This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Scholarships among MBChB students from HSFY category'.

21 November 2022 
By email: [FYI request #20944 email] 
Dear Sam 
I refer to your information request dated 22 October 2022 made under the Official Information Act 
1982. You requested: 
“I was hoping to find out the number of students that gained entrance to the 2022 MB ChB 
cohort via the HSFY category who also received an Entrance Scholarship to the University of 

Please see below our response to your request. 
The number of students who entered the 2022 MB ChB programme via the HSFY category, 
who had also received an Entrance Scholarship to the University of Otago 

204 students entered the 2022 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) programme 
via the Health Sciences First Year (HSFY) category. Of those students, 167 received an Entrance 
Scholarship. Further information on the Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships offered by the 
University of Otago can be found on the University website. 
I trust that this information will be helpful. 
Yours sincerely 
Kelsey Kennard 
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator 
Office of the Registrar