This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Booklets about electronic monitoring bracelets'.
Te Aroturuki Tāhikou


He Kōrero Whakataki
Ngā Utauta
Utauta GPS  / GPS Equipment
Kua whakatauhia e te Kōti te aroturuki tāhiko i roto i tō whiu, whakatau 
rānei. Arā, e herea ana koe ki te mau i tētahi kairapu tāhiko i te 24 haora 
i te rā, whitu rā i te wiki. Ka whakamaua anō pea he mīhini aroturuki ki 
tō kāinga.

The Court has imposed electronic monitoring as part of your sentence or 
order. This requires you to wear an electronic tracker 24 hours per day, seven 
days a week. A monitoring unit may also be installed in your home.
Kairapu GPS (tauri komore)
Kairapu GPS me te
Kei roto i tēnei pukaiti ko ngā mōhiohio māu mō ngā whakaritenga o te 
GPS tracker (anklet)
pūwhakahiko ahokore
GPS tracker with  
aroturuki tāhiko. He mea nui kia mārama koe ki ēnei whakaritenga
cordless charger attached
hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakatutuki i tō whiu, whakatau rānei. Ki te kore 
koe e ū ki tētahi o ēnei whakaritenga ko te mutunga atu pea ka tau te 
ringa o te ture ki a koe me ētahi atu hāmene.

This booklet provides you with information about electronic monitoring 
requirements. It is important you understand these requirements to help you 
complete your sentence or order successfully. Non-compliance with any of 
these requirements could result in enforcement action and further charges.
Mīhini aroturuki GPS
Pūwhakahiko ahokore
GPS monitoring unit
Cordless charger
Utauta Aratuku  / Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment
Mīhini aroturuki aratuku
Kairapu aratuku
RF monitoring unit
(tauri komore)
RF tracker (anklet)

Mēnā kei raro koe i te Tuku Here
Mēnā kei raro koe i tētahi atu
Aroturuki Tāhiko (Tuku Here EM)
whiu, whakatau rānei
If you are subject to Electronically 
If you are subject to another 
Monitored Bail (EM Bail)
sentence or order
hei tauira, Whakarau Hapori, Tukuhere, Whakahaerenga Tāpiri, Whakarau Kāinga
Ka whakamārama atu tētahi Āpiha Kaitautoko Tuku Here, Pouawhi 
e.g. Community Detention, Parole, Extended Supervision or Home Detention
rānei i ēnei whakaritenga ki a koe. Ka whakahaerehia e te Rōpū Tuku 
Here EM tō whakatau, ā, e wātea ana i te 24 haora i te rā, 7 rā i te wiki. 

Ka whakamāramahia atu e tētahi Pouawhi ngā whakaritenga o tēnei ki 
Ka taea e koe rātau te whakapā atu mā te waea, īmēra rānei:
a koe, ā, māna e whakahaere tō whiu, whakatau rānei.
A Bail Support Officer or Probation Officer will explain the requirements of 
Ka tukuna atu e ia ana taipitopito whakapā ki a koe, ā, me whakapā atu 
this to you. The EM Bail Team will manage your order, and are available 24 
koe ki a ia mēnā ka pā mai he raruraru mō tō whiu, whakatau rānei.
hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact them by phone or email:
Ko tā te Pouawhi he:
Te Rōpū Tuku Here EM 24/7   |   EM Bail Team 24/7
•  Tuku whakaaetanga ki a koe ki te wehe i tō wāhi noho mēnā e ū ana tō tono ki 
ngā here o tō whiu, whakatau rānei.
0800 362 245   
[email address]
•  Tirotiro kei te ū koe ki ngā here i whakatauhia e te kōti.

•  Whakautu i ō pātai mō te aroturuki tāhiko.
•  Tuku tohutohu, tautoko hoki ki te hunga e noho ana i tō kāinga.

