This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information Regarding the Assessment of Accreditation, Job Check and AEWW applications'.

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You are here:   Accredited Employer > Accredited Employer Work Visa > Assess > Assess Work
Assess Worker Eligibility
When to use
When a worker eligibility activity has been generated and pulled for assessment
Immigration Officer
Employer accreditation applications will be activity-based. Some parts of the application will be automatically assessed, with activities raised 
for immigration officers to manually assess.
The assessment includes a review of relevant information, as indicated by risk indicators raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules Engine
Health and Character activities should be assessed in line with other temporary visa SOPs and the ADEPT system user guide.
1. Assess whether the applicant is suitably qualified to do the job where the occupa on requires registra on
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system determining that the role offered requires occupa onal registra on, and where that an immigra
has not already assessed and accepted the applicant is suitably qualified to do the job as part of a previous applica on.
Check that the applicant holds evidence of full or provisional occupa onal registra on for the job they have been offered
Search the applicant against the relevant publicly available register
Consider reques ng further informa on from the applicant if you are unable to determine their registra on status
The applicant holds full or provisional occupa onal
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
registra on for the job they have been offered
The applicant does not hold full or provisional occupa onal
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
registra on for the job they have been offered
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
It is determined that occupa onal registra on is not
Go to step 2
required for the job offered
2. Assess whether the applicant is suitably qualified to do the job
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system determining that the role offered does not require occupa onal registra on, and that an immigra
officer has not already assessed and accepted the applicant is suitably qualified to do the job as part of a previous applica on.
Check the applicant has provided evidence of the qualifica ons, work experience, skills or specifica ons for the job, as listed by the employer, in the
applica on
Check AMS and ADEPT to see if the applicant has previously provided evidence of their qualifica ons and experience
Consider reques ng further informa on from the applicant if addi onal evidence is required to establish whether the applicant has the qualifica on
experience claimed (for example, verifiable documents to support a work reference le er)
The applicant holds the qualifica ons, work experience,
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
skills or specifica ons for the job
The immigra on officer is sa sfied that the informa on is

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
The applicant holds the qualifica ons, work experience,
Consider the risk guidance and poten al risk treatments for
  skills or specifica ons for the job
verifying qualifica ons and work experience in the Verifica on
The immigra on officer is NOT yet sa sfied that the
  informa on is genuine
For further advice on appropriate risk treatments, submit a
‘risk advice referral’ to the Verifica on Team
To request further verifica on, submit a ‘Risk Treatment’ to the
Verifica on Team
The applicant does not hold the qualifica ons, work
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
experience, skills or specifica ons for the job
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
3. Assess whether the applicant has held a work visa as a Primary Sector Trainee in the last 2 years.
This assessment is triggered by the ADEPT system determining that the applicant has held a Primary Sector Trainee work visa in that last two years.
Confirm whether applicant holds or has held a work visa as a primary sector trainee (WI18) in the last two years through AMS.
This visa type will be recorded in AMS as 'Exchange Work' and na onality must be either Chile or South Korea
The applicant has not held a work visa as a primary sector
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
trainee in the last two years.
The applicant has been granted a work visa as a primary sector
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
trainee in the last two years.
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for the
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
4. Assess minimum income requirement for dependent children of Accredited Employer work visa holders
This assessment is triggered by the ADEPT system determining or an applicant declaring that they intend to or currently support a dependent child on a 
student visa with remunera on of below the required threshold
Accredited Employer work visa holders who wish to support their dependent child's visitor or student visa applica on, must meet a minimum incom
specified at V3.10.10 or U8.20
Confirm that the applicant is intending to support a dependant(s) on visitor or student visa and confirm pay rate. This may include informa on from
applica on form, EA, and related applica ons.
An applicant’s remunera on must be within the range approved as part of the Job Check applica on
The applicant is not intending to or is not currently suppor ng
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
their dependent child on a visitor visa or student visa
The applicant is intending to or is currently suppor ng their
dependent child on visitor visas and their income is above the
minimum income threshold
The applicant is intending to or currently suppor ng their
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
dependent child on a visitor visa or student visa and their
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for the
income is below the minimum income threshold
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
5. Assess whether a holder of a New Zealand scholarship student visa is eligible to be granted an Accredited Employer work visa
This assessment is triggered if the ADEPT system determines or the applicant has declared that they hold or have previously held a MFAT scholarship stu
Confirm type of Student Visa applicant held through and expiry date in AMS, iden fy evidence of MFAT support le er submi ed with applica on.
