This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Attempts by Mossad front groups to have police target Jewish and other activists'.
19 September 2022 
Ali Anwar 
[FYI request #20455 email] 
Dear Ali 
Request for information 
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 3 September 2022, in which 
you asked for information regarding Police meetings with the (New Zealand Jewish) Community 
Security Group. You requested the fol owing: 
You have openly admitted to having meetings with the Community Security Group, in 
which they provided information that they intended to be taken as factual by Police. At 
any stage in those meetings, was mention made of the following peaceful political 
activists/human rights lobby groups/movements, and if mention was made, what was 
said about them? 
1) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
2) Alternative Jewish Voices (NZ)
3) Marilyn Garson
4) Fred Albert
5) David Weinstein
6) Denzel e Marcovicci
7) Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
8) John Minto
9) MP Duncan Webb
10) Aotearoa Standing With Palestine
This should include recollections from police staff who attended said meetings even if 
not recorded on paper or electronical y. 
You are aware from a previous Police response to you on 16 August 2022 (Police reference  
IR-01-22-17799), that Police has reviewed records of meetings and communications with the 
Community Security Group. Release of documentation and meeting detail from those is refused 
under the following sections of the OIA: 

6(c) as the making available of the information is likely to prejudice the maintenance of
the law including the prevention, investigation and detection of offences and the right to
a fair trial.

9(2)(ba)(i) and (i ) to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence
or which any person has been or could be compel ed to provide under the authority of
any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to
prejudice the supply of similar information, or information from the same source, and it
Police National Headquarters
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. 
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400.   

is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied; or would be 
likely otherwise to damage the public interest. 
Police considers the interests requiring protection by withholding the information are not 
outweighed by any public interest in release of the information. 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602. 
Yours sincerely 
Sean Hansen 
Detective Superintendent 
New Zealand Police