Ko tā rātau he:
•  Tuku whakaaetanga ki a koe ki te wehe i tō wāhi noho mēnā e ū ana tō tono 

A Probation Officer will explain the requirements of this to you and will 
ki ngā here o tō whakatau.
manage your sentence or order.
•  Tirotiro kei te ū koe ki ngā here i whakatauhia e te kōti.
•  Whakautu i ō pātai mō te aroturuki tāhiko

They will provide their contact details to you, and you should contact them if 
•  Tuku tohutohu, tautoko hoki ki te hunga e noho ana i tō kāinga
you have any issues with your sentence or order.
Ka haere atu anō Ngā Āpiha Hapori ki tōu, ā, mā rātau e whakauru, 
The Probation Officer will:
tautiaki me te tirotiro i ngā utauta.
•  Provide permission for you to leave your address if your request meets the 
conditions of your sentence or order.
The Probation Officer will:
•  Check that you are abiding by the conditions imposed by the court.
•  Provide permission for you to leave your address if your request meets 
•  Answer any questions that you have about electronic monitoring.
the conditions of your sentence or order.
•  Give advice and support to anyone sharing your home.
•  Check that you are abiding by the conditions imposed by the court.
•  Answer any questions that you have about electronic monitoring.
•  Give advice and support to anyone sharing your home.
You will also be visited by Field Officers, who install, maintain and check 
the equipment.
Haere tonu ki te whārangi whai ake
Continued on next page

Mēnā kei te hiahia āwhina koe, ā, kāore tō Pouawhi i te wātea, ka taea e 
Te tirotiro i ō utauta
koe te whakapā ki ō mātou rōpū i waho i ngā haora mahi:
Checking your equipment
If you need help and your Probation Officer is not available, you can contact 
our after-hours teams:
I a koe e herea ana ki te aroturuki tāhiko i tō kāinga me mātua tuwhera 
Ngā āwhina i waho o ngā 
After hours assistance 
tō nōhanga ki tētahi tangata whai mana, tae atu ki: Ngā Āpiha Hapori, 
haora mahi mō te Tuku Here 
for Parole and Extended 
Ngā Āpiha Pirihimana me te Tuku Here i ngā wā katoa (24 haora i te rā,
me te Whakahaerenga Tāpiri:
whitu rā i te wiki, i ngā huarere katoa).
0800 678 999
0800 678 999

•  Me mātua whakaae koe kia tirotirohia ō utauta ahakoa te wā, ahakoa 
kāore koe i te kāinga.
•  Ko te hunga ka whakahē i tētahi tangata whai mana, ka whakahē 
Ngā āwhina i waho o  gā haora 
After hours assistance for 
rānei i te tirotiro a tētahi tangata whai mana i ngā utauta, ka 
mahi mō te Whakarau Kāinga, 
Home Detention, Community 
hāmenetia pea koe mō tētahi hara, ā, ki te whakaharaina koe ka 
Whakarau Hapori me ētahi 
Detention and all other 
whainatia, ka mauheretia hoki/rānei.
atu whiu, whakatau rānei:
sentences and orders:
•  Me matua pupuri ngā kurī, tētahi atu kararehe rānei e noho mōrea 
ana pea te tangata e haere ana ki tō wāhi noho, ā, me here atu ki tētahi 
wāhi tawhiti atu i te kaimahi, ahakoa te momo, te rahi rānei.

0800 555 677
0800 555 677

While you are subject to electronic monitoring your residence must be 
accessible to any authorised person, including: Field Officers, Police and 
Ka haere atu anō Ngā Āpiha Hapori ki tōu, ā, mā rātau e whakauru, 
Probation Officers at all times (24 hours a day, seven days a week, in all 
tautiaki me te tirotiro i ngā utauta.
You will also be visited by Field Officers, who install, maintain and check the 
•  You must allow your equipment to be checked at any time, even if you are 
not at home.
•  Anyone who refuses access to an authorised person or refuses to allow an 
authorised person to check equipment, may be charged with an offence 
and if convicted could be fined and/or sentenced to imprisonment.
•  Dogs, or any animal, which could pose a threat to a person attending your 
address must be under control and secured in an area away from the staff 
member, regardless of its breed or size.