The applicant has never held a MFAT scholarship student
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
  The applicant meets the requirements of U11 instruc ons
for the grant of a further visa
  The applicant does not meet requirements of U11
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
instruc ons for the grant of a further visa
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for the
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
6. Assess whether the applicant is suitably qualified for the job of Chef
This assessment will be triggered by the applicant declaring that the ANZSCO occupa on that matches the job is Chef (351311), or where an Immigra on
iden fies this while processing an Accredited Employer work visa applica on.
In addi on to holding qualifica ons, work experience, skills and other specifica ons listed in the Job Check applica on, the applicant must also have
at NZQF Level 4 or higher, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Cer ficate in Cookery (Level 4).
Overseas qualifica ons must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualifica on. Unless an overseas qualifica on is listed on the Immig
Zealand List of Qualifica ons Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 3), an Interna onal Qualifica on Assessment (IQA) from the New Zealand Qualific
Authority sta ng the comparable NZQF qualifica on is required
Consider reques ng further informa on from the applicant if addi onal evidence is required to establish whether the applicant has the qualifica on
The applicant holds a cer ficate at NZQF Level 4 or
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
higher, which includes the credit and knowledge
requirements of a New Zealand Cer ficate in
Cookery (Level 4)
The applicant holds an overseas qualifica on on the
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
Immigra on New Zealand List of Qualifica ons
Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 3)
an Interna onal Qualifica on Assessment (IQA)
from the New Zealand Qualifica ons Authority
sta ng the comparable NZQF qualifica on is
The immigra on officer is sa sfied that informa on
is genuine
The applicant holds an overseas qualifica on on the
Consider the risk guidance and poten al risk treatments for
Immigra on New Zealand List of Qualifica ons
verifying qualifica ons and work experience in the Verifica on
Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 3)
an Interna onal Qualifica on Assessment (IQA)
For further advice on appropriate risk treatments, submit a ‘risk
from the New Zealand Qualifica ons Authority
advice referral’ to the Verifica on Team
sta ng the comparable NZQF qualifica on is
To request further verifica on, submit a ‘Risk Treatment’ to the
Verifica on Team
The immigra on officer is NOT yet sa sfied that
informa on is genuine
The applicant does not hold a cer ficate at NZQF
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
Level 4 or higher, which includes the credit and
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for the
knowledge requirements of a New Zealand
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
Cer ficate in Cookery (Level 4), or the overseas
qualifica on does not meet requirements.
7. Assess applicants who are required to spend  me outside New Zealand
This assessment ac vity will be triggered by the applicant declaring that they are paid at below the median wage, and the ADEPT system determining th
subject to a Stand Down period.
An applicant is not eligible for a further Accredited Employer work visa if they have held AE work visas based on employment paid below the median
years, unless they have spent 12 consecu ve months outside New Zealand.
An applicant’s remunera on must be within the range approved as part of the Job Check applica on

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  The employment is paid below the median wage
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
The applicant is NOT subject to the stand-down
  period as set out at WA4.10.10
The employment is paid below the median wage
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
The applicant is subject to the stand-down period as
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
set out at WA4.10.10
8. Assess whether the applicant is under 18 years old
This assessment ac vity will be triggered by the applicant declaring that they are under 18 years old
Applica ons must be signed by the applicant. Where an applicant is under 18 years the applicant will be required to provide permission from a pare
that they are allowed to apply for the visa applica on. This should be in the form of a document that has been uploaded by the applicant on the sup
documents page.
The applicant is aged under 18, and the applica on
Enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
has been authorised by a parent or guardian of the
The applicant is aged 18 or over
The applicant is aged under 18 and there is not
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
evidence the applica on has been authorised by a
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
parent or guardian of the applicant.
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
9. Assess travel document concerns
This assessment will be triggered from an SO assessment of the travel documents. If for any reason there are s ll concerns with the travel document the
iden fy a concern and this will present to the IO who pulls the "purpose-type assessment".
