongoing focus around efficiency, capex deliverability and budget 
C. That the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and projections for other years in the Ten Year Plan be 
amended as follows: 
i. Including additional capital expenditure of $1,490,000 for Pah Homestead (plus 
all associated consequential operating expenditure) with $880,000 in 2009/2010 
and $610,000 in 2010/2011. This additional capital expenditure will be partially 
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offset by $500,000 of sponsorship revenue and is comprised of: 
a. Miscellaneous contract variations $876,000  
b. Landscaping cost savings ($246,000)  
c. Storage room $600,000  
d. Toilets $160,000  
e. Contingency $100,000  
ii. Including an additional $200,000 per annum operational expenditure for Pah 
Homestead for five years from 2010/2011  
iii. Including an additional $282,500 per annum operational expenditure for 
implementation of the Owairaka Masterplan in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012  
iv. Including $2 million capital expenditure in 2010/2011 for events space upgrades  
v. To include an additional $1.5m CAPEX in the 2010/2011 year for open space 
acquisitions for the purposes of opening up land locked parks and improving 
access and amenity  
vi. That $60,000 operational expenditure be granted to the Auckland Art Fair by way 
of sponsorship conditional upon negotiation of an appropriate sponsorship 
agreement to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of Arts, Culture and Recreation 
vii. That it be noted that the Queen's Wharf Sheds 10 and 11 are an important part of 
Auckland's port and maritime historic landscape, and that the NZ Historic Places 
Trust has not ruled out future registration of Sheds 10 and 11  
viii. That the $21 million and $5 million capital expenditure budget for Queen's Wharf 
in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 be confirmed in the Annual Plan, subject to: 
a. these funds are only to be applied to a project that ensures the 
restoration/refurbishment of the sheds on Queen's Wharf for the Rugby 
World Cup, and in the case of Shed 10 future medium term uses including 
the possible option of a cruise ship terminal  
b. any release of these funds being subject to Council confirmation  
c. that Auckland City Council's sentiment on the Queen's Wharf sheds 
(resolution vii and viii) be conveyed to the Historic Places Trust and to 
central government.  
ix. That an allocation of $50,000 to design and position at least two critters in the 
CBD to be regarded as street furniture.  
D. That it be noted that $117,000 of the additional $300,000 allocated for Volcanic cones 
remediation will be expended on Owairaka-Mt Albert.  
E. That $750,000 be allocated over the next two years to walking/cycling projects that 
reaffirm the Auckland Councils support of sensible walking/cycling projects that 
improve the options for cyclists in the CBD. The indicative projects and budgets are as 
follows and will need to be confirmed during 2010: 
a. design a cycle lane from the Grafton Rd side down to Stanley St into the Domain 
and through the Domain to the potential Parnell Station $125k in 2010/2011  
b. Development of a citywide Bike Stand policy $50k in 2010/2011  
c. Purchase and installation of 10 stands at $10k per stand - $100k in 2010/2011  
d. Construction of Cycleway Grafton to Parnell Train Station site - $375k in 
e. Purchase and installation of addition 10 stands at 10k per stand - $100k per stand -
$100k in 2011/2012.  
F. That the 2010/2011 Annual Plan document and budgets be adopted, subject to any 
changes approved at the 28 April 2010 Combined Committees meeting.  
G. That the Chairperson of the Finance and Strategy Committee, Councillor Northey and 
the General Manager Finance be delegated authority to make changes to the document 
and budgets to reflect decisions regarding the Annual Plan 2010/2011 and any other 
minor editorial changes.  
7. RATES POLICY FOR 2010-2011
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A. That the council notes the feedback on the rates-related policies contained in the draft 
Annual Plan for 2010/2011.  