Te whakahiko
Power supply
Ngā Kairapu GPS  / GPS Trackers
•  Mēnā he mīhini aroturuki tāu i tō nōhanga me mātua wātea he 
•  Mēnā e mau ana i a koe tētahi kairapu GPS e herea ana koe ki te 
punahiko i reira.
whakahiko mō te 2 haora i te iti rawa i ia rā.
•  Me mātua mono te mīhini aroturuki ki te kōhao hiko i ngā wā katoa.
•  Me mātua huri te rama hiko o te whakahiko mai i te whero ki te 
•  Kaua rawa koe e tango mai, e neke rānei i te mīhini aroturuki.
kākāriki ina kī ana te pūhiko.
•  Ki te tīkorikori tō kairapu ahakoa te wā me wawe tonu tō whakahiko.
•  If you have a monitoring unit in your residence there must be a constant 
•  Mēnā kāore tō mīhini aroturuki i tō nōhanga, mēnā rānei he nui te 
power supply available.
•  The monitoring unit must be plugged into a wall socket at all times.
wā e pau ana ki waho o tō kāinga me nui ake tō whakahiko haere i tō 
•  You must not unplug or move the monitoring unit.
pūhiko kairapu.
•  Kia maumahara anō koe me whakahiko anō e koe te pūwhakahiko 
ahokore mā te whakarite kei te mono ki te pātū i ngā wā kāore koe i te
•  whakahiko i tō kairapu.
•  Ka herea pea koe ki te hoki ki te kāinga hei whakahiko i tō kairapu 

mēnā kei te pāpaku haere i a koe e haere ana.
•  If you have a GPS tracker you are required to charge it for at least 2 hours 
every day.
•  The power light on the charger turns from red to green when the battery is 
fully charged.
•  If your tracker vibrates at any time you need to charge it immediately.
•  If you do not have a monitoring unit in your residence or if you spend a lot 
of time outside your home you will need to charge your tracker battery 
more frequently.
•  Please remember that you also need to charge the cordless charger by 
keeping it plugged into the wall when you are not charging your tracker.
•  You may be required to return home to charge your tracker if it is running 
low while you are out.
Ngā Airapu Aratuku  / RF Trackers
Mēnā he kairapu aratuku tāu, me whakahiko e koe tēnei.
If you have an RF tracker, you do not need to charge this.

Tiakina ō utauta
Ngā mahi kāore i te pai
Taking care of your equipment
Unsuitable activities
Kaua rawa e:
Tērā ētahi mahi kāore e pai māu ki te whakauru atu i a koe e mau ana 
•  Mau i te pūwhakahiko ahokore ki te kairapu ina kaukau ana, i te hīrere rānei.
i te kairapu kei pakaru te kairapu,kei whara koe rānei koe, ētahi atu 
•  Mākū te pūwhakahiko ahokore, mīhini aroturuki rānei.
rānei koe.
•  Neke, e uhi rānei i te mīhini aroturuki.
•  Tango i te mīhini aroturuki.

Ko ētahi o ngā mahi kāore i te pai:
•  Tūkino, e raweke rānei i te utauta ahakoa pēhea mā tētahi āhuatanga kia kore 
ai e mahi tika.
Some activities are not suitable for you to take part in while you are wearing 
•  Peita , whakarerekē rānei i te utauta ahakoa pēhea.
the tracker because of the risk of damaging the tracker or hurting yourself 
•  Tuku kia tino wera, makariri rānei ngā utauta.
or others.
Unsuitable activities include:
Ki te kore koe e whai i ēnei whakaritenga i roto i tēnei pukapuka, ka 
whāia pea e te ture.

•  Ko te tākaro i rō wai pērā i te reti 
•  Water sports such as water 
wai, te ruku me te eke ngaru.
skiing, diving and surfing.
Do not:
•  Have the cordless charger attached to the tracker when bathing or 
•  Ngā hākinakina tukituki pērā 
•  Contact sports such as 
i te mekemeke, whutupōro, 
boxing, rugby, league, 
•  Let the cordless charger or monitoring unit get wet.
rīki, whanapoikiri, haki, whana 
soccer, hockey, kick boxing 
•  Move or cover the monitoring unit.
mekemeke, aha atu, aha atu.
•  Unplug the monitoring unit.
•  Damage or tamper with the equipment in any way that may prevent it from 
•  Rere— i raro i ngā whakaritenga 
•  Flying— the civil aviation 
functioning as intended.
a te mana rererangi me tango te 
regulations require removal 
•  Paint or modify the equipment in any way.
kairapu imua i te rere. Mēnā me 
of the tracker before flying. If 
•  Expose the equipment to extreme heat or cold.
rere koe i runga waka rererangi, 
you need to travel by plane, 
me whakamōhio atu koe ki te 
you will need to inform 
If you do not follow any of the requirements in this book, legal action may be 
Ara Poutama. Ka whakaritea 
Corrections. Arrangements 
taken against you.
kia tangohia tō kairapu mō 
may be made to temporarily 
tētahi wā poto.
remove your tracker.
Ka Aha Mēnā Ka Tūkinohia Tētahi O Ngā Utauta?
Me mātua wawe te whakamōhio atu ki te Ara Poutama mō ngā tūkinotanga. 
•  I ētahi wāhi ka whakararuraru 
•  In some locations the tracker 
Me mātua tuku koe i ngā mōhiohio katoa mō te tūkinotanga o ō utauta.
te kairapu i ngā utauta i reira. 
may interfere with on-site 
Mēnā me whiwhi whakaahua 
equipment. If you require 
Mēnā i āta tūkinotia, ka mate pea koe ki te utu mō ēnei tūkinotanga.
whakaroto koe, matawai, 
x-rays, scans, surgery, etc, 
hāparapara, aha atu, aha atu, 
you will need to inform 
What if any of the equipment gets damaged?
me whakamōhio atu koe ki te 
Corrections. Arrangements 
Any damage must be immediately reported to Corrections. You must provide 
Ara Poutama. Ka hiahiatia pea 
may be required to 
all information about how your equipment was damaged. If the damage is
ngā whakaritenga hei tango i tō 
temporarily remove your 
intentional, you may have to pay for this damage.
kairapu mō tētahi wā poto.

