This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information Regarding the Assessment of Accreditation, Job Check and AEWW applications'.

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You are here:   Accredited Employer > Job Check > Assess Job Check 
Assess Job Check
In This Sec on
See Also
Assess Risk
Job Check
Assess Employment is Acceptable
Decide Job Check
Assess General Job Check
Postpone a Job Check
Assess Employer has Advertised
Quality Control (QC) - Undertaking an
Application-based QC

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Global P
rocess Manual
You are here:   Accredited Employer > Job Check > Assess Job Check > Assess General Job C
Assess General Job Check
When to use
When the employer holds an employer accreditation and submits a job check application with accompanying documentation. The immigration
officer is ready to assess the application.
Immigra on officer
Employer holds employer accredita on with INZ
Employer has completed an online job check applica on form
Job check applications will be case managed (rather than activity-based) by immigration officers, assessing the whole application for an emplo
Checks will be undertaken by the system to ascertain whether the employer meets standard criteria that allow them to submit a job check and
whether the NZBN is valid for the job checks they are submitting as part of their application. Any job checks approved before 4 July 2022 will
expire on 4 January 2023.
The steps in this SOP include:
assessing whether an employer meets the requirements for a job check, as set out in the job check instruc ons
escala ng addi onal risks and seeking advice where necessary
guidance where decisions need to be signed-off by relevant management.
The assessment includes a review of relevant information, as indicated by risk indicators raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules Engine
Please follow the appropriate step(s) based on the manual intervention required.
1. A Job Check applica on must be made by an accredited employer (as defined at WA2.60.1) with the correct type of accredita on, whose accredita o
not suspended
This ac vity will trigger when the system iden fies that the Employer does not hold the correct accredita on. There are two types of Accredita on –
Standard and High Volume. Standard accredita on allows an Employer to have up to 5 jobs associated to them.
Employers cannot make a Job Check applica on unless they are accredited, and that accredita on is not suspended.
The employer’s accredita on has expired
Contact the Employer and advise that they will need to reapply for accredita on
The employer’s accredita on has been
Go to Postpone Job Check  SOP
The employer’s accredita on has been revoked
They hold an accredita on which does not
It may be that the employer is applying for more jobs than allowed under
allow for them to apply for the job checks they
standard accredita on. If so, the employer will need to apply for an upgrade to
have applied for.
High Volume accredita on if this is the case.
Contact employer for more informa on
Where mul ple jobs are included in the applica on and the employer decides to
remove a job if then process the balance of the jobs

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remove a job, if, then process the balance of the jobs
The employer’s accredita on is s ll pending
If they hold interim accredita on con nue processing applica on
The employer’s accredita on is under review
Go to PPI SOP .
Put Job Check on-hold un l the employer is determined to meet the requirements, 
un l the employer’s accredita on is revoked.
2. Employer or key persons must not be on the Labour Inspectorate stand down list
This ac vity will be triggered by ADEPT automa cally checking the list of non-compliant employers for breaches of employment standards (the LI sta
down list), alerts or warnings, and/or the employer’s response on the applica on form.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check SOP.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
A decision is made to con nue
Con nue processing job check
accredita on
A decision is made to revoke accredita on
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
3. Employer or key persons must not be convicted, are subject to a stand-down, or have been imprisoned for certain offences under the Immigra on Ac
This ac vity will be triggered by ADEPT checking against Immigra on Offences, alerts or warnings on the employer and key persons, and where the
employer indicates on the applica on form.
WA2.10.10 of the Job check instruc ons require that:
the employer and any of its key persons must not be subject to a stand-down period for an offence under sec ons 342(1)(a), 343(1)(d), 344(d), 
or 350(1)(a) of the Immigra on Act 2009, where the penalty was a fine only. The fines and corresponding stand-down periods for immigra on
offences are set out in Appendix 12.
if the employer or any of its key persons have previously been subject to a stand-down period for an immigra on offence or have previously bee
convicted for immigra on offences listed in WA2.10.10(b) (i.e. the offences men oned in the point above) and the penalty was a fine, the issue 
have been rec fied and the employer must have taken sufficient steps to prevent it from happening again. These offences refer to those listed in
point above
the employer and its key persons must not have received a prison sentence for an offence under sec ons 343(1)(d) or 344(d) of the Immigra on
2009, regardless of when the offence occurred.
the employer and its key persons must not have been convicted at any  me of an offence under sec ons 343(1)(a), 345, 348, 342(1)(b), 351 of t
Immigra on Act 2009.
Employers who have commi ed these offences are either subject to a stand down period or permanently banned from gaining employer accredita
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
A decision is made to con nue
Con nue processing job check
accredita on
A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
4. Employer or key persons must not have been convicted under s98, 98C or 98D of the Crimes Act 1961
This assessment will be triggered by the ADEPT system checking whether an employer or key persons has been convicted of an immigra on offence,
alerts or warnings, and where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP un l an assessment h
been carried out to establish whether the employer has been convicted under the Crimes Act 1961. Employers who have commi ed these offences 

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be permanently banned from gaining employer accredita on.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
The employer or key person is has
Con nue processing job check
not been convicted under s98, 98C or
98D of the Crimes Act 1961, and a
decision is made to con nue
accredita on
The employer or key person is has
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
been convicted under s98, 98C or
98D of the Crimes Act 1961, and a
decision is made to revoke
accredita on
5. Employer or key persons must not have an ac ve inves ga on or case pending that may result in WA2.10.10(a) to (i) not being met
This ac vity will be triggered by alerts and warnings, or where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
A decision is made to con nue
Con nue processing job check
accredita on
A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
6. Employer’s key persons must not be prohibited from being a director or promotor of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, an
incorporated company or unincorporated body within New Zealand or overseas, by being disqualified by a court (who have this power under sec on
of the Companies Act 1993)

This ac vity will be triggered by ADEPT checking the banned directors list and where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
A decision is made to con nue
Con nue processing job check
accredita on
A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
7. The Employer must be a viable and genuinely opera ng business or organisa on
This ac vity is triggered by the ADEPT system checking the NZBN for organisa on insolvency, alerts and warnings and Business Rules Engine (BRE).
Where the employer (organisa on) is insolvent an assessment of whether the employer is viable and ongoing under the Employer Accredita on
Instruc ons will need to be undertaken.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Viable and Genuinely Opera ng Business/Organisa on  SOP.
A decision is made to con nue
Con nue processing job check
accredita on