B. That the council notes that the average rates increase (excluding the impact of the CBD, 
Mainstreet, and additional recycling targeted rates) for 2010/2011 is 1.9 per cent, in 
order to fund the budget. The 1.9 per cent rates increase is 37 per cent lower than 3 per 
cent advised in the draft Annual Plan, which was equal to council's projected rate of 
C. That the council confirms the next step of the long-term differential strategy for the 
general rate will be applied, which will transfer around $2.8 million from non-residential 
properties to residential properties.  
D. That the council notes the rates for 2010/2011 will be stated as a GST exclusive amount, 
to which GST applies, to allow the council to factor in any change to the level of GST.  
E. That the council confirms the following rates charges for 2010/2011, which are based on 
the updated budget: 
i. refuse collection targeted rate of $164.44 (plus GST) per service  
ii. additional recycling bin targeted rate of $51.56 (plus GST) per additional service  
iii. the uniform annual general charge of $268.44 (plus GST) per separately used or 
inhabited part  
iv. the CBD targeted rate for the CBD non-residential group will increase by around 
$2.3 million to $16.1 million (excluding GST) and will have a rate in dollar 
charge of 0.020506 (plus GST) on the annual value.  
v. the CBD targeted rate for the residential properties in the CBD will be $50.67 
(plus GST) per residential unit.  
F. That the council confirms the remission for an approved refuse and recycling service at 
$108.44 (plus GST) and $51.56 (plus GST) respectively.  
G. That the council confirms that a 1.13 per cent discount will be applied to rates invoices 
paid in full by the first instalment date before the change of GST.  
H. That the council confirms that the four rates instalment dates for the 2010/2011 financial 
year will be: 
i. 20 August 2010  
ii. 22 November 2010  
iii. 21 February 2011  
iv. 20 May 2011  
I. That the council approves a 10 per cent penalty for late rates payments for the 
2010/2011 financial year as follows: 
i. A penalty of 10 per cent of the rates assessed in the 2010/2011 financial year that 
are unpaid after the due date for each instalment may be added on the day 
following the due date.  
ii. A penalty of 10 per cent of the amount of all rates assessed in any financial year 
that are unpaid on 1 July 2010 may be added on the day following that date.  
iii. A penalty of 10 per cent of the amount of all rates to which a penalty has been 
added under (b) and which are unpaid on 5 January 2011 may be added on the day 
following that date.  
J. That the council adopts the updated rates resolution for the 2010/2011 financial year, 
which has been circulated separately at this meeting, but noting that the following rates 
have changed for the decisions made at the 28 April 2010 Combined Committees 
i. This rate is for the general purposes of the council's activities in the 2010/2011 
financial year and is intended to yield $344.9 million (excluding GST).  
Differential Group
R Rate in the Dollar (excluding 

Re Residential 
No Non-residential 
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CBD non-residential 
Great Barrier Island non-
Farming and open space 
Limited access
Remote islands
ii. The uniform annual general charge on all rateable land within the district at 
$268.44 (plus GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit and will 
generate $52.9 million (excluding GST).  
iii. The CBD target rate at 0.020506 in the dollar (plus GST) on the annual value of 
all non-residential land situated in the central area and will generate $16.1 million 
(excluding GST).  
That the council endorses the recommendations of the Political Working Group for the Pah 
Homestead project, (refer item 6): 
A. That the Pah Homestead Working Party notes the scope extensions, arising from 
discovered items and contract variations, and additional contingency deemed necessary 
to enable the Pah Homestead to operate as a successful arts and culture centre  
B. That the Pah Homestead Working Party notes the cost associated with the scope 
extensions and additional contingency is $876,000, will be partially offset by savings on 
the landscaping work ($246,000) and the TSB Bank sponsorship contribution 
($500,000) with the remaining $130,000 being unbudgeted expenditure met through 
reallocation of savings in council's capital expenditure programme for 2009/10.  
C. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves the scope extension to include the 
provision of a purpose built storeroom considered necessary by the James Wallace Arts 
Trust to operate a successful arts and culture centre, noting that this facility will require 
unbudgeted capital expenditure of $600,000 and ongoing unbudgeted operating 
expenditure of $19,000 for maintenance and depreciation.  
D. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves the scope extension to include the 
provision of public toilets, noting that there are no public toilets at Monte Cecilia Park at 
present and that the provision of the toilet facilities will require unbudgeted capital 
expenditure of $160,000 and ongoing unbudgeted operating expenditure of $11,000 for 
depreciation, maintenance and cleaning.  
E. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves additional unbudgeted capital 
contingency of $100,000 for the provision of storage and public toilets.  
F. That the above decisions be recommendations to Finance and Strategy Committee and 
Combined Committees for incorporation into the Annual Plan.  
G. That the draft Relationship Agreement and draft Agreement to Lease be communicated 
as final to the James Wallace Arts Trust and that execution of the documents is 
expedited and necessary before access to the Pah Homestead can be agreed to for the 
James Wallace Arts Trust.  
Secretarial note: Councillor Northey requested all amendments that were LOST at the 28 April 
2010 Combined Committees meeting be moved as one block at the council meeting. 
Councillor Northey moved the following amendments: 
Councillor Casey seconded: 
3. REGULATORY FEES AND CHARGES REPORT - amendment by way of addition to A:
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A. That the changes to regulatory fees for the 2010/2011 year as set out in the report 
entitled "Regulatory Fees and Charges Report" dated 8 April 2010 be approved, subject 
 Page 10 the Gambling Venues fee for new venue consent applications be set at 
6. ANNUAL PLAN 2010/2011 - amendment by way of replacement to B (iv): 
iv. Cost savings of between $3.3 and $3.5 million per annum for footpath 
renewals for the three years from 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 be utilised to 
bring forward footpath renewals from later years as requested by submitters 
to the Annual Plan.  
Amendments by way of addition to C.i:  
a. That provision be made for the re-establishment of volcanic 
cone park rangers.  
b. "including not making the proposed cuts in the cycleway and 
walkway improvements ($0.5 million in 2009/10)."  
c. That the $0.6 million cost saving for Sandringham Road be 
spent on cycleway and walkway improvements in Eden-Albert 
rather than on the Link Lane.  
Amendments by way of addition to C.ii:  
a. To read: including providing $214,000 annually to keep the 
Aotea Centre foyers open to the public on non-event days.  
b. That the annual budget for school safety and transport projects 
be restored to the gross level previously provided for in the 10 
year plan before the recent notification of government subsidy 
Amendments by way of addition to C.iii:  
a. That as requested in Annual Plan submissions funding be 
allocated to plan to turn Queen St from Mayoral Drive to 
Customs Street into an area free of cars and trucks most of the 
b. To read: "including additional funding of $300,000 be allocated 
for tidy-up work on Puketapapa-Mt Roskill, Maungarei-Mt 
Wellington and Maungawhau-Mt Eden".  
Amendments by way of an addition to C.iv: 
a. That the Blockhouse Bay Reserve be redeveloped as requested 
in the submissions.  
b. That, as requested by the Auckland Astronomical Society, a 
policy be adopted to make all street lighting in Auckland use 
light shrouds to protect dark sky for observing wherever 
practicable and a programme of work be developed fully to 
implement this policy over the 2010-2020 period.  
Amendments by way of addition to C.v:
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a. That the 2010-2020 stormwater budget include an additional 
$18 million for stormwater upgrades to improve water quality 
in the Manukau and Waitemata Harbours and $44 million to 
reduce flooding and for unexpected population growth to 
restore it come close to the level and timing of funding in the 
2006-2016 Long-Term Council Community Plan.  
