This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Surgical Mesh ACC Payments'.

13 September 2022 
H Rogers 
[FYI request #20238 email] 
Kia ora H Rogers 
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-019973 
Thank you for your request of 16 August 2022 under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), asking for 
the following information about accepted surgical mesh claims from 1 January 2020 to 1 August 2022: 
•  It would be helpful if you could categorise the payments for treatment, rehab or compensation for 
lost wages. 
•  the total amount of paid out between these two dates highest payment lowest payment average 
Background information about treatment injury data 
A treatment injury is a personal injury caused as a result of seeking or receiving medical treatment from a 
registered health professional. In order to fulfil the criteria for cover, the person must have suffered a 
personal injury and there must be a clear causal link between the treatment and the injury, and the injury 
must not be a necessary part or ordinary consequence of the treatment.  
When considering treatment injury data, it is important to note that the number of claims lodged with ACC 
cannot be taken as an accurate indication of the occurrence of injury during treatment or the quality of 
care. This is because, among other reasons, not all occurrences of injury during treatment are lodged with 
More information on treatment injury is available at
There are three broad categories of costs (entitlements) a claim could receive: 
•  Compensation (weekly compensation for lost earnings, lump sums, and death benefits) 
•  Treatment (initial hospital treatment and on-going primary and secondary treatment) 
•  Rehabilitation support (physical rehabilitation and various forms of personal support). 
Payments made on accepted surgical mesh claims broken down into three main categories of 
Surgical mesh is a medical device commonly used for abdominal surgical wounds such as hernia repairs. 
Mesh is also used for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. 
The table below indicates the payments and the number of surgical mesh claims accepted between 1 
January 2020 and 1 August 2022, broken down into the three main categories of entitlements. 
Payments (GST exclusive) 
Number of claims (*) 
* A claim can have multiple types of payments. 
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Among those claims accepted between 1 January 2020 and 1 August 2022, the maximum payment for a 
claim was $334,020, the average was $15,209 and the minimum was a payment less than $100 from a 
recently accepted claim. These amounts include treatment, rehabilitation and weekly compensation where 
it is applicable. 
Please note those amounts may include payments made before the claim was accepted, or after 1 August 
2022, and up to the data extraction date of 12 September 2022. 
Our response does not include the costs of treatment in a public hospital during the acute phase of an 
injury which are covered by the Public Health Acute Services (PHAS). These costs are funded through an 
annual service agreement between the Minister of Health and the Minister for ACC. 
This information may be of interest to other members of the public 
ACC may decide to proactively release a copy of this response on ACC’s website. The released response will 
be made available 
If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch 
You can email me at [email address].  
If you are not happy with this response, you can also contact the Ombudsman via 
[email address] or by phoning 0800 802 602. Information about how to make a complaint 
is available at  
Ngā mihi 
Sara Freitag 
Acting Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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