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accredita on
  A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
8. The job must match the chosen ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifica on of Occupa ons) code
This ac vity will be triggered by the ADEPT or when an immigra on iden fies this while processing the job check applica on.
Check whether the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifica on of Occupa ons (ANZSCO) code provided by the employer matches the detail
the job provided in the proposed employment details, including the job check applica on, employment agreement, job adver sement and any othe
informa on provided by the employer about the job. This can include considering the:
minimum qualifica ons,
work experience,
skills or
other specifica ons iden fied by the employer
Consider whether to refer to the qualifica ons described for the closest matching occupa on in the ANZSCO, or the work experience that the ANZSC
indicates can subs tute the required qualifica on.
The ANZSCO code does not match a
Check the roles and responsibili es against the ANZSCO to find the correct code
role or the proposed employment
or closest match for that role.
Go to PPI SOP  if the change of ANZSCO code results in an instruc on not being
met, otherwise con nue processing the applica on
Where a change of ANZSCO occurs, consider whether the change requires
considering whether the applica on needs to include assessment under the
Assess Employment is Acceptable  and Assess Employer has Adver sed  SOPs.
The skill sets outlined in the
Go to Assess Acceptable Employment  SOP, and Assess Employer has
applica on are in excess of those
Adver sed  SOP
described by the new ANZSCO code
The salary is not commensurate with
Go to Assess Acceptable Employment  SOP to assess market rate.
the new ANZSCO code determined
by the immigra on officer
9. The loca on of the job specified in the Job Check applica on must match the proposed employment agreement
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer’s response on the applica on form, or by an immigra on officer assessing the job check applica on
Check that the loca on that the employer has advised in the applica on is in fact the loca on of the job – check regions against regional council
boundaries and ci es against city council boundaries to determine if the loca on specified in the applica on is correct.
Check employment agreement and adver sing (if required) have the same loca on.
The loca on in the employment
Con nue processing the applica on
agreement is the same as at least
one job adver sement
The loca on in the employment
Go to PPI SOP  if they don’t meet instruc ons
agreement does not match at least
one job adver sement
10. No more than 5 jobs can be associated to the employer if the employer has Standard Accredita on
Note: High Volume Accredita on has no maximum number of jobs.
This ac vity is triggered by ADEPT checking the job quota available to the employer.
Jobs are associated to an employer when it is approved as part of a Job Check applica on. It remains associated un l it either expires or is cancelled
the instance of an Accredited Employer Work Visa being varied to allow visa holder to work for a different employer.

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  More than 5 jobs are associated to
Check whether there are changes to the jobs associated to the Employer that haven’t
the employer
yet been processed by INZ (e.g. varia on of condi ons of an employee’s visa).
Contact the Employer to iden fy if there has been a change of work circumstances
with any of the employees, that has not yet been submi ed to INZ. This could
Previous offer of employment being withdrawn; or
an accredited employer work visa applica on that was made on the basis of an
approved job is being withdrawn; or
An employee is leaving their job with the employer
Advise the employer that the change of employee’s circumstances needs to be
submi ed to INZ before the job space can be made available to the employer
If there are more than 5 jobs go to PPI SOP , otherwise con nue processing any
other jobs in the applica on.
The Applicant advises that a previous
Check employee details in ADEPT for confirma on
employee has had a change of
Verify any details
Advise the employer that the change of employee’s circumstances needs to be
submi ed to INZ before the job space can be made available to the employer
Update Notes (see the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide );
Con nue processing
11. All jobs included in the job check applica on must be for the same:
occupa on, and
loca on, an
minimum and maximum remunera on, and
type of agreement, AND
the same minimum qualifica ons and work experience, AND
the same job descrip on, AND
the same employment agreement, AND
if a labour market test is required the jobs are included in the same set of adver sing.
This ac vity is triggered by an employer’s responses on the applica on form and where an immigra on officer iden fies that all the job details are n
the same for all jobs.
Check that all posi ons in the job check applica on have the same:
Occupa on
Loca on – using regional and city boundary maps
Minimum guaranteed remunera on and maximum remunera on; and
Type of agreement (permanent or fixed term)
Check that the minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job are all the same
Check that they all have the same job descrip on
Check whether a labour market test is required (see WA3.20(a) of the Job Check instruc ons).
Check that the proposed employment agreement is included with the applica on. 
Labour market test is required as
Check that the jobs are all included in the same set of adver sing
per WA3.20(a)
Posi on details (as described
above) are different for mul ple
jobs included in the job check
applica on
Mul ple applica ons are required
Con nue processing applica on for the number of jobs that meet the criteria
Consider whether a waiver may be required – Go to Waiver SOP

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12. All jobs included in the Job Check applica on must be for the same proposed loca on
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer’s responses on the applica on form or iden fied by an immigra on officer processing the applica on.
The loca on of the job is the place where the work is en rely or principally carried out or based, as per the proposed employment agreement and
informa on provided in the Job Check applica on.
Check whether all jobs included in the job check applica on have the same proposed loca on.
All jobs are for the same loca on
Con nue processing the applica on
All jobs are not for the same
Go to PPI SOP  for job(s) that are not in the same loca ons
loca on
Process applica on for the jobs that have the loca ons
The Job Check does not include
Con nue processing applica on.
mul ple loca ons
13. The proposed employment must be genuine
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer’s responses on the applica on form, when an applica on requires manual processing as determined b
step 18 in the Assess employment is acceptable  SOP and where an immigra on iden fies that a job may not be genuine when processing the
applica on.
Check that the proposed employment is genuine.
Check that the job is real, not false, not fraudulent. This could include considera on of:
whether the role is consistent with the type of business and/or industry in which the employer operates, or
whether the job or salary may be inflated
Whether the job requires unusual experience
Where training is not related to the posi on
See General work-related risks and advice for more details.
Check that the salary is commensurate with the job descrip on by searching for other jobs that are same or similar
Check the contract to iden fy whether the job check applica on is for a family member of the employer who might be disadvantaged by that contra
Where the pay rate is equal to, or up to $1.00 above the median wage, or where the pay rate is considerably higher than market rate for this occupa
the industry, employer, job/role and consider risk such as wage/role infla on, genuine job, etc.
Where the occupa on is one of the following roles:
Café or Restaurant Manager (141111)
Cook (351411) 
Retail Manager (General) (142111)
Retail Supervisor (621511)
Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec (149999)
the industry, employer, job/role and consider risks such as wage/role infla on, genuine job, etc.
Check the Labour Market Test is met – See SOP.
the employment is genuine
Document in ADEPT notes (see the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User
Guide );

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Con nue processing the applica on
the employment is not genuine
14. False or misleading informa on provided, or relevant informa on was withheld
This ac vity will be triggered by alerts or warnings or where an Immigra on Officer iden fies this when processing an applica on.
Informa on that is provided as part of an applica on for a Job Check must be genuine, accurate and true. An Immigra on Officer may decline an
applica on for a Job Check if they are sa sfied that an employer:
Provided false or misleading informa on in support of the Job Check applica on, or
Withheld relevant informa on that was prejudicial to approval of the Job Check applica on.
Providing false or misleading informa on or withholding informa on from INZ can also affect an employer’s accredita on status.
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Employer Compliance  SOP.
A decision is made to
Con nue processing job check
con nue accredita on
A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
15. A viable and genuinely opera ng business or organisa on is one where if the employer is a general partnership or sole trader, the partners or sole tra
must not be bankrupt or subject to a No Asset Procedure
This ac vity is triggered by the ADEPT system check with informa on from the Insolvency register.
Where the employer is a sole trader or partnership, the sole trader, partner in a general partnership or general partner in a limited partnership must
be bankrupt or subject to a No Asset Procedure. .
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check  SOP.
Refer to Assess Viable and Genuinely Opera ng Business/Organisa on  SOP.
A decision is made to
Con nue processing job check
con nue accredita on
A decision is made to revoke
PPI job check (see PPI job check  SOPs).
accredita on
See Also
Assess Job Check
Assess Risk
Assess Employment is Acceptable
Assess Employer has Advertised