Amendments by way of addition to 
a. That $15 million be allocated over 2010/2020 years being $10 
million for the Otahuhu Pool and $5 million for progress on 
Avondale Pool.  
b. That the annual grants for community organisations be 
increased by $100,000 annually for strategic partnerships and 
by $200,000 annually for other grants.  
c. "including a further $40,000 in total for the calendar of events 
for much loved iconic community events namely the Auckland 
Anniversary Day Regatta (+$5000), the Grey Lynn Festival (+ 
$10,000), the Mission Bay Jazzfest(+$10,000), the Onehunga 
Bay Festival(+$10,000) and the Sculpture on the Gulf
d. That $500,000 annually be transferred from sponsored major 
events funding to community events.  
Amendments by way of addition to C.vii: 
a. That $120,000 be allocated in 2010/11 for the deferred 
redevelopment of Maybury Reserve.  
b. Additional funding to develop and implement masterplans for 
Maungarei-Mt Wellington and Puketapapa-Mt Roskill at a 10-
year cost of approximately $1 million in total.  
c. That an initial contribution of $30,000 be made in the 2010/11 
Annual plan to help develop a national cycleway project on 
d. That the property on the corner Mt Eden Road and Kelly Street 
be purchased for the development of a sculpture park.  
Amendments by way of addition to C.viii: 
a. That $5 million be allocated over the 2010/20 years for 
MAGIC (the Music and Arts Glen Innes Centre).  
b. That $50,000 be allocated annually to heat the Lagoon Pool to 
enable it to be used year round.  
c. That financial provision for an annual inorganic refuse 
collection throughout those Community Board areas that 
request it, be allocated at a cost of $1 million every second 
d. That provision for sealing for Kaiaraara Road, Great Barrier, be 
included in the 2010-2011 Annual Plan at a cost of $88,102.42 
plus GST.  
Amendments to C by way of addition:  
x. That no further purchases beyond the 3 specific purchases approved at the 
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last Finance and Strategy Committee meeting be approved for Monte 
Cecilia Park given: 
 the Council's spend of $32.4 million on land acquisition for Monte 
Cecilia Park to 2009  
 the likely significant cost for the purchase and re-siting of the Monte 
Cecilia School  
 an unknown estimate of cost for the purchase of Liston Village and 
the Marcellin College Playing fields  
xi. That the allocation for the purchase, re-sitting and rebuilding of the Monte 
Cecilia School be removed from the 10-year plan.  
7. RATES POLICY FOR 2010-2011 
An amendment by way of replacement to E(i):  
"will remain unchanged at the current rate of $162.67 (plus GST)..." 
An amendment by way of replacement to E(iii): 
"will remain unchanged at the current rate of $222.22 for 2009/10 and 2010/11 
(plus GST)..." 
An amendment by way of replacement to E(iii): 
"will be eliminated." 
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows: 
For the Amendment:
Against the Amendment:
Councillors: Cathy Casey 
Councillors: Douglas Armstrong 
Graeme Easte 
Ken Baguley 
Paul Goldsmith 
Aaron Bhatnagar 
Richard Northey 
Bill Christian 
His Worship the Mayor 
Mark Donnelly 
Deputy Mayor David 
John Lister 
Toni Millar 
Greg Moyle 
Noelene Raffills
Councillors Leila Boyle, Glenda Fryer, Graeme Mulholland and Denise Roche were absent.
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The amendment was declared LOST by 10 votes to 5.
Deputy Mayor, David Hay moved the following amendment by way of addition: 
Councillor Moyle seconded: 
That the Chief executive and staff be thanked for their efforts in assisting the council to hand 
the city to the new Auckland Council in sound financial shape with projected rate increases 
kept to the minimum consistent with affordable progress. 
Councillors Casey, Easte and Northey wished their votes against the amendment be recorded. 
His Worship the Mayor put the substantive motion: 
Councillor Armstrong moved: 
Councillor Goldsmith seconded: 
That the Combined Committees report no. 02-2010 be adopted, i.e.: 
PLAN 2010/2011 
A. That the summary public feedback and research results for the draft Annual Plan 
2010/2011 be received.  
