This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Effect on greenhouse gas emissions of extra bus services provided as a result of proposed Climate Action Targeted Rate'.
Tamsyn Matchett
Carol Daji; Lynn Lu
Fwd: Follow up from last week"s workshop
Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:49:59 pm
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From: Tamsyn Matchett
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 8:35:42 AM
To: Councillor Wayne Walker <[email address]>
Cc: Councillor Desley Simpson <[email address]>; Councillor Richard
Hills <[email address]>
Subject: Follow up from last week's workshop
Kia ora Cr Walker
Please find below a response relating to the question you raised at last week’s annual budget
workshop. This response will also be circulated as an FYI for other committee members.
Cr Walker: Does the annual budget document contain details on how we will measure and
monitor the reduction in emissions relating to the CATR and the climate action package and
waste services.
Previously, we have provided the following response relating to a similar question that was
raised in a Finance and Performance workshop on the measurement of emissions:
Are we showing the relationship between spend and actual reduction in emissions? Reducing
emissions is bottom line, we should have maximum transparency on that. One of the concerns
I have is maybe there are other expenditure that can get the emissions down more & faster,
and more economically?
The consultation document describes in several places the relationship between making low
emissions transport options available, and the reduction in emissions this will facilitate through
replacing private car trips. As noted at the E&CC workshop in developing the Transport Emission
Reduction Plan last year, emission modelling is complex, and more work will need to be done. At
this point we can’t quantify the exact emission measurement as a result of this climate package,
but as we work through the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, we will have better data to

Similarly, the following detail was provided as part of the Elected Members Handbook
produced in support of consultation on the Annual Budget 2022/2023:
What is the impact of the CATR on emissions?
It is challenging to estimate emissions reductions as a result of transport interventions due to the
complex nature of the transport system and behaviour change. The package’s focus on transport
has been chosen as this is the area where the council can have the most impact on regional
emissions while generating wide regional benefits and addressing existing inequity in the
provision of services. Based on current modelling assumptions, it is estimated that the transport
components of the package could reduce emissions by 47,000 tonnes of CO2 over 10 years.

However, a number of additional transport interventions and policy settings are expected that
will increase the emissions reduction resulting from the package. This includes policies and
interventions, and changes to the wider transport environment such as congestion pricing, the
Parking Strategy, increasing fuel costs and urban intensification, that encourage a shift from
private vehicles to public transport, walking and cycling. Because of the complexity and the
current uncertainty about broader transport interventions, we can’t be definitive about the
emissions reductions at this time and therefore have not included this as a defined target in
consultation material.
However, the Consultation Document does describe the relationship between making low
emissions transport options available, and the reduction in emissions this will facilitate through
replacing private car trips. Regardless of any final emissions reduction number, the Climate Action
Targeted Rate proposal is an essential component of the change that needs to occur to transform
to a low carbon transport system that provides more accessible transport options for
Aucklanders. The emissions reductions from the proposal will be relatively small in the context of
Auckland’s regional emissions but are part of a bigger picture and are necessary to create a
transport system that supports a just transition to a low carbon future.
Further to the above, staff advise that as other strategies progress and policy settings evolve,
further work will be done to assess how we are tracking in terms of a reduction of emissions.
Ongoing work continues across the organisation to ensure all activities and programmes are
assessed with a climate change lens and prioritised accordingly.
As previously mentioned during committee meetings, the Climate Action Targeted Rate will be
reported on regularly to provide necessary transparency to the Governing Body, similar to the
Natural Environment Targeted Rate and the Water Quality Targeted Rate.
In terms of the waste component of your question, the following response was provided to you
and other committee members after an annual budget workshop on waste earlier this year:
What supporting information is there around food scrap collections in terms of analyses of
carbon footprint?
Please see paragraphs 106 to 113, Figure 4 and paragraphs 126 to 134 of the Kerbside Refuse
Charging Policy Review report to Finance & Performance Committee for 8th December 2021.
Also, the graphs below show what Auckland would be likely to achieve if council:

provided a heavily subsidized compost bin to households, including ongoing support with
local advisers, a helpline and regular contact– based on WRAP UK data
changed our food scraps processing to commercial compositing (in vessel composting -

It’s also important to additionally note that:
WRAP predict a 3.9% annual lapse rate with home composting
a commercial IVC system would need to buy in additional garden waste (or provide a
mixed food and garden waste service to all households) to achieve the correct carbon /
nitrogen ratio for IVC to function correctly. This one of the reasons why Auckland Council
opted for for AD as the preferred processing solution.
C40 Cities also modelled the benefits of AD versus IVC for AC, and quantified an even larger

I note that as we were not consulting within the annual budget on either the food scraps
targeted rate or the solutions for processing the food scraps, we did not include this additional
information within the annual budget document. However, carbon savings related to food scraps
will form part of the communications with customers as part of the service roll out throughout
Ngā mihi
Tamsyn Matchett (she/her) | Programme Manager
Financial Strategy and Planning
Auckland Council CFO
[mobile number]
Auckland Council, Level 26, 145 Albert Street, Auckland
Private Bag 92300, Victoria St West, Auckland
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