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Global P
rocess Manual
You are here:   Accredited Employer > Job Check > Assess Job Check > Assess Employer has 
Assess Employer has Advertised
When to use
When the employer holds employer accreditation, has completed a job check application and provided information as requested in the job
check application form. The immigration officer is ready to assess the application.
Immigra on Officer
Employer holds employer accredita on with INZ
Employer has completed a job check applica on form
Assess employment is genuine
General job check
Job check applications will be case managed (rather than activity-based) by immigration officers, assessing the whole application for an
employer. Most job checks will require some manual processing activities. Any job checks approved before 4 July 2022 will expire on 4 January
The steps in this SOP include:
assessing whether an employer meets the requirements for a job check, as set out in the job check instruc ons
escala ng addi onal risks and seeking advice where necessary
guidance where decisions need to be signed-off by relevant management.
The assessment includes a review of relevant information, as indicated by risk indicators raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules
Engine (BRE).
1. If the occupa on is on the Green List, the minimum requirements for the job must include the requirements on the list for that occupa on
This ac vity can be triggered by ADEPT, or employer responses on the applica on form.
If an occupa on in the job check is listed on the green list, the occupa on is exempt from having to carry out a Labour Market Test. It must,
however, pay at least the median wage (WA3.15.1) and meet the qualifica on, registra on and wage requirements set out in the Green List
Requirements from Appendix 13 in the INZ Opera onal Manual.
Check whether the occupa on meets the qualifica on, registra on and wage requirements set out in the Green List Requirements from Appendix
13 in the INZ Opera onal Manual.
Consider whether you need to seek addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User
Guide ).

The employment specifica ons of the role do
Con nue processing applica on.
match the green list
The employment specifica ons of the role do
Go to PPI SOP .
not match the green list
2. The job must have been adver sed on a general na onal job lis ng
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Job must have been adver sed:

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Job must have been adver sed:
on a general na onal job lis ng website where suitable New Zealand ci zens or residents are likely to apply, or
by other means (such as on an industry specific job website) that would be likely to a ract suitable New Zealand ci zens or residents.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Adver sing for the role was included on job
Note in ADEPT that the adver sing is sufficient.
lis ng websites likely to a ract New Zealand
Con nue processing the applica on.
ci zens and residents:
on a general na onal job lis ng website; and
another suitable website (e.g. industry job
Adver sing for the role was not included on
Go to PPI SOP .
job lis ng websites likely to a ract New
Zealand ci zens and residents:
on a general na onal job lis ng website; and
another suitable website (e.g. industry job
Suitable general na onal job lis ng websites include (this is not an exhaus ve list):
Linkedin Jobs
My Job Space
Also consider whether there are other specific industry vacancy websites where the employer should have adver sed.
3. The job adver sement must include a job descrip on, AND the key terms and condi ons which are consistent with the proposed employment
agreement AND the minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether adver sing meets the requirements set out in WA3.20. 1(d), the adver sing must include:
a job descrip on detailing the key tasks and responsibili es, and
the key terms and condi ons of the employment, which are consistent with the proposed employment agreement and other informa on
included with the Job Check applica on, including:
the minimum and maximum rate of pay or salary, and
where a significant por on of the actual earnings are not guaranteed, the es mated actual earnings (for example what the piece rates
or commission rates are, or what the average bonuses are), and
the minimum guaranteed hours of work, and
the loca on of the job, and
the minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job. These must:
only include those necessary to perform the work on offer (WA3.20.5); and
be the same as those listed on the applica on form.
Adver sing included:
Note in ADEPT that employer will not place AEWV holders with
a job descrip on detailing tasks and
other organisa ons

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a job descrip on detailing tasks and
other organisa ons
responsibili es, and
key terms and condi ons of employment,
Con nue processing the applica on
including minimum/maximum rates of
pay, es mated or actual earnings,
minimum guaranteed hours, loca on of
job and minimum qualifica ons, work
experience, skills or other specifica ons
of the job
Adver sing did not include:
Go to PPI SOP .
a job descrip on detailing tasks and
responsibili es, and
key terms and condi ons of employment,
including minimum/maximum rates of
pay, es mated or actual earnings,
minimum guaranteed hours, loca on of
job and minimum qualifica ons, work
experience, skills or other specifica ons
of the job
4. The minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job must only include those necessary to perform the
work, and must be the same as those stated in the applica on form
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job do not only include those necessary to
perform the work, or are not the same as those stated in the applica on form, as per WA3.20.1(e)(i):
the minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job.
The minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job must:
only include those necessary to perform the work on offer (WA3.20.5); and
be the same as those stated in the applica on form.
Determine whether minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job only include those necessary to
perform the work on offer. This can include:
referring to the qualifica ons described for the closest matching occupa on in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifica on of
Occupa ons (ANZSCO), or the work experience that the ANZSCO indicates may subs tute the required qualifica on.
For qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica on that are not described in the ANZSCO for the matching occupa on, assess
whether the requirement is reasonably necessary to perform the work on offer, taking into account the factors such as:
the roles and responsibili es of the job; and
whether the specifica on is likely to result in suitable and available New Zealand ci zens or residents not applying for the job. 
e.g. requiring foreign language skills for a café or restaurant worker job is unlikely to be acceptable, but requiring foreign language
skills for a job as a tour guide catering for non-English speakers may be acceptable, as the skills are necessary to perform the work on

Where other skills or specifica ons are needed to perform the job that are not described for the matching occupa on in the ANZSCO,
the remunera on offered must reflect those requirements by being above what would otherwise be the market rate for that job.
Note: Requiring a driver licence or vehicle cannot be a minimum requirement for the job unless opera ng a vehicle is necessary to perform the
work on offer. Being able to commute to the workplace is not part of performing the work on offer, so requiring a driver licence or vehicle for this
purpose is not acceptable.

the minimum qualifica ons, work experience,
Note this in ADEPT; and
skills or other specifica ons required for the job:
Con nue processing the applica on
only include those necessary to perform the
work, and
are the same as those stated in the applica on
the minimum qualifica ons, work experience,
Go to PPI SOP .
skills or other specifica ons required for the job:
do not only include those necessary to perform

