LGWM Urban Development Steering Group meeting
Tuesday 9 November 2021
1 – 1:50 pm
LGWM: Amy Kearse
Wellington City Council: Liam Hodgetts, Moana Mackey, Andrew Wharton
Waka Kotahi: Katie Mayes, Jodie Lawson
Greater Wellington Regional Council: Luke Troy, Dave Humm
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development: Rebecca Maplesden, Jono Gul and
Kainga Ora: Greg McNeill, David Clelland, Erin Palmer
Taranaki Whānui: Lee Hunter
Invite extended to Ngāti Toa; they wil decide who to attend.
Amy presented meeting slides on purpose of group, context, LGWM urban development summary,
timeframes, work to date, ongoing work (slides will be circulated).
Discussion and questions
When will MRT time savings be realised? 2036 once MRT is constructed.
Future delivery vehicle for LGWM should be decided earlier not later. May be different for
construction and for urban development.
Are the City Streets and transformational programme routes aligned with route protection? No, City
Streets done within road corridor so don’t need protection. Other WCC initiatives also layered in the
corridor with LGWM.
Thoughts on delivery models:
• Luke T and David C support early thinking on delivery model.
• Kāinga Ora is operating advisory group on governance of delivery models.
• A context-setting piece report back to LGWM Board in December, with opportunities for
delivery, and a link to Auckland light rail.
• LGWM Board to agree on delivery model analysis, then look at potential models in phases,
then draft structures in early to mid next year. Urban development options will fit with this.
• This steering group can contribute to delivery model topic at the Steering Group meeting
before the LGWM Board meeting.
WCC is gathering information on the properties on the MRT route – title information, profiles, etc.
s 9(2)(g)(i)
When supply would catch up with demand for housing? Liam H noted a back-of-pad deficit of 6,500
houses, with 8 -10 years to catch up.
A briefing on The Property Group estimates on MRT was requested. Amy K and Andrew W can
present this.
Minister report back should include what interventions are required to make urban developmment
happen. BAU won’t be enough. Type of interventions leads to decision on the delivery model.
Minister Wood and Woods will be updated at the Regional Leadership Forum (?) on the LGWM
options and sector constraints.
Moana M and David C to set a date for Wellington City Council workshop on specified development
projects. Also book in similar workshop for Greater Wellington.
Luke T and David C to connect with Kāinga Ora advisory group on delivery model governance as part
of report-back to Steering Group and Board. Report back at next SG meeting.
Amy K will circulate urban development update to the LGWM Board, for SG members to check.
Amy K to set up a presentation on the assumptions and calculations for the population projections
used in the MRT consultation.
Document Outline