Andrew Li
[FYI request #19009 email]
Ref: OIA-2021/22-1181
Dear Andrew Li
Official Information Act request relating to military assistance provided to support
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 30 March
2022. You requested:
“1) Any emails or other records held around how military equipment provided to
the Ukranian military and 'national guard' will be prevented from being provided to
extremist organizations, whether the Azov battalion and similar neo-nazi militias
operating under the aegis of the Ukranian regime's 'national guard', or Al-Nusra
Front/al-Qaeda in Syria and other takfiri fighters who have volunteered to fight for
the Zelensky regime in Ukraine.
2) Any plans to donate military equipment to victims of illegal American invasion
and occupation, in Syria, Iraq, and countless other nations.
3) Any plans to donate military equipment to victims of illegal Saudi and Yemeni
invasion and occupation in Yemen.
4) Any plans to donate military equipment to victims of illegal zionist 'Israeli'
invasion and occupation in Palestine, Syria, and countless other nations,
including 1948 Palestine.”
We have interpreted your request to be for information held by the Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet (DPMC). No information held by DPMC has been identified as relevant
to your request. We are therefore refusing your request under Section 18(e) of the Act on the
basis that the information requested does not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it,
cannot be found.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
We do not intend to publish this response on the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet’s website.
Yours sincerely
Tony Lynch
Deputy Chief Executive, National Security Group
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698