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the work, or
are not the same as those stated in the
applica on form
5. The job adver sement must have been listed for at least 14 calendar days
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Review the informa on provided with the applica on form, including the job adver sing details.
Check if the evidence of adver sing provided by the employer meets the requirements set out in WA3.20(c)(i). It must include the content of the
adver sement, dates adver sed, the dura on and pla orm of the adver sing.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether the job vacancy was listed for at least 14 calendar days.
The job adver sement was listed for at least 14
Note this in ADEPT; and
calendar days
Con nue processing the applica on.
The job adver sement was not listed for at least
Go to PPI SOP .
14 calendar days
6. The end date of the adver sing must be within 90 days prior to the job check applica on being submi ed
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Review the informa on provided with the applica on form, including the job adver sing details.
Check if the evidence of adver sing provided by the employer meets the requirements set out in WA3.20(c)(i). It must include the content of the
adver sement, dates adver sed, the dura on and pla orm of the adver sing.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether the end date of the adver sing is more than 90 days prior to the job check applica on being submi ed.
The end date of the adver sing is within 90
Note this in ADEPT; and
days prior to the job check applica on being
Con nue processing the applica on.
submi ed
The end date of the adver sing is more than 90
Go to PPI SOP .
days prior to the job check applica on being
submi ed
7. If a job was adver sed across mul ple pla orms, at least one job adver sement must meet the requirements of WA3.20.1
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
One of the job adver sements must meet the requirements of WA3.20.1(d), and include:
a job descrip on detailing the key tasks and responsibili es; and
the key terms and condi ons of the employment, which are consistent with the proposed employment agreement and other informa on
included with the Job Check applica on, including:
the minimum and maximum rate of pay or salary; and
there a significant por on of the actual earnings are not guaranteed, the es mated actual earnings (for example what the piece rates
or commission rates are, or what the average bonuses are); and
the minimum guaranteed hours of work; and
the loca on of the job; and
the minimum qualifica ons, work experience, skills or other specifica ons required for the job
Review the informa on provided with the applica on form, including the job adver sing details.
Check whether the adver sing is consistent across all job adver sements and pla orms where the job is adver sed and that all the necessary
t f d
i l d d (
t i WA3 20 1(d))

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components of adver sing are included (as set out in WA3.20.1(d)).
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether the job adver sement was consistent across all pla orms.
The job was adver sed across mul ple
Note this in ADEPT; and
pla orms, and at least one job
Con nue processing the applica on.
adver sement met all of the
requirements of WA3.20.1(d)
The job was adver sed across mul ple
Go to PPI SOP .
pla orms, and none of these job
adver sements met all of the
requirements of WA3.20.1(d)
8. The job adver sement must include the loca on which is consistent with the proposed employment agreement and informa on included with the
Job Check applica on
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form that the job will be carried out in more than
one loca on.
Job adver sement key terms and condi ons must be consistent with the proposed employment agreement and informa on provided in the job
check applica on. All adver sements must meet the requirements of WA3.20.1(d)(ii), and include:
a job descrip on detailing the key tasks and responsibili es; and
the key terms and condi ons of the employment, which are consistent with the proposed employment agreement and other informa on
included with the Job Check applica on, including:
the minimum and maximum rate of pay or salary; and
there a significant por on of the actual earnings are not guaranteed, the es mated actual earnings (for example what the piece rates
or commission rates are, or what the average bonuses are); and
the minimum guaranteed hours of work; and
the loca on of the job.
Review the informa on provided with the applica on form, including the job adver sing details.
Check whether the key terms and condi ons (as set out in WA3.20.1(d) (ii)) are consistent with the proposed employment agreement and
informa on included in the job check applica on form, including job loca on.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether the job adver sement included all of the loca ons required for the job.
The job adver sement includes the
Note this in ADEPT; and
loca on, which is consistent with the
Con nue processing the applica on.
proposed employment agreement and
informa on included with the Job Check
applica on
The job adver sement includes the
Go to PPI SOP .
loca on, but is not consistent with the
proposed employment agreement and
informa on included with the Job Check
applica on
9. The job adver sement loca on is not consistent with the proposed employment agreement and informa on included with the Job Check applica on
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
The loca on for the job provided in the job adver sement must be consistent with the proposed employment agreement and informa on provided
in the job check applica on. This includes where the job:
can be carried out remotely, the job adver sement needs to reflect this.
Review the job adver sement(s) the proposed employment agreement and the informa on provided in the applica on form

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Review the job adver sement(s), the proposed employment agreement and the informa on provided in the applica on form.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
Consider whether the loca on for the job provided in the job adver sement includes whether the job can be performed remotely.
The job adver sement loca on is
Note this in ADEPT; and
consistent with the proposed employment
Con nue processing the applica on.
agreement and informa on included with
the Job Check applica on. The adver sing
reflects when the job:
can be performed remotely.
The job adver sement loca on is not
Go to PPI SOP .
consistent with the proposed employment
agreement and informa on included with
the Job Check applica on. The adver sing
does not reflect when the job:
can be performed remotely.
10. The employer must not have found suitable and available New Zealand workers for the job
This assessment will be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form.
Immigra on instruc on WA3.20(b)(ii) states that, the labour market test is met if the employer did not find suitable and available New Zealand
workers for the job.
Consider reques ng addi onal informa on from the employer (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ). This
could include the volume of New Zealand ci zens and residents who applied for the job, reasons why they weren’t suitable or available, and
reasons why they were not offered/did not take the job.
Review the informa on provided with the applica on form, and any addi onal informa on requested by the immigra on officer.
Consider whether the employer did find suitable and available New Zealand workers for the job.
the employer did not find suitable and
Note this in ADEPT; and
available New Zealand workers for the job
Con nue processing the applica on.
the employer did find suitable and available
Go to PPI SOP .
New Zealand workers for the job
See Also
Assess Job Check
Assess Risk
Assess Employment is Acceptable
Assess General Job Check

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Global P
rocess Manual
You are here:   Accredited Employer > Job Check > Assess Job Check > Assess Risk 
Assess Risk
When to use
When the employer holds employer
accreditation, has completed a job check
application and provided information as
requested in the job check application form. The
immigration officer is ready to assess the
Immigra on Officer
Employer holds employer accredita on with INZ
Employer has completed job check applica on
Job check applications will be case managed
(rather than activity-based) by immigration
officers, assessing the whole application for an
employer. Some parts of the application will be
automatically assessed, with activities raised by
ADEPT for immigration officers to manually
assess. Any job checks approved before 4 July
2022 will expire on 4 January 2023.
The steps in this SOP include:
Assessing whether an employer meets the
requirements for a job check, as set out in the
Employer Accredita on Instruc ons
Escala on of any addi onal risks and seek advice
where necessary
Guidance where decisions need to be signed-off
by relevant management.
The assessment includes a review of relevant
information, as indicated by risk indicators
raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules
Engine (BRE).
1. Assess risk manual ac vi es
The system creates a risk assessment
ac vity when the BRE determines that the
applica on presents a medium or high
immigra on risk based on the applica on
data. For system triggered immigra on
risks, use the risk advice link displayed in
the risk sec on of the ac vity in ADEPT to
view more informa on about the
immigra on risk and advice on how to

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mi gate the risk (see the Employer
Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).