B. That the following points made in the submissions on the draft Annual Plan be 
Greater protection of volcanic cones was a key theme 
(five submissions)
supported by five submissions suggesting more money 
needs to be spent on Maungawhau-Mt Eden, Owairaka- 
Mt Albert, Maungarei-Mt Wellington and 
Maungakiekie-One Tree Hill 
Council should fund a new swimming pool in Otahuhu 

(five submissions)
There should be more money spent on footpaths 
(five submissions)
The purchase of Monte Cecilia School was not supported (four submissions)
with four submissions suggesting the funding could be 
better spent elsewhere e.g. Liston Park 
Council spending on RWC2011 is too high or being spent (three submissions)
on the wrong things 
Pollution in local streams e.g. Meola, Motions Creek 

(two submissions)
needs Council attention
Pedestrianisation of Queen Street should be considered  (two submissions)
The Tepid Baths should stay open as long as possible 

(two submissions)
There were negative comments about the general 
(three submissions)
direction of the city 
A. That the following Mainstreet and business improvement district (BID) budgets be 
approved for inclusion in the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and Budget, in order to 
continue supporting the improvement and success of Auckland city's business and 

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town centres through the Mainstreet and BID programmes:  
Mainstreet / BID
2010/11 Budgets
(excl GST)
Blockhouse Bay
Eden Valley
Glen Innes
Heart of the City
Karangahape Road
Mt Eden
St Heliers
B. That the boundaries of all Mainstreet and business improvement district (BID) 
programmes remain the same as those for the 2009/2010 financial year.  
C. That the establishment of the Kingsland business improvement district (BID) be 
endorsed, following on from the Kingsland poll which was concluded successfully 
in March 2010 with a 42.4 per cent voter turnout and 72.55 per cent in favour of 
the BID establishment. 
D. That the boundary map for Kingsland be approved for the 2010-2011 financial 
year that covers the New North Road area west of Morningside Drive to Dominion 
Road and side roads, including Eden Park. 
A. That the changes to regulatory fees for the 2010/2011 year as set out in the report 
entitled "Regulatory Fees and Charges Report" dated 8 April 2010 be approved.  
B. That it be noted that from 1 July 2010 regulatory fees and charges will be 
published showing their GST exclusive amount with the addition of "plus GST" in 
order to allow for any future increase in the GST rate.
C. That Council supports the notion of user pays and recommends that when 
regulatory fees and charges are set under the Auckland Council that the true cost 
recovery model be used.
A. That it be noted that the council has used development contributions since 2005 to 
fund growth-related capital costs, and that this is considered to appropriately 
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reflect the way that benefits are expected to accrue from, and the reasons for, the 
underlying capital programme, and to be consistent with the well-being of the 
community over time and the views of the community.
B. That it be noted that the final 2010 development contributions policy 
recommended for adoption has had the following updates since the draft in 
February 2010:
i. the per-unit transport charge applying to Wynyard Point has reduced from 
$9279 to $5688, and the per-unit transport charge applying in the rest of the 
city has reduced from $2596 to $2232 (in both cases largely arising from 
changes to the planned capital expenditure related to Wynyard Point)
ii. an increase in the uniform component of the per-unit charge for public space 
land acquisition from $4762 to $5162, largely arising from the inclusion of 
additional expenditure on the waterfront
iii. a decrease in the per-unit charge for public space infrastructure from $7004 
to $6657, largely arising from the removal of previously planned capital 
iv. a reduction in the overall increase for the 2010/2011 charges, which 
previously represented an increase of 2.9 per cent and now represents an 
overall increase of 1.4 per cent
v. the inclusion of a reference to Business 8 zoning as part of the apartment 
vi. minor wording changes to further clarify the policy and its treatment of 
C. That the 2010 Development Contributions Policy as set out in the report entitled 
"Development Contributions Policy 2010: Submissions and Policy for Adoption" 
dated 12 April 2010 be adopted to form part of the council's 10-year plan 2009-
2019, and be in force from 1 July 2010, subject to any amendments from 
recommendation (D).
