03 May 2022
John Luke
[FYI request #19069 email]
Dear Mr Luke
Thank you for your email of 6 April 2022, requesting the following information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
In your response, I noted
"In terms of further appointments to be made in 2022 within the Transport portfolio, I
can advise that at as 1 January 2022, there were 26 vacancies or known term expiries
for the year ahead. This number includes boards or committees where the Minister
of Transport jointly makes appointment decisions with another party but excludes any
additional boards or committees which the Minister of Transport intends to establish
in 2022. A call for nominations for roles where the Minister intends to make a new
appointment wil be listed on the Treasury database and the Ministry’s website when
Can you please provide the exacts name of "there were 26 vacancies or known term
expiries for the year ahead" and the pay rate for such vacancy.
The below table outlines our response to your request. Please note that this list includes
27 vacancies or known term expiries for the year ahead instead of 26. The previous
information had omitted the term expiry for a position on the Waka Kotahi Board, where the
individual indicated an intention to step down in advance of their term expiring and the
appointment process was already underway.
With regards to the specific remuneration an appointee receives, appointees are entitled
to receive either a daily or per annum fee (which is calculated on a part-time basis). The
type of fee an individual receives is dependent on the type of entity they are appointed to.
Auckland Light Rail
• All 12 member
The Chair is remunerated at $1,150 per day.
Establishment Unit
terms expiring
Two members receive remuneration of $575
31 March 2022
per day.
The remaining members are remunerated
through their substantive roles, as they are

required to represent their respective agency
on this Board.
Please note that the fees for the Auckland
Light Rail Board are currently under review
with the appointment process underway.
Civil Aviation
• One term expiry on
Chair: $48,600 per annum
30 June 2022
Deputy Chair: $29,375 per annum
• Two term expiries
Members: $23,500 per annum
on 2 December
Maritime New
• Two term expiries
Chair: $39,000 per annum
on 30 April 2022
Deputy Chair: $24,375 per annum
Members: $19,500 per annum
Transport Accident
• One term expiry on
Chief Commissioner: $1,550 per day
30 June 2022
Deputy Chief Commissioner: $1,200 per day
Commissioners: $1,200 per day
Waka Kotahi NZ
• One term expiry on
Chair: $71,400 per annum
Transport Agency
10 June 2022
Deputy Chair: $44,625 per annum
• Three term expiries
Members: $35,700 per annum
on 21 September
Aviation Medical
• One term expiry on
$1,375 per day
31 October 2022
Oil Pollution
• Four vacancies.
OPAC members are not remunerated
Committee (OPAC)
This response completes your request for information. You have the right under section
28(3) of the Act to make a complaint about the response to the Ombudsman, who can be
contacted at:
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Chris Jones
Acting Manager, Governance