In addi on to the system triggered
immigra on risks, you can also create new
immigra on risks if you have iden fied a
risk that has not been captured. This can be
done within an exis ng risk assessment
ac vity or if no risk ac vity exists, by
crea ng a new one.
Where immigra on risk is iden fied, the
Immigra on Officer must consider whether
the risk can be appropriately mi gated in
the Accredita on gateway or whether it is
more appropriate to address it in a later
Refer to the Employment-Related
Resources sec on in the verifica on
toolkit  to assist when assessing emplo
Where an alert or warning needs to be
raised against an employer this needs to be
ac oned both in AMS and ADEPT. This
includes alerts and warnings for:
employment stand downs (as per the
Labour Inspectorate stand down list)
immigra on stand downs and
convic ons
prosecu ons, cases pending and
inves ga ons underway that if proven
could result in convic on for
employment, immigra on and
companies (banned directors) offences
that would result in non-compliance
with the Employer Accredita on
instruc ons
non-genuine job offer
acceptable employment
alerts rela ng to the Labour Market
whether the job proposed could be
filled by a suitable New Zealand ci zen
or resident
whether the employer has a valid
accredita on an con nues to meet the
requirements in the employer
accredita on instruc ons WA2
migrant exploita on
non-compliance with immigra on law
role infla on
salary infla on
non-genuine adver sing.
Consider alerts and warnings that have
been raised in other applica ons or post-
decision risk management ac vi es, that
require ac on in the job check. These might

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Compliance of the employer with the
employment accredita on 
Employment condi ons and safety of
an AEWV holder placed in a triangular
Whether the employer has an issue
that has been referred to the Na onal
Priori sa on Programme (NPP)
Employer warnings
Informa on and character warnings on
visa holders employed by that
migrant exploita on
non-compliance with immigra on law
role infla on
salary infla on
non-genuine adver sing
non-genuine job offer.
See Also
Assess Job Check
Assess Employment is Acceptable
Assess General Job Check
Assess Employer has Advertised

9/8/22, 9:56 AM
Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
Global P
rocess Manual
You are here:   Accredited Employer > Job Check > Assess Job Check > Assess Employment is
Assess Employment is Acceptable
When to use
When the employer holds employer accreditation, has completed a job check application and provided information as requested in the job che
form. The immigration officer is ready to assess the application.
Immigra on Officer
Employer holds employer accredita on with INZ
Employer has completed a job check applica on form
Job check applications will be case managed (rather than activity-based) by immigration officers, assessing the whole application for an emplo
activities will be automated and some will require manual assessment. Any job checks approved before 4 July 2022 will expire on 4 January 20
The steps in this SOP include:
assessing whether an employer meets the requirements for a job check, as set out in the job check instruc ons
escala ng addi onal risks and seeking advice where necessary
guidance where decisions need to be signed-off by relevant management.
The assessment includes a review of relevant information, as indicated by risk indicators raised by the ADEPT system and Business Rules Engine
1. The proposed employment agreement must include the name of the direct employer
This ac vity could be triggered by ADEPT, or iden fied by a processing officer.
Check whether the employer on the dra  employment agreement is the same as the employer that hold accredita on and is applying for the job ch
employer is defined in WA2.60.5 of the employer accredita on instruc ons, and must be:
A legal en ty or legal persons that comprise the employer organisa on.
Note for employers who are sole traders, partnerships or trusts the employer on the employment agreement must be the sole trader, partners or trus
though Employer Accredita on will be held by the partnership or trust.

Consider checking with the employer why the employer on the employment agreement is different to the employer that holds accredita on and is a
job check (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide ).
The proposed employment agreement includes the name of
Con nue processing applica on.
the direct employer
The proposed employment agreement does not include the
Note that the employer is not the same as that which holds accredit
name of the direct employer
applying for the job check.
2. The proposed employment must not involve the employee being placed in a triangular employment agreement with another organisa on unless the
holds High Volume Accredita on – Triangular Employment
This ac vity could be triggered by the employer indica ng that they want to place AEWV holders with other organisa ons on the job check applica
the ADEPT system automa cally checking whether an employer holds High Volume Accredita on – Triangular Employment. An immigra on officer m
this while reviewing the proposed employment agreement.

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Consider checking with the employer (RFI) whether they want to place an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) holder with other organisa ons a
they can only place AEWV holders with other organisa ons if they hold High Volume Accredita on – Triangular Employment (see RFI sec on in the E
Accredita on and Job Check User Guide).
Determine whether the employer intends to place an AEWV holder in triangular employment arrangements without holding High Volume Accredita
Employer will not place the employee with a
Note in ADEPT that employer will not place AEWV holders with other
controlling third party
organisa ons
Con nue processing the applica on.
Employer does not hold triangular accredita on and
Go to PPI SOP .
will place the employee with a controlling third party
3. The proposed employment must be for a single employer unless the employers are all New Zealand District Health Boards that hold High Volume Acc
This step is only required un l Health New Zealand is established (at which point Health New Zealand will be the single employer for this role in the pub
se ng)
This ac vity could be triggered by responses from the employer on the job check applica on form, or by a processing officer.
Determine whether the employment meets the following requirements in WA3.15(i). That is:
employment is with mul ple employers, and
the mul ple employers are District Health Boards (DHBs) who hold High Volume Accredita on, and
the employment is for a Resident Medical Health Officer (ANZSCO 253112) job, and
the employment is covered by one proposed employment agreement.
Consider whether you need any addi onal informa on from the employer(s) to determine the points above (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accred
Check User Guide ).

Note this in ADEPT, and
The proposed employment is for a single accredited
Con nue processing.
The proposed employment is for mul ple
employers who are District Health Boards that hold
High Volume Accredita on, and
the employment is for a Resident Medical Health
Officer (ANZSCO 253112) job, and
the employment is covered by one proposed
employment agreement
The proposed employment is not for a single
Note this in ADEPT, and
accredited employer and
Go to PPI SOP .
not for mul ple employers who are District Health
Boards that hold High Volume Accredita on, or
Note: Registered Medical Officer roles do not need to be
the employment is not for a Resident Medical
adver sed because they are included on the green list.
Health Officer (ANZSCO 253112) job, or
the employment is not covered by one proposed
employment agreement
4. The proposed employment must be compliant with all relevant NZ employment law in force
This assessment can be triggered when the employer indicates this on the job check applica on, or by a processing officer.
Review the employment agreement and other employment informa on provided with the job check applica on.
Check whether the employment agreement includes:
All mandatory causes required by employment law, such as:
The name of the employer, and
The job  tle, and

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A detailed job descrip on, and
The hours of work, and
The dura on and type of agreement (permanent or fixed term), and
Details of pay and condi ons of employment, and
The place of work
Other requirements for employment agreements set out by employment legisla on
Check whether the employment agreement only includes clauses that comply with employment law.
Check that the details provided with the applica on form and any other informa on submi ed with the job check indicates that the employer is com
employment legisla on.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide).
Consider when verifica on or advice is required from Risk and Verifica on. This could include whether informa on needs to be verified with the Lab
Inspectorate or for poten al evident or employer non-compliance, migrant exploita on, holiday pay, etc. To do this raise a risk assessment ac vity fo
informa on.
the proposed employment is compliant with all
Note this in ADEPT (see Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide) and
relevant NZ employment laws in force
Con nue processing the applica on.
the proposed employment is not compliant with
Go to PPI SOP .
all relevant NZ employment laws in force
See links for more informa on:
Compliant Employment agreements
Employment New Zealand guidance on the legal requirements for an employment agreement: h ps:// ng-