D. That to the Chairperson of Combined Committees, the General Manager Finance 
and the General Manager City Development be granted delegated authority to 
make any minor amendments to the policy arising from the meeting, including 
consequential changes required because of other decisions made at the 28 April 
2010 Combined Committees meeting and any slightly higher per cent increase as 
may be generated by the other decisions made at that meeting.
That it be noted that the revised capital expenditure (capex) programme for the final 
Annual Plan 2010/2011 is $445 million before making any changes from item 9 at the 28 
April 2010 Combined Committees meeting. 
6. ANNUAL PLAN 2010/2011 
A. That the operating expenditure and capital expenditure budget changes made to 
the 2010/2011 draft Annual Plan be approved as reflected in the revised Annual 
Plan document. 
B. That the further changes endorsed by officers to the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and 
projections for other years in the Ten Year Plan be approved, these being: 
i. Bringing forward $1.564 million of capex for the Mt Roskill Library 
redevelopment to 2011/2012 to align with the timing for the Fickling Centre 
ii. Approving up to an additional $3.8 million of capex for the ASB Theatre 
Auditorium renewal subject to the majority of the works being delayed for 
one year and no increase in the overall ten-year capex budget for THE 

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iii. Spreading the Organisational Development capex budget more evenly across 
the ten-year plan period.  
iv. Cost savings of between $3.3 and $3.5 million per annum for footpath 
renewals for the three years from 2011/2012 to 2013/2014  
v. Further cost savings, increased revenues, and adjustments identified as part 
of the council's ongoing focus around efficiency, capex deliverability and 
budget accuracy.
C. That the 2010/2011 Annual Plan and projections for other years in the Ten Year 
Plan be amended as follows: 
i. Including additional capital expenditure of $1,490,000 for Pah Homestead 
(plus all associated consequential operating expenditure) with $880,000 in 
2009/2010 and $610,000 in 2010/2011. This additional capital expenditure will 
be partially offset by $500,000 of sponsorship revenue and is comprised of:
a. Miscellaneous contract variations $876,000  
b. Landscaping cost savings ($246,000)  
c. Storage room $600,000  
d. Toilets $160,000  
e. Contingency $100,000  
ii. Including an additional $200,000 per annum operational expenditure for Pah 
Homestead for five years from 2010/2011;  
iii. Including an additional $282,500 per annum operational expenditure for 
implementation of the Owairaka Masterplan in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012;  
iv. Including $2 million capital expenditure in 2010/2011 for events space 
v. To include an additional $1.5m CAPEX in the 2010/2011 year for open space 
acquisitions for the purposes of opening up land locked parks and improving 
access and amenity. 
vi. That $60,000 operational expenditure be granted to the Auckland Art Fair 
by way of sponsorship conditional upon negotiation of an appropriate 
sponsorship agreement to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of Arts, Culture 
and Recreation Committee. 
vii. That it be noted that the Queen's Wharf Sheds 10 and 11 are an important 
part of Auckland's port and maritime historic landscape, and that the NZ 
Historic Places Trust has not ruled out future registration of Sheds 10 and 
viii. That the $21 million and $5 million capital expenditure budget for Queen's 
Wharf in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 be confirmed in the Annual Plan, subject 
a. These funds are only to be applied to a project that ensures the 
restoration/refurbishment of the sheds on Queen's Wharf for the 
Rugby World Cup, and in the case of Shed 10 future medium term uses 
including the possible option of a cruise ship terminal
b. Any release of these funds being subject to Council confirmation  
c. That Auckland City Council's sentiment on the Queen's Wharf sheds 
(resolution vii and viii above) be conveyed to the Historic Places Trust 
and to central government. 
ix. That an allocation of $50,000 to design and position at least two critters in the 
CBD to be regarded as street furniture.  
