This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Noise Complaints'.
BUS: Assurance
Complaint Regarding Government Wasting Water
Saturday, 12 February 2022 7:06:44 pm
To Whom It May Concern
I am writing this complaint concerning your water level 2 restrictions which means there
is a ban on sprinklers and irrigation systems in Wellington and I do not believe
That the NZ government to be exempt from these restrictions.
Sprinklers have been turned on at Parliament, where a protest is in its fourth day, and
Speaker Trevor Mallard says they will remain on all night.
Speaker Trevor Mallard told 1News he made the decision to turn the sprinklers on.
He said the protesters were not legally on the grounds so he did not have a problem
adding slight discomfort.

Wellington City Council Support
BUS: Assurance
Fwd: [#SR-331347] Assurance: 2 MOLESWORTH STREET, Pipitea
Monday, 21 February 2022 9:59:18 am
On Fri, 18 Feb at 1:22 PM , 
Customer phoned CC today with a complaint regarding the use 
of water sprinklers at the protest, this call was escalated 
to a TL. Have advised customer it is a Police matter and 
council are acting where appropriate in the advice of the 
Police. They are wanting to know that WCC will be holding 
Trevor Mallard liable to "willful damage". Have reiterated 
that crown land is the responsibility of The Crown and 
Council can only enforce matters impacting Public Land when 
it is safe to do so. Have also advised damages to public 
land is something our Roading/PSR teams will address as 
advised in our FAQs. Customer refutes that WCC cannot 
prosecute for willful damages from the use of sprinklers if 
it's on Crown Land. I have advised they need to raise this 
with Police however they advised they have and there is no 
"co-operation". Advised customer, we cannot speak to what 
actions, if any, will be taken against Trevor Mallard as an 
individual. They have requested to have this passed on - I 
have advised customer I cannot guarantee a  timely response 
being it is a Police issue and private land concerned 
however they would like this query passed on as they want to 
know "what action WCC will be taking". Unsure where is best 
to place this information and have been advised Assurance 
may be best. A ticket has also been rai

information request. Customers name is 

BUS: Assurance
Friday, 11 February 2022 9:23:27 pm
HI there I would like to make a complaint against the water sprinklers at the beehive I'm a
resident and it's asbultley disgusting that we have water restrictions right now and the
government can just waste water on a whim and expect us resident to stick to the ban. It's
not one for the government and one rule for us 
Sort it out please .
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Make an official complaint 
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Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with 
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible 
Irr gat on turn on  n the gardens outs de par  ament. overn ght dur ng a drought where there are  oca  water restr ct ons 
n p ace. A so ahead of a wee kend of ra n where  rr gat on  s not necessary and a waste of prec ous water resources. 
And a 
What is your desired solution? 
Those who deeded to turn on the  rr gat on to be f ned for reek ess waste of water dur ng drought caus ng f ood ng. 
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail? 
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional}

Make an official complaint
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Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible
Trevor ma ard has ordered the spr nk ers to be turned on at the par ament grounds even though  t  s ra n ng. There are
current y water restr ct ons  n p ace. Th s  s  n no way necessary and  s h gh y wastefu  tact c that w  not work!! Turn
them off and dea  w th h m and h s abso ute stup d ty.
What is your desired solution?
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail?
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional)

Make an official complaint
Your name
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Your email
Your contact phone number
Your preferred method of contact
Your postal address
Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible
Intent ona  breach of water restr ct ons when  t was ra n ng!!
What is your desired solution?
F ne to the party turn ng spr nk ers on and who ever  nstructed  t  s f ned severe y as we are a team  n th s together.
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail?
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional)

Make an official complaint 
Your name 
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Your email 
Your contact phone number 
Your preferred method of contact 
Your postal address 
Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with 
We  ngton 
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible 
Spr nk ers have been turned on par  ament grounds wh  st there  s a peacefu  protest extens ve ra n 
What is your desired solution? 
Turn off the spr nk ers as th s  s f ood ng the grounds and there  s a drought order  n p ace 
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail? 
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional}