5. The proposed employment must be full  me (at least 30 hours guaranteed per week, for every week worked) for the dura on of the employment pe
This assessment will be triggered when the employer indicates this on the job check applica on, or by a processing officer.
Review the proposed employment agreement and informa on provided with the job check applica on.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

the proposed employment agreement is for
Note this in ADEPT (see Employer Accredita on and Job Check User Guide );
full  me work (at least 30 hours guaranteed
per week, for every week worked) for the
Con nue processing the applica on.
dura on of the employment period
the proposed employment agreement is not
Go to PPI SOP .
for full  me work (at least 30 hours
guaranteed per week, for every week worked)
for the dura on of the employment period
6. Payment for the proposed employment must be by wages or salary, except for any goods or services specified in the proposed employment agreeme
determined by an immigra on officer to be reasonable deduc ons from the wage or salary
This assessment can be triggered by the employer’s responses on the job check applica on, or when a processing officer iden fies this.
WA3.15(f) requires that payment for proposed employment must be by salary or wages, except goods and services that are specified in the agreeme
determined by an immigra on officer to be reasonable. Reasonable deduc ons from salary or wages need to be specified in the proposed employm
and are set out in WA3.30(g). These include:
for goods and services
accommoda on or an accommoda on allowance.

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Deduc ons that are not considered reasonable include those set out in WA3.30(h) and WA2.10.10(l) and (m)
Review the proposed employment agreement and informa on provided with the job check applica on.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether:
the deduc ons are reasonable, taking into account market rates for accommoda on for the loca on, whether the costs,
any fees charged are lawful, as per WA3.30(h), WA2.10.10(l) and (m), and legal deduc ons
Consider when verifica on or advice is required from Risk and Verifica on. This could include whether informa on needs to be verified with the Lab
Inspectorate. To do this raise a risk assessment ac vity for R&V to verify informa on.
 Payment for the proposed employment is
Note this in ADEPT (see the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User
not by wages or salary and
Guide )
deduc ons for goods and services are
 Payment for the proposed employment is
Note this in ADEPT (see the Employer Accredita on and Job Check User
not by wages or salary and
Guide )
deduc ons for goods and services are
Go to step 15
Payment for the proposed employment is by
Note this in ADEPT; and
wages or salary, and
Go to step 15
any goods or services specified in the
proposed employment agreement are
determined by an immigra on officer to be
reasonable deduc ons from the wage or
salary, in that remunera on does not exclude
deduc ons set out in WA3.30(h) and costs
and fees set out in WA2.10.10(l) and (m)
Payment for the proposed employment is by
wages or salary, and
goods or services specified in the proposed
employment agreement and are determined
by an immigra on officer to be unreasonable
deduc ons from the wage or salary, in that
deduc ons to remunera on do not meet the
requirements set out in WA3.30(h)
Payment for the proposed employment is by
Ensure employer accredita on status is reviewed and postpone
wages or salary, and
processing the job check as per the Postpone Job Check SOP . Then:
goods or services specified in the proposed
employment agreement and are determined
If a decision is made to con nue accredita on go to step 15 of this SOP, or
by an immigra on officer to be unreasonable
If a decision is made to revoke accredita on go to the PPI Job Check  SOP.
deduc ons from the wage or salary, in that
deduc ons to remunera on do not meet the
Please also see:
requirements set out in WA2.10.10(l) and (m)
Accommoda on, goods and services in the agricultural industry
Legal deduc ons
7. If the proposed employment agreement includes changing loca ons the terms and condi ons regarding changing loca ons must not disadvantage or
This assessment can be triggered when the employer indicates this on the job check applica on, or when a processing officer iden fies this.
Where travel or changing loca ons is part of the proposed employment, as part of the job (e.g. an employer requires a worker to complete a project
loca on) the terms and condi ons of that travel or changing loca ons must:
be set out in the employment agreement; and
not have the poten al to disadvantage the employee.
Review the employment agreement provided with the job check applica on.

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Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether the terms and condi ons of travel or changing loca ons:
are included in the proposed employment agreement
will disadvantage the AEWV holder employee. This might include considera on of whether:
the no ce period employees are given when being required to change loca on. This could include considering whether the no ce perio
for the employee to provide no ce on their exis ng accommoda on, find accommoda on at the new loca on, etc
whether the level of compensa on provided (if any) is reasonable, including for travel and accommoda on costs
what the process or outcome is when and employee is unable to change loca on or undertake travel, for example are there any other su
the employer could offer the employee, or is a reasonable period provided to the employee to find alterna ve work
the requirements meet employment legisla on
Consider whether the terms and condi ons of travel or changing loca ons:
are included in the proposed employment agreement.
Proposed employment agreement includes
Note this in ADEPT (see the ADEPT User Guide ); and
travel or changing loca ons, and the terms
Con nue processing the applica on.
and condi ons regarding changing loca ons
do not disadvantage or exploit the migrant
Proposed employment agreement includes
Go to PPI SOP .
travel or changing loca ons, and the terms
and condi ons regarding changing loca ons
disadvantage or exploit the migrant
Job check indicates change of loca on
Go to PPI SOP .
however, proposed employment agreement
does not include travel or changing loca ons
8. The terms and condi ons for the proposed employment must not be less than those of the NZ market for that occupa on, including rate of pay and n
This ac vity can be triggered by the employer indica ng this on the job check applica on form, or when a processing officer iden fies this.
Review the employment agreement provided with the job check applica on, the job adver sement (if provided) and the employer’s responses on th
applica on form.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide).
Consider whether the proposed employment includes terms and condi ons that offer less than those offered in the NZ market for that occupa on, 
rate of pay (as per WA3.30 of the job check instruc ons) and
no ce periods (taking into considera on the length of service, how long it might take to replace the employee, the type of role and type of indu
between 2 to 4 weeks)
proposed hours of work
Consider terms and condi ons that are offered in the NZ market for that occupa on. This could include considering:
the industry,
occupa on,
whether the work is permanent or temporary
the loca on of the job
pay rates for similar jobs and loca ons, this could include checking the following (or similar) websites:
trademe salary guide
careers NZ
Salary guide
New Zealand PayScale
Seek guide to salaries

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Seek guide to salaries
Consider whether verifica on or advice is required from Risk and Verifica on, par cularly where there are concerns about whether the informa on 
true representa on of the job and roles that will be carried out. To do this raise a risk assessment ac vity in ADEPT (see Employer Accredita on and
Guide) for R&V to provide risk advice. Poten al risks for advice include concerns about the Labour Market Test, job infla on, non-genuine job offer.
The terms and condi ons for the
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
proposed employment are not less than
Con nue processing the applica on
those of the NZ market for that
occupa on, including rate of pay and
no ce periods
The terms and condi ons for the
Go to PPI SOP .
proposed employment are less than those
of the NZ market for that occupa on,
including rate of pay and no ce periods
9. Proposed employment must not be for:
self-employment, or
plan ng, maintaining or harves ng or packing crops in the vi culture or hor culture industries.
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer indica ng this on the job check applica on form, or by a processing officer.
Review the informa on provided with the job check applica on, the job adver sement (if provided) and the employer’s responses on the job check 
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

The proposed employment is not for:
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
self-employment, or
Con nue processing the applica on.
plan ng, maintaining, harves ng or
packing crops in the vi culture or
hor culture industries
The proposed employment is for self-
Go to PPI SOP .
The proposed employment is for
Go to PPI SOP .
plan ng, maintaining, harves ng or
packing crops in the vi culture or
hor culture industries
if employment is for:
self-employment the employer/applicant will need to apply for the
appropriate visa type

plan ng, maintaining, harves ng or packing crops in the hor culture or
vi culture industries the employer will need to apply for Recognised
Seasonal Employment under the or the Supplementary Seasonal
Employment Instruc ons (WH1).