D. That it be noted that $117,000 of the additional $300,000 allocated for Volcanic 
cones remediation will be expended on Owairaka- Mt Albert.  
E. That $750,000 be allocated over the next two years to walking/cycling projects that 
reaffirm the Auckland Councils support of sensible walking/cycling projects that 
improve the options for cyclists in the CBD. The indicative projects and budgets 
are as follows and will need to be confirmed during 2010: 

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a. design a cycle lane from the Grafton Rd side down to Stanley St into the 
Domain and through the Domain to the potential Parnell Station $125k in 
b. Development of a citywide Bike Stand policy $50k in 2010/2011  
c. Purchase and installation of 10 stands at $10k per stand - $100k in 
d. Construction of Cycleway Grafton to Parnell Train Station site - $375k in 
e. Purchase and installation of addition 10 stands at 10k per stand - $100k per 
stand - $100k in 2011/2012.  
F. That the 2010/2011 Annual Plan document and budgets be adopted, subject to any 
changes approved at the 28 April 2010 Combined Committees meeting.  
G. That the Chairperson of the Finance and Strategy Committee, Councillor Northey 
and the General Manager Finance be delegated authority to make changes to the 
document and budgets to reflect decisions regarding the Annual Plan 2010/2011 
and any other minor editorial changes.
7. RATES POLICY FOR 2010-2011 
A. That the council notes the feedback on the rates-related policies contained in the 
draft Annual Plan for 2010/2011.  
B. That the council notes that the average rates increase (excluding the impact of the 
CBD, Mainstreet, and additional recycling targeted rates) for 2010/2011 is 1.9 per 
cent, in order to fund the budget. The 1.9 per cent rates increase is 37 per cent 
lower than 3 per cent advised in the draft Annual Plan, which was equal to 
council's projected rate of inflation.
C. That the council confirms the next step of the long-term differential strategy for 
the general rate will be applied, which will transfer around $2.8 million from non-
residential properties to residential properties. 
D. That the council notes the rates for 2010/2011 will be stated as a GST exclusive 
amount, to which GST applies, to allow the council to factor in any change to the 
level of GST. 
E. That the council confirms the following rates charges for 2010/2011, which are 
based on the updated budget: 
i. refuse collection targeted rate of $164.44 (plus GST) per service.  
ii. additional recycling bin targeted rate of $51.56 (plus GST) per additional 
iii. the uniform annual general charge of $268.44 (plus GST) per separately used 
or inhabited part  
iv. the CBD targeted rate for the CBD non-residential group will increase by 
around $2.3 million to $16.1 million (excluding GST) and will have a rate in 
dollar charge of 0.020506
 (plus GST) on the annual value.  
v. the CBD targeted rate for the residential properties in the CBD will be $50.67 
(plus GST) per residential unit.  
F. That the council confirms the remission for an approved refuse and recycling 
service at $108.44 (plus GST) and $51.56 (plus GST) respectively.  
G. That the council confirms that a 1.13 per cent discount will be applied to rates 
invoices paid in full by the first instalment date before the change of GST.  
H. That the council confirms that the four rates instalment dates for the 2010/2011 
financial year will be: 
i. 20 August 2010  
ii. 22 November 2010  
iii. 21 February 2011  
iv. 20 May 2011  
I. That the council approves a 10 per cent penalty for late rates payments for the 
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2010/2011 financial year as follows: 
i. A penalty of 10 per cent of the rates assessed in the 2010/2011 financial year 
that are unpaid after the due date for each instalment may be added on the 
day following the due date.
ii. A penalty of 10 per cent of the amount of all rates assessed in any financial 
year that are unpaid on 1 July 2010 may be added on the day following that 
iii. A penalty of 10 per cent of the amount of all rates to which a penalty has 
been added under (b) and which are unpaid on 5 January 2011 may be added 
on the day following that date.