Refer to verifica on tool kit for travel document informa on
For further advice on appropriate risk treatments, submit a ‘risk advice referral’ to the Verifica on Team
There are no concerns with iden ty of validity of the
Enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
travel document
There are concerns with the applicant’s iden ty
Refer to iden ty SOP
Submit a ‘risk advice referral’ to the Verifica on Team
The travel document has expired
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
See Also
Assess Job Check Validation

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rocess Manual
You are here:   Accredited Employer > Accredited Employer Work Visa > Assess > Assess Job 
Assess Job Check Validation
When to use
When a Job Check Validation activity has been generated and pulled for assessment
Immigration Officer
Employer accreditation applications will be activity-based. Some parts of the application will be automatically assessed, with activities
raised by ADEPT for immigration officers to manually assess.
The assessment includes a review of relevant information, as indicated by risk indicators raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules
Engine (BRE).
Health or Character activities should be assessed in line with other temporary visa SOPs and the ADEPT system user guide.
1. Assess whether details of the job match those included in the approved Job Check
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system determining one or more details of the job offered are different to the approved Job Check:
a. Loca on does not match the approved job check
b. Job  tle does not match the approved job check
c. ANZSCO code does not match the approved job check
d. Hours of work do not match the range approved in the job check
e. Hourly rate is not within the range in the approved job check
f. Employer is not the direct employer
The details of the employment offered must be the same as those approved as part of the Job Check applica on
Compare the informa on declared in the work visa applica on form and the informa on in the employment agreement against the condi ons of
the Job Check
Where the applicant’s declara on does not align with the employment agreement or job descrip on, consider reques ng further informa on
from the applicant
If the applicant’s declara ons do not align with the proposed employment agreement, consider whether the applicant meets the defini on of a
bona fide applicant as per immigra on instruc ons E5.1.
The details of the employment are the same as those
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met
approved as part of the Job Check applica on
The details of the employment are NOT the same as those
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
approved as part of the Job Check applica on
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons
for the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
ANZSCO code does not match that of the approved Job
Check whether the job descrip on is the same as that
Check applica on
submi ed with the Job Check applica on
If the job descrip on is not the same as that approved as
part of the Job Check applica on, go to PPI SOP
If the applicant has declared a different ANZSCO code to the
occupa on specified in the Job Check applica on, BUT the
job descrip on provided is the same as that in the approved
Job Check, record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the
instruc on met field

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
2. Assess whether the minimum pay rate is at or above the median wage
 This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system determining that the pay rate is below median wage, and occupa on is not exempt from
the median wage threshold or does not meet that sector remunera on threshold.
The employment must con nue to meet all requirements for acceptable employment as specified at WA3.15, including the remunera on
thresholds in effect at the  me the Accredited Employer work visa applica on is made.
Check whether the applicant’s pay rate against the employment agreement and details of the approved Job Check
Ensure pay rate has been correctly calculated as per immigra on instruc ons WA3.30
The proposed remunera on is above the median wage
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met
The proposed remunera on is below the median wage,
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met
but the occupa on is exempt from the median wage
threshold AND the remunera on meets the sector
threshold specified at WA3.15.1
The proposed remunera on is below the median wage,
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
and the occupa on is not exempt from the median wage
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons
threshold OR the remunera on does not meet the sector
for the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
threshold specified at WA3.15.1
3. Assess whether the employer stated on the employment agreement is the direct employer
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system or iden fied by the processing officer while processing the applica on.
Check whether the employer on the employment agreement is the same as the employer that holds accredita on and the approved job check
Check that the employment agreement does not involve the employee being placed in a triangular employment arrangement with another
organisa on, as defined at WA2.60.15, unless the employer holds High Volume Accredita on – Triangular Employment.
Consider reques ng further informa on from the employer if it is unclear which legal en ty is intended to be the employer as specified in the
employment agreement.
The employer specified in the employment agreement
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
is the direct employer
The employer specified in the employment agreement
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
is not the direct employer
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
4. Assess whether the employer holds valid accredita on
This assessment will be triggered when the ADEPT system determines the employer does not hold valid accredita on.
Check whether the employer holds valid accredita on or has an applica on for accredita on in progress.
If it is iden fied during the processing of the applica on that the employee will be placed in a triangular employment agreement, ensure the
employer holds High Volume Accredita on – Triangular Employment.
If the employer’s accredita on applica on has been put on hold or suspended then any job tokens from approved job checks cannot be used
and any Accredited Employer work visas may be postponed.
If the employer’s accredita on has been revoked or has expired then the applica on may be declined.