10. Pay period must not be longer than one month
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer indica ng this on the job check applica on form, or by a processing officer.
Review the informa on provided with the job check applica on, including the proposed employment agreement.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).


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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
  The employment does not propose a pay
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
rate of longer than one month
Con nue processing applica on.
  The employment proposes a pay rate of
Go to PPI SOP .
longer than one month
11. The remunera on for the proposed employment must be at or above the median wage, unless the proposed employment is for an occupa on that is
the median wage threshold (Appendix 14 of the INZ Opera onal Manual)
This ac vity will be iden fied by ADEPT and will be iden fied where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
WA3.15(b) requires that the remunera on for proposed employment must be at or above the median wage, unless the job is exempt from the med
threshold in Appendix 14 of INZ Opera onal Manual.
Check informa on provided with the job check applica on form
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether advice is required from Risk and Verifica on where it is unclear about next steps to mi gate risks iden fied.
Pay is either:
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
above median wage, or
Outcomes include:
the occupa on is exempt from the
con nue processing the applica on (where pay is above median wage)
median wage threshold
go to step 14 (where the occupa on is exempt from the median wage threshold)
Pay is below median wage and the
Go to PPI SOP .
occupa on is not exempt from the
median wage threshold
12. Where the proposed employment is for an occupa on that is exempt from the median wage threshold (Appendix 14 of the INZ Opera onal Manual),
remunera on for the proposed employment must meet the requirements for that occupa on set out in WA3.15.1
This ac vity may be iden fied by ADEPT and will be iden fied where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
WA3.15.1 of the job check instruc ons requires specific remunera on levels for occupa ons with a wage exemp on
WA3.15(b) of the job check instruc ons requires that remunera on for all other occupa ons must be at or above the median wage.
Check whether the job check is for an occupa on that is included in Appendix 14 of the INZ Opera onal Manual and is part of the care workforce se
to median wage list, check whether the proposed remunera on meets the wage threshold for that occupa on (and industry if relevant)
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether advice is required from Risk and Verifica on where it is unclear about next steps to mi gate risks iden fied.
Rate of pay is below median wage, and
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
Occupa on is exempt from the median
Con nue processing the applica on
wage threshold, and
Rate of pay meets the remunera on
threshold for this occupa on
Rate of pay is below median wage, and
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
Occupa on is exempt from the median
wage threshold, and
Go to PPI SOP .
Rate of pay does not meet the
remunera on threshold for this
occupa on
Rate of pay is below median wage, and
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
The occupa on is not exempt from the
median wage threshold
Go to PPI SOP .

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13. The proposed remunera on must be calculated in line with WA3.30
This ac vity will be triggered by ADEPT, where the ADEPT calculates the pay rate to be different to that provided by the employer on the applica on
processing officer iden fies this.
WA3.30 of the job check instruc ons states that, the proposed remunera on must meet the minimum pay threshold(s) required under Job Check in
(including WA3.15(b), and WA3.20(a)), and sets out the method of calcula ng remunera on.
Check informa on (including the proposed employment agreement and pay rate) provided by the employer as part of the job check applica on form
Consider whether the proposed employment agreement:
Includes details about paid leave en tlements, and
Includes the maximum number of hours that they employee may be asked to work before being paid addi onal over me rates, and details of th
of pay, and
Includes the maximum number of hours that the employee may be asked to work, including any hours paid at over me rates, and
Include the pay period
Consider whether the deduc ons are reasonable, taking into account market rates for accommoda on for the loca on, be no more than, whether t
are unlawful.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide). This informa on could include:
Where the rate of pay specifies payment other than by hour (including by salary), consider reques ng evidence about the range of hours worke
maximum number of hours.
Calculate the remunera on for the role, referring to Job Check Instruc ons WA3.30.
Consider whether advice is required from Risk and Verifica on where it is unclear about next steps to mi gate risks iden fied.
Hourly rate matches the amount
Request the employer sends confirma on of the actual proposed hourly
calculated by ADEPT
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
Con nue processing applica on.
Hourly rate does not match the amount
Check whether the pay rate meets the job check requirements (set out in
calculated by ADEPT
WA3 of the job check instruc ons) that are relevant for that proposed role
Outcomes include:
Pay rate meets the job check requirements that apply for the proposed role:
note in ADEPT and
con nue processing the applica on
Pay rate does not meet the job check instruc ons that apply for the proposed
note in ADEPT and
go to PPI SOP .
14. For employment to be assessed as mee ng a minimum pay threshold, the average guaranteed remunera on for each hour of work within a pay perio
any paid leave, must be at or above that threshold
This ac vity will be triggered where the employer indicates this on the applica on form.
Check informa on (including the proposed employment agreement and pay rate) provided by the employer as part of the job check applica on form
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide).
Consider whether advice or verifica on is required from Risk and Verifica on.
Note: this step is subject to step 19 below.
the average guaranteed remunera on for
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity

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each hour of work within a pay period,
Con nue processing applica on
  including any paid leave, is at or above the
minimum pay threshold
  Employer has not guaranteed that each
Check whether the Step 19 is relevant (whether sleep over rates apply)
hour of pay will be at least the minimum
pay rate provided for each pay cycle
Re-assess the guaranteed hourly rate for each pay cycle (including leave),
(including leave provisions)
taking into account sleep over rates
Outcomes include:
step 19 is met (i.e. sleepover rates can be excluded from the calcula on), and the
employer has s ll not guaranteed that each hour of pay, excluding sleepover rates,
will be at least the minimum pay rate provided for each pay cycle (including leave
Go to PPI SOP .
The average guaranteed remunera on for
Check whether the Step 19 is relevant (whether sleep over rates apply)
each hour of work within a pay period,
including any paid leave, is below the
Re-assess the guaranteed hourly rate for each pay cycle (including leave),
minimum pay threshold
taking into account sleep over rates
Outcomes include:
step 19 is met (i.e. sleepover rates can be excluded from the calcula on), and pay,
excluding sleepover rates, is s ll below the minimum pay threshold
Go to PPI SOP .
15. Where variable hours are declared, an IO may request evidence from the employer to calculate remunera on based on the maximum hours worked
This ac vity will be triggered where the employer indicates these factors on the job check applica on, or when a processing officer iden fies this.
Review the informa on provided with the job check applica on, including the proposed employment agreement. Check:
whether the hours are variable (o en included in the employment agreement as requiring the poten al employee to have to work addi onal ho
to  me
the range of hours that will be worked, including the maximum number of hours to be worked.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ). This informa on could include:

Where the rate of pay specifies payment other than by hour (including by salary), consider reques ng evidence about the range of hours worke
maximum number of hours.
Hours are either:
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
variable and the pay rate is by hour, or
Con nue processing applica on
evidence of the range of hours has been
Hours are variable and the pay rate is not
Go to PPI SOP .
by hour, and evidence of the range of
hours has not been provided
Hours are variable and the pay rate is by
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
Con nue processing applica on
Hours are variable and the pay rate is not
Recalculate the pay using the maximum hours being worked
by hour, and the maximum hours have
Check whether the re-calculated pay rate meets the requirements in WA3.
not been used to calculate the pay rate
Outcomes include:
Re-calculated pay-rate meets the requirements in WA3
Go to PPI SOP .