J. That the council adopts the updated rates resolution for the 2010/2011 financial 
year, which has been circulated separately at this meeting, but noting that the 
following rates have changed for the decisions made at the 28 April 2010 Combined 
Committees meeting: 

i. This rate is for the general purposes of the council's activities in the 
2010/2011 financial year and is intended to yield $344.9 million (excluding 
Differential Group
R Rate in the Dollar (excluding 

Re Residential 
No Non-residential 
CBD non-residential 
 Great Barrier Island non-
Farming and open space 
Limited access
Remote islands
ii. The uniform annual general charge on all rateable land within the 
district at $268.44 (plus GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a 
rating unit and will generate $52.9 million (excluding GST). 
iii. The CBD target rate at 0.020506 in the dollar (plus GST) on the annual 
value of all non-residential land situated in the central area and will 
generate $16.1 million (excluding GST). 
That the council endorses the recommendations of the Political Working Group for the 
Pah Homestead project, (refer item 6):
A. That the Pah Homestead Working Party notes the scope extensions, arising from 
discovered items and contract variations, and additional contingency deemed 
necessary to enable the Pah Homestead to operate as a successful arts and culture 
B. That the Pah Homestead Working Party notes the cost associated with the scope 
extensions and additional contingency is $876,000, will be partially offset by 
savings on the landscaping work ($246,000) and the TSB Bank sponsorship 
contribution ($500,000) with the remaining $130,000 being unbudgeted 
expenditure met through reallocation of savings in council's capital expenditure 
programme for 2009/10.
C. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves the scope extension to include 
the provision of a purpose built storeroom considered necessary by the James 
Wallace Arts Trust to operate a successful arts and culture centre, noting that this 

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facility will require unbudgeted capital expenditure of $600,000 and ongoing 
unbudgeted operating expenditure of $19,000 for maintenance and depreciation.
D. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves the scope extension to include 
the provision of public toilets, noting that there are no public toilets at Monte 
Cecilia Park at present and that the provision of the toilet facilities will require 
unbudgeted capital expenditure of $160,000 and ongoing unbudgeted operating 
expenditure of $11,000 for depreciation, maintenance and cleaning.
E. That the Pah Homestead Working Party approves additional unbudgeted capital 
contingency of $100,000 for the provision of storage and public toilets.  
F. That the above decisions be recommendations to Finance and Strategy Committee 
and Combined Committees for incorporation into the Annual Plan.  
G. That the draft Relationship Agreement and draft Agreement to Lease be 
communicated as final to the James Wallace Arts Trust and that execution of the 
documents is expedited and necessary before access to the Pah Homestead can be 
agreed to for the James Wallace Arts Trust.
That the Chief executive and staff be thanked for their efforts in assisting the council to 
hand the city to the new Auckland Council in sound financial shape with projected rate 
increases kept to the minimum consistent with affordable progress.
Councillors Casey, Easte and Northey wished their votes against the motion be recorded. 
His Worship the Mayor moved: 
Deputy Mayor, David Hay seconded: 
That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the 
reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds 
under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 
1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.
Item General 
Reason for passing  Particular interest(s) 
Ground(s) under 
No. subject of 
this resolution in 
protected (where 
section 48(1) for the 
each matter  relation to each 
passing of this 
to be 
Public conduct of 
Section 7(2)(i) 
Section 48(1)(a)
matter would be 
likely to result in 

The withholding of the 
The public conduct of 
disclosure of 
information is necessary  the part of the 
information for 
to enable the local 
meeting would be 
which good reason  authority to carry on, 
likely to result in the 
to withhold exists 
without prejudice or 
disclosure of 
under section 7. 
information for which 
negotiations (including 
good reason for 
commercial and 
withholding exists 
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industrial negotiations).
under section 7. 
In particular, the report 
contains information on 
negotiations between 
council and a private 

There being no further business His Worship the Mayor declared the meeting closed at 
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