The employer holds valid accredita on of the correct
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
The employer does not hold valid accredita on, or the
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
accredita on is not the correct type
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
h ld lid
i h T h i l Ad i
h h i i

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
The employer does not hold valid accredita on, or the
Discuss with a Technical Advisor whether it is appropriate to
  accredita on is not the correct type
hold the applica on un l a decision is made on the employer’s
accredita on applica on.
The employer has submi ed an applica on for
  accredita on
The employer’s accredita on has been suspended, or
Go to Postpone Accredited Work Visa applica on  SOP
the employer’s accredita on applica on has been
placed on hold
5. Assess whether the terms and condi ons are not inferior to those provided with the Job Check
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system
Check the terms and condi ons of the employment (other than those specified in the Job Check) are the same as, or more favourable to the
applicant than, those provided as part of the Job Check applica on.
Compare the employment agreement submi ed with the Job Check applica on with the employment agreement submi ed with the Accredited
Employer work visa applica on
Focus should be given to terms and condi ons that are relevant to the objec ves of these instruc ons
The other terms and condi ons are the same or more
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
favourable as those provided as part of the Job Check
The other terms and condi ons are inferior to those in
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
the provided as part of Job Check
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
The following details of the employment are not the
Go to step 1 - Assess whether details of the job match those
same as those approved as part of the Job Check
included in the approved Job Check
applica on:
the loca on of the job
the occupa on
the hours of work
the remunera on
the direct employer
6. Assess whether the proposed employment is allowed under Accredited Employer work visa instruc ons
This assessment will be triggered when the applicant has declared that they wish to carry out work that is not permi ed under Accredited
Employer work visa instruc ons, including:
Plan ng, maintaining, harves ng or packing crops in the hor culture or vi culture industries
Foreign crew of fishing vessels
Self-employment may include working as an independent contractor, under a contract for services, or where the applicant is a director or
shareholder of the legal en ty providing the proposed employment.
Guidance around types of work in the hor culture or vi culture industry can be found in Visa Pak 257 and 394.
Supervisory work in the hor culture or vi culture industries may require considera on of the actual du es undertaken. Consider the risk
guidance and poten al risk treatments in the Verifica on Toolkit. For further advice on appropriate risk treatments, submit a ‘risk advice referral’
to the Verifica on Team
The proposed employment in not for self-
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
employment, OR to plant, harvest, maintain or pack
crops in the hor culture or vi culture industry, OR
for foreign crew of fishing vessels
The employment is for self-employment
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for the
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
  To plant harvest, maintain or pack crops in the
hor culture or vi culture industry
  For foreign crew of fishing vessels
Note: If it appears the Job Check has been approved on the basis of a job offer that does not appear to meet WA3.15(o), discuss
the applica on with a Technical Advisor
7. Assess whether the employment is genuine
This assessment will be triggered when the applicant has declared that they are a family member of the employee. An Immigra on Officer may
also iden fy this while processing an applica on
Check that the proposed employment is genuine
Check that the job is real, not false and not fraudulent
Consider the risk guidance and poten al risk treatments in the Verifica on Toolkit. For further support to undertake appropriate risk treatments,
submit a ‘risk treatment referral’ to the Verifica on Team
Where the pay rate is equal to, or up to $1.00 above the median wage, or where the pay rate is considerably higher than market rate for this
occupa on, consider:
the industry, employer, job/role and consider risk such as wage/role infla on, genuine job, etc.
Where the occupa on is one of the following roles:
Café or Restaurant Manager (141111)
Cook (351411)
Retail Manager (General) (142111)
Retail Supervisor (621511)
Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec (149999)
Consider the industry, employer, job/role and consider risks such as wage/role infla on, genuine job, etc.
The employment is genuine
Record this in ADEPT and enter ‘Yes’ in the instruc on met field
The employment is not genuine
Enter ‘No’ in the instruc on met field.
Select PPI as the recommended ac on and provide reasons for
the next IO to pick up the PPI ac vity
The applicant has provided any informa on,
Consider whether character requirements at A5.1 are s ll met
evidence or submission that was false, misleading
or forged, or withheld material informa on
The employer has provided any informa on,
Submit a risk advice referral to the Verifica on Team
evidence or submission that was false, misleading
Also see Revoke Employer Accredita on  SOP
or forged, or withheld material informa on
See Also
Assess Worker Eligibility