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
16. Remunera on must exclude other employment related allowances, deduc ons, piece rates and bonuses
This ac vity will be triggered where the employer indicates on the job check applica on form that proposed pay rate includes other employment re
allowances, deduc ons, piece rates and bonuses.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

To meet the requirements in WA3.30(h) of the job check instruc ons, remunera on needs to exclude:
employment-related deduc ons or allowances (for example tool, or uniform allowances); and
piece rates, commissions or bonuses which are dependent on performance and not guaranteed, even if these are considered reasonable.
Check whether employment-related deduc ons or allowances, piece rates, commissions/bonuses dependent on performance included in the pay ra
not guaranteed and do not meet the relevant pay threshold (this won’t meet requirements in job check instruc ons, or
guaranteed by employer as a top-up to met the relevant pay threshold required to meet job check instruc ons, i.e. where the employee doesn’t
to meet a par cular pay threshold. For example: if worker will be paid minimum wage plus $x for every carcass processed, and the employer wi
worker’s pay rate to ensure they are paid the median wage for every hour worked if the worker doesn’t process enough carcasses to meet that t
Consider whether advice or verifica on is required from Risk and Verifica on.
Remunera on:
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
excludes employment-related
Calculate the salary/wage as per step 13
deduc ons or allowances (for example
tool, or uniform allowances); and
excludes piece rates, commissions or
bonuses which are dependent on
performance and not guaranteed, even
if these are considered reasonable, or
includes piece rates, commissions or
bonuses (that are reasonable) and
dependent on performance, where the
employer guarantees a top up within
the pay period to meet the relevant pay
Remunera on includes other
Recalculate the pay excluding these employment related allowances, deduc ons,
employment related allowances,
piece rates and bonuses
deduc ons, piece rates and bonuses and
Check whether the re-calculated pay rate meets the requirements in WA3 (as per
the exclusion of these may result in not
step 15)
mee ng the minimum pay threshold(s)
Outcomes include:
required in the job check instruc ons,
Re-calculated pay-rate meets the requirements in WA3 (see step 13)
including WA3.15(b) and WA3.20(a)
Go to PPI SOP .
17. Where the proposed employment requires the employee to work overnight, but allows them to sleep during this  me, any hours spent sleeping may
from the remunera on calcula on (WA3.30(c)), provided that:
a. For any hours the employee is sleeping, they are paid at or above the minimum wage, and
b. For any hours the employee is required to perform their du es, they are paid at east their normal rate, and
c. The employee is guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours per week at their normal rate requirement by any minimum pay threshold under WA3 of th
instruc ons, and
d. The proposed employment is for a job in the Aged, Residen al Care or Disability Care industry
This ac vity will be triggered where the employer indicates on the job check applica on form that the proposed employment includes overnight wo
processing officer iden fies this.
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether the proposed employment meets the requirements in WA3.30.5 of the job check instruc ons, including:
any hours the employee is sleeping are paid at or above the minimum wage, and
any hours the employee is required to perform their du es are paid at least their normal rate, and
the employee is guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours per week at their normal rate required by any minimum pay threshold under the job check 

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the proposed employment is for a job in the Aged, Residen al Care or Disability Care industry
Consider whether advice or verifica on is required from Risk and Verifica on.
Proposed overnight and sleep hours
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
and pay rates meet requirement to
Con nue processing applica on
be excluded from remunera on
calcula on
Proposed overnight and sleep hours
Re-calculate the pay including rates for sleeping hours and performing du es and
or pay rates do not meet
minimum pay threshold for a guaranteed 30 hours
requirement to be excluded from
Check whether the re-calculated pay rate meets the requirements in WA3.
remunera on calcula on and their
Outcomes include:
inclusion would result in the
Re-calculated pay-rate meets the requirements in WA3
employer not mee ng the
requirements in WA3.30
Go to PPI SOP .
18. Job does not require occupa onal registra on
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer indica ng this on the job check applica on form, or by a processing officer.
Review the informa on provided with the job check applica on, the job adver sement (if provided) and the employer’s responses on the job check 
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).

Consider whether the proposed employment meets the following requirements in the job check instruc ons:
WA3.15(b) The remunera on for the proposed employment must be at or above the median wage, unless the proposed employment is for an o
is exempt from the median wage threshold (see steps 11 and 14 in this SOP)
WA3.15(c) Where the proposed employment is for an occupa on that is exempt from the median wage threshold (Appendix 14), the remunera
proposed employment must meet the requirements for that occupa on set out at WA3.15.1 (which sets out pay thresholds for par cular indust
12 and 14 in this SOP)
WA3.15(q) the proposed employment agreement must include all mandatory clauses required by law, and include paid leave en tlements, only
that comply with employment law, include the maximum hours the employee will be asked to work and include the pay period (see step 4 in th
WK3.15(d) The proposed employment must be full  me (at least 30 guaranteed hours per week for every week worked) for the dura on of the 
period (see step 5 in this SOP)
WK3.15(e) The terms and condi ons specified for the proposed employment must not be less than those of the New Zealand market for that oc
including rate of pay (WA3.30) and no ce periods (see steps 8 and 13 in this SOP)
WK3.15(l) The proposed employment must be genuine (see step 13 in the General Job Check Assessment  SOP).
The proposed job does not require
Carry out steps 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in this SOP
occupa onal registra on
The proposed job does require
Con nue processing the applica on.
occupa onal registra on
19. Proposed employment must not be for foreign crew of fishing vessels
This ac vity will be triggered by the employer indica ng this on the job check applica on form, or by a processing officer.
Review the informa on provided with the job check applica on, the job adver sement (if provided) and the employer’s responses on the job check 
Consider whether addi onal informa on is required from the employer to make a decision about this (see RFI sec on in the Employer Accredita on
User Guide ).


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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
  The proposed employment is not for:
Note this in the ADEPT assessment ac vity
foreign crew of fishing vessels
Con nue processing the applica on.
  The proposed employment is for
Go to PPI SOP .
foreign crew of fishing vessels
if employment is for foreign crew of fishing vessels the employer will need to
apply under the Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessels Instruc ons (WJ).

See Also
Assess Job Check
Assess Risk
Assess General Job Check
Assess Employer has Advertised