Ngā pātai auau
Kei te paetukutuku a te Ara Poutama Aotearoa ētahi atu mōhiohio mō 
te aroturuki tāhiko:

Frequently asked questions
Ka taea rānei te haere ki te tari o Ara Poutama o tō rohe:
Ka aha mēnā ka weto te hiko?
Further information about electronic monitoring can be found on the 
•  Me mātua wawe tō whakamōhio atu ki te Ara Poutama i te wetonga o tō puna 
Department of Corrections website:
Or you can go to your local Community Corrections Service Centre:
•  Ka mōhio a te Ara Poutama mēnā ka tangohia te mīhini mai i te pātū, kei te 
tītaha rānei. He pūhiko tuarua tō te mīhini, ā, ka aroturukihia tonu koe mēnā ka 
Wāhi noho / Address:
weto te hiko.
Ka taea e au te neke ki wāhi kē ai i a koe e mau ana i te aroturuki 
•  Me mātua noho koe ki te wāhi i whakatauhia e te Kōti. Ki te rerekē ō āhuatanga, 

kei te hiahia rānei koe ki te neke ki tētahi nōhanga kē me kōrero koe ki te Ara 

Ka aha mēnā ka mutu taku aroturuki tāhiko?
•  Ka whakaritea e te Ara Poutama kia tangohia e tētahi Āpiha Hapori tō kairapu 

Waea / Phone:
me te whakawātea mai i te mīhini mai i tō nōhanga.
Kaha mēnā he ohotata kei taku wāhi noho?
•  Whakapā atu ki te Ara Poutama mō ngā āwhina.

What happens if there is a power cut?
•  You must inform Corrections as soon as you know your power supply has 
been cut off or disrupted.
•  Corrections will know if the unit has been unplugged from the wall or 
tilted. The unit has a back up battery and you will continue to be monitored 
if the power supply has stopped.
Can I change where I live while on electronic monitoring?
•  You must live at the residence specified by the Court. If your circumstances 
change or you want to move to another residence you need to talk to 
What happens when my electronic monitoring ends?
•  Corrections will arrange for a Field Officer to take off your tracker and 
remove the unit from your residence.
What if there is an emergency at my address?
•  Contact Corrections for assistance.

Kei te mārama ahau ki ngā mōhiohio kei roto i tēnei pukaiti, 
Kei te mārama ahau ki ngā mōhiohio kei roto i tēnei pukaiti, 
ā, ki te kore au e whai i ngā whakaritenga mō te aroturuki ka 
ā, ki te kore au e whai i ngā whakaritenga mō te aroturuki ka 
hāmenetia pea ahau e ture.
hāmenetia pea ahau e ture.
I understand the information contained in this booklet and that if I 
I understand the information contained in this booklet and that if I 
do not follow the requirements of electronic monitoring I could face 
do not follow the requirements of electronic monitoring I could face 
legal action.
legal action.
I waitohua: / Signed:
I waitohua: / Signed:
Rā: / Date:
Rā: / Date:
Pouawhi / Probation Officer:
Pouawhi / Probation Officer:
Rā: / Date:
Rā: / Date:
Tārua a Ara Poutama
Corrections copy

Department of Corrections, PO Box 1206, Wellington, 6140
Phone: (64 4) 460 3000
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