50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
T 64 4 894 5400
F 64 4 894 6100
4 July 2022
[FYI request #19598 email]
Ref. NZT-7575
Dear Daniel
Thank you for your correspondences of 4 June 2022 regarding interchanges along State Highway 2
(SH2) through the Hutt Valley, and the Petone to Grenada Link Road. Your correspondence has been
referred to me for response as these matters fall within my responsibilities as National Manager
System Design. I will now respond to each of your questions in turn.
Is there any plans to upgrade the intersections on SH2 at Belmont, Kelson/Kennedy Good Bridge
and Silverstream to Interchanges either now or in the future. And if there is, what is the projected
time frame on such upgrades
We are investigating safety improvements along the SH2 corridor as part of the Road to Zero Strategy.
In the short term, the intersections with SH2 and Kennedy Good Bridge, Fergusson Drive and
Grounsell Cresent will receive minor safety upgrades through the SH2 Speed and Infrastructure Safety
The plan is to grade separate the SH2 Kennedy Good intersection in the medium term (4-10 years)
and SH2 Fergusson Drive intersection in the longer term (11-20 years). The timing is indicative and
would be informed by the SH2 Te Marua to Ngauranga Programme Business Case (2016).
Any future upgrades are subject to the direction provided by the Government through the Government
Policy Statement on Land Transport, and other national priorities such as those in the recent
Emissions Reduction Plan.
There are no plans to grade separate the intersection on SH2 at Grounsell Cresent.
Is there also future plans to upgrade the petone interchange or widen certain parts such as River
Road to 2 lanes or wider each way?
The SH2 Te Marua to Ngauranga Programme Business Case (2016) recommends making SH2 from
Silverstream to Upper Hutt four lanes in the next four to ten years. The recommended timing is
indicative only as any future upgrades are subject to funding availability and prioritisation.
There are no plans to upgrade the Petone interchange.
Is there any updates on the Petone to Grenada Link Road because the last news was 3 years ago
explaining how funding has been considered from 2028.
A ‘West-East Connection Programme Business Case’ will investigate improved transport options
crossing the region. This work will expand on the previous work completed as part of the Petone to
Grenada Link Road project to investigate how best to improve access for freight across the region,
provide a range of transport choices (multi-modal access), unlock new housing and business areas,
and increase resilience of the network from the Ngauranga Gorge through to State Highway 58. Work
on the business case is due to start this calendar year.
If you would like to discuss this matter further with Waka Kotahi, you are welcome to contact the
Ministerial Services team by email at [NZTA request email]
Yours sincerely
Robyn Elston
National Manager System Design