Make an official complaint
Your name
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Your email
Your contact phone number
Your preferred method of contact
Your postal address
Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible
There  s no reason other than a s n ster one to have the spr nk er system go ng on par ament grounds. F rst y we are  n
the m dd e of summer and there are water shortages, second y there  s a peacefu  protest current y on the grounds and
ast y  t  s ra n ng!!!
What is your desired solution?
Immed ate y turn the water system off!!!
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail?
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional)

Make an official complaint
Your name
Your organisation (if relevant)
Your email
Your contact phone number
Your preferred method of contact
Your postal address
Council department and/or Council officer you have been dealing with
Enter details of your complaint, being as specific as possible
Trevor Ma ard   turned on the spr nk ers at the government gardens and  ntended to  eave them on for the ent re
I am sure you are aware that We ngton  s current y  n  eve  2 water restr ct ons.
Furthermore, w th the ra n today  t shows even more contempt for the We ngton popu at on that Trevor Ma ard   does
not cons der any ru es app y to h m.
What is your desired solution?
You need to f nd Trevor Ma ard  .
He needs to attend a  ecture on conserv ng resources.
He needs to wr te a  etter of apo ogy to the We ngton rate payers and pay to have that p aced  n the Dom n an Post.
Would you like someone to call you to discuss your complaint in more detail?
1. Upload files to support your complaint (optional)

Information request online form
BUS: Assurance
New information request
Saturday, 12 February 2022 3:47:39 pm
An information request has been submitted by Clyde Soares:
Your name 
Your organisation (if relevant) 
Your email 
Your contact phone number 
Your preferred method of contact 
Your postal address 
Enter details of your request, being as specific as possible 
The speaker of the house ordered sprinklers on Parliament's grounds to be turned on
starting early afternoon on Friday 11th Feb 2022. 
I understand that there is a water restriction order in force by WCC and the days and times
for which sprinklers can be used is detailed. 

Wish to lodge an OIA to know 
1. Has the council received any complaints re this
2. Has the council investigated and or sent a cease and desist border to the names Mr
Trevor Mallard
Is your request urgent? 
If your request is urgent, please tell us why 
There is a water restriction on force and the use of water for this activity of deliberately
soaking people (rather than keeping lawns fresh)!is gross abuse of power. 
If this Continues people and children on site in tents run the risk of falling I'll so this is a
health and safety issue
Upload files to support your request (optional)

BUS: Assurance
Parliament Sprinklers
Friday, 11 February 2022 10:18:42 pm
I would like to make a formal complaint to the Wellington City Council regarding the
irresponsible waste of water that's going on at present at Parliament Buildings, and
according to NZ Herald, the sprinklers will be purposely left on all night. 
Apart from any of the other issues, the waste, during water restrictions, and at any time,
should not be condoned by council, whether by government decree or not.
I would like to know if council will cut water supplies to prevent this waste and what
measures will be taken to take the government to task over this. If a private citizen did this,
there would be severe consequences. I hope you will not allow a double standard, and turn
a blind eye to this blatant act.
Yours sincerely

BUS: Assurance
Sprinklers at parliament
Saturday, 12 February 2022 9:58:42 am
To Whom it may concern,
I am appalled at the actions of the house speaker Trevor Mallard to turn on the sprinklers
on the parliament grounds, in what can only be described as a petty and childish bid to
make the protesters there uncomfortable. 
Not only was there already wet weather expected, there have been water restrictions
across NZ this summer. It is therefore an extremely wasteful use of a precious resource. 
Anyone could have foreseen, with or without the additional rain, that this would result in a
terrible muddy mess, so for 'Stuff' to report in the news this morning that this will need to
be repaired at taxpayers expense is really quite insulting.
Trevor Mallard should be held accountable and asked to make and pay for reparations
Kind regards,

BUS: Assurance
Water wastage
Friday, 11 February 2022 9:21:49 pm
Hi there, 
I look like to make a complaint about about parliament sprinklers being turned on at
parliament as there are water restrictions on. Complete waste of water as it is also raining.
Please have them turned of immediately.
Thanks have a great evening,
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