This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Complaints received regarding 'White Lady' food truck'.

S7(2)(a) Pri
S7(2)(a) Privacy
Anita Marsh; Dee Deswal
Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Friday, 4 March 2022 5:15:17 PM
Hey S7(2)(a) Pri
Thanks for including me in the conversation and thank you Anita and Dee for helping out.
The White Lady has moved significantly down towards our shop front recently and I understand this is
due to a complaint from another tenant.
The new position that the White Lady is now parking unfortunately will not work for us; it obscures
almost all of the store front and the rangehood exhaust of the White Lady is now in very close
proximity to where our fresh air ducting is. 
This means the air quality in the restaurant now has deteriorated significantly and we have received
numerous complaints from both customers and staff.
I understand it is a tough time for everyone, but a solution to the other tenant's complaint should
come at our expense; we cannot afford to drive away customers because of the bad air smell/quality in
the restaurant or for staff to get sick/leave. We are talking about health issues here as well as a huge
storefront which, I am confident, we pay alot more rent for in comparison. 
We did not react but sit back and observed if the White Lady moving forward would affect us
negatively in any way; we wish it didn't but unfortunately it does and the issues are not ones which we
can mitigate on our end.
Thanks again for all your help and I am really keen to find a solution quickly.
S7(2)(a) Priv
On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 3:47 PM S7(2)(a) Privacy
Hi Anita,
We have received a complaint from S7(2)(a) Priv from S7(2)(a) Privacy
So we have moved slightly back about 1 meter, but not as far as previous.
Our point of sale is still clear of the doorway so should not be an issue. Due to the size of our parking
bay and cars illegally parked we can not always be in exactly the same spot, but endeavour to do so. 
Again a big issue in the area is the greater presence of street people and street drinking. Turnover is
down for everyone at the moment and this definitely does not help. We understand it is a tough time
for everybody.
Under normal trade we create and area of interest for people, however foot traffic is right down due
to covid.
I have copied 
 in for reference from 
S7(2)(a) Priva
S7(2)(a) Priv and Dee Deswal from AT.
We are always happy to look at a new site, however we worked for years with council and AT to
relocate us to the current position.

Its a tough time for business in the CBD. Hopefully as a business man he can take
advantage of the situation now.
We can park in this way as long as the site is clear. 

S 7(2)(a) Privacy
S7(2)(a) Privacy
S7(2)(a) Privacy

On 24/01/2022, at 12:27 PM, Anita Marsh
<[email address]> wrote:
S7(2)(a) P
I suggest if someone is parking where they shouldn’t be then report the vehicle
to AT.
Yes I am aware of the many years your business has been in operation
nevertheless it shouldn’t mean that other businesses
that wish to operate cannot because of another businesses customers.
Hopefully you moving a little further down will mitigate the problems, however if
the problems continue then Council will need to consider whether a mobile
trading licence is appropriate for that area.
Thanks if you could please send photos through when you set up would be
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Monday, 24 January 2022 11:59 am
To: Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi Anita,
We will do all we can to clear S7(2)(a) Privacy  doorway.
Can you ask AT to organise parking officers to be on site to move any
vehicles away that block this from happening at 6:15pm each evening.
Better signage would help as well!

We can only move forward if the parking is clear and this can be an issue
most nights as parking enforcement isn't what it use to be.  
We will endeavour to move the cart as far forward as possible each night.
I want to reiterate that this was not our first choice of location and we are
just following what AT and council set out. 
We are one of Auckland CBDs oldest running businesses. Always happy to
look at another long term solution. 
S7(2)(a) Privacy
On 24/01/2022, at 11:09 AM, Anita Marsh
<[email address]> wrote:
Good morning S7(2)(a) Pr,
Some monitoring was done over the weekend of
when TWL was operating and there is room for
your food caravan to move down further within the
parking bay.
I have talked to AT and they have advised that this
will be TWL last location, so it needs to work for
all parties. I have mentioned about the pole to AT,
moving it is not possible so we need to 
find a workable solution.