23 November 2022
[FYI request #21061 email]
Ref: OIA-2022/23-0313
Dear Sebastian
Official Information Act request for the COVID-19 System Transition Plan
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on
7 November 2022. You requested:
“I would like to request a copy of the COVID-19 System Transition Plan.
The plan I am requesting a copy of is referred to in the 28 June 2022 terms of reference
of the COVID-19 Chief Executives Board, here (page 14):
“Overseeing the development of the COVID-19 system transition plan to ensure it
supports a shift toward a more sustainable mode of operation, while retaining the ability
to be responsive to changes in the evolution and characteristics of the virus.”
I would like to request a copy of the “transition plan” referred to here.”
The plan for the system transition is located within the Cabinet Paper
COVID-19 Strategy for
Post-Winter. The Cabinet paper sets out the plan and provides context related to the changes
in institutional settings to a decentralised operating model. The Cabinet Paper has been
published on the Unite Against COVID-19 website:
https:/ covid19.govt.nz/assets/Proactive-Releases/Alert-levels-and-restrictions/25-October-
A number of decisions regarding the COVID-19 system transition were stil pending at the time
the Cabinet Paper was released, and therefore some information relevant to your request was
withheld from the proactively released version of the Cabinet Paper.
The implementation of the transition is now largely complete. We will therefore undertake a
review of the associated redactions and publish an updated version of the Cabinet Paper in
due course. In the meantime, we are providing you with the information within scope of your
request contained within the Cabinet Paper as below.
Ministers agreed Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) and Te Whatu Ora
(Health New Zealand) wil become responsible for the ongoing coordination of the COVID-19
response. They agreed to the following indicative transition plan for the Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet COVID-19 functions, subject to completing a due diligence
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz
• Between August and December 2022
o Insights and Reporting, including modelling – to the Ministry of Health
(Public Health Agency)
o Readiness, response and planning coordination – to the Ministry of Health
o Communications and engagement – to the respective parts of Health NZ/Ministry of
Health/Border Agencies
o Risk and assurance – to each accountable line agency
• Between January and June 2023
o Strategy and Policy coordination – to Ministry of Health
The due diligence process has been completed and transition occurred for all of the above
functions between August and mid-November, except for Strategy and Policy which will
transition to Manatū Hauora no later than 30 June 2023.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under section
28(3) of the Act.
This response may be published on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s
website during our regular publication cycle. Typically, information is released monthly, or as
otherwise determined. Your personal information including name and contact details wil be
removed for publication.
Yours sincerely
Katrina Casey
Deputy Chief Executive
COVID-19 Group