This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Recruitment interviews conducted online vs in person'.

23 November 2022 
Harrison Stel 
[FYI request #21002 email]
Kia ora Harrison 
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 1 November 2022, in 
which you asked for information regarding formal interviews.  
My response to each part of your request can be found below. 
1.Please provide documents reasoning why formal recruitment interviews were
moved to an online video call platform instead of taking place in person.
There are no documents relevant to this part of your request, therefore it is refused under 
s18(e) of the OIA, as they don’t exist.  
Video interviews are only one of the selection tools used during the recruitment process 
and not all interviews are conducted using this method. Due to COVID-19 restrictions 
New Zealand Police along with several organisations, adapted to video interviews to 
ensure Recruitment could continue. 
Most interviews where an applicant can attend in person wil  be conducted in person. In 
cases where they have been conducted online (via Webex) this would have been due to 
covid regulations at the time, or the applicant lived outside of the area and wasn’t able to 
2. Please provide the amount of interviews that have been conducted this way,
and the date in which this began.
Your request has been refused pursuant to s18(f) of the OIA as the information requested 
cannot be made available without substantial collation or research. 
3. Please provide any plans and or internal communications for if this wil
continue in the future, or any significant proposed changes to the interview
There are no documents relevant to this part of your request, therefore it is refused under 
s18(e) of the OIA, as they don’t exist.  
The structure of the interview has not changed, the questions designed for the specific role 
and the panel selected would remain the same if the interview was being conducted in-
person or online. Police has no intention of removing this capability as it provides flexibility 
for applicants as well as the organisation. 

If you have any questions, you may contact the Talent Resourcing and Delivery Team via 
email [email address] 
Ngā mihi, 
Paula Hill 